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Everything posted by maty

  1. I dont imagine its the power. Do you get any beeps at all? If not, they're you're not getting to POST. Try removing the BIOS battery from the mobo, waiting 30s then replacing it back in, give it a try. Make sure all the connections on the mobo and correctly installed ans give it another go. Try another PSU if you can, but normally it should boot on just that, provided you've not got a resource-chomping graphics card or anything, it should boot fine. Thats assuming the mobo actually works!
  2. Woah, abandoned this topic, oops, sorry! Ah I thought I might have done, I remember researching it, but if I didnt put it in it was because I couldnt find enough achedemic source to back up what I could find on it. And yes, Storm speciliase in electronic firing systems. Metal Storm manages a 1 million rpm firing rate. However, these is little use for such technology on a battlefield. It be pretty daft to have 30 rounds you dispense so fast if you miss you then have to rload. One bullet does enough damage .
  3. Simply a false scare article. I'm not worried, no-one should be either . Lots more scary things out there. 1. The only resources on this are from UNRELIABLE sources. BBC/CNN are reliable and neither of them have anything like this. There are no footnotes, nor places of proof or citation. 2. The EU would have put antitrust proceedings against MNS if this were true. 3. Modern firewalls are exceptional these days and would close any backdoor loophole sych as this. 4. There would be a lot more coverage on this. And finally? There are lots more scary things in the world kids. Viruses, scareware, malware, unsecured networks are all far more serious problems. Conspiracy theorists need to get a grip. We did land on the moon, btw. And apart from the cost, there's still no reason to go to linux.
  4. That is correct, but the UDK still allows you to do anything other than modify the engine platform code - which you dont need to do in almost every case. Bar the 25% revenue and the $10k over second place, the first place prize is now pretty useless. In RenX's case we wouldnt need full SDK code level access. Before, we'd have had to have won 1st place in order to consider a retail development, now we can do that regardless. THat was my point.
  5. Yeh, standalone wont be a problem. Currently we use loads of UT3 assets, we'd be better not doing. The new editor makes everything look so damned more sexier though . EA's problem would be if we sold it, then they would lose money from their own property, which they wouldn't be happy about. My only concerns about it are this: 1) It makes the MSUC grand prize obselete, bar an extra $10k. 2) The Ball mod have released a version of their mod using this product. They'd been working with Epic for months. I've nothing against that, BUT with the MSUC running it shows an alarming conflict of interest. No-one working at Epic or Intel would be allowed to enter, same should apply for those working WITH them, but I'll check the contest rules. It seems odd though.
  6. Holy shit. You're right. MOTY is almost here again fuck this year went fast!
  7. Mod tools REQUIRE you to have UT3 and the end-user to have UT3 installed. With the UDK your product can be standalone. In other words, you, nor any end-users of your product will require UT3 installed. It also gives you more tools and more flexibility in creating content.
  8. Wow, you missed TWO topics on this . Impressive!
  9. I beat you to it, by an hour! http://www.renegade-x.com/Forums/index.php...amp;#entry29417
  10. Basically, as a mod, you're restricted with what you can do. Having the whole engine available really lets you do anything. UDK also has a commercial version, for just $99. For the first $5,000 of profit, Epic will take nothing, after 25%. That is amazing value if you made a decent game . If you went for the full retail version (we're talking a HIGH six-figure number here) then Epic take nothing.
  11. I kid you not. Named the "Unreal Developers Kit" or UDK, this release allows development of full, standalone products (not mods) by anyone, at no cost. It is for non commercial use, but blows open the doors or what can be achieved by the community. THis was announced within the last hour, you heard it here first!! http://www.udk.com As a side note, Renegade-X currently uses a lot of UT3 content. So don't expect a standalone product from us with the current state-of-affairs (but I wont rule it out, I don't make that call). Just before anyone asks!
  12. If you click the link you still got roll'd!!
  13. QUOTE (DXR_13KE @ Oct 14 2009, 12:51 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Aye, he's repsonisble for the tround, if I remember correctly - I can't remember if I covered that within my dissertation or not, haha! Triplex SALVO Tround ftw!
  14. I finally got around to uploading this! Evil Smiley and Mighty Bob can finally have a read! Anyone is welcome to download and read!! This is what I did in my final year of university. This project got the highest mark in the year (86%, they NEVER mark above 77% as a general rule as thats considered "maximum marks"). 9 months of my life was spent dedicated to this. Its about 100 pages, the first few pages you can ignore, theyre just figure lists! This is not a tutorial, or article. This is an achedemic research piece. It provides detailed information, analysis and design aspects. Its a great insight into the design process! What is it? .ZIP of the .PDF: Designing Futuristic Weaponry by Evolving Past and Present Weapon Designs by Matthew McDonald Enjoy!
  15. Beacon for me total pwnage.
  16. Tunguska47, the mod is not out yet. What we have released into the public realm is simply a pre-release beta specifically designed to locate bugs, such as your's. The disclaimer on the installer specifically said that this is not representative in any way of the final mod. Because you have located a bug, you yourself could help prevent this bug occurring again by detailing your problem and helping us help you to resolve the issue. And through that process you could have a build of Renegade-X ready to play once we have resolved the issue. Again, we are sorry the build isn't currently working for you but if you detail your problem, you may be able to get some support. Please use the correct part of the message boards to help locate and fix your problem. We are more than happy to help, we want all users to be able to play and enjoy Renegade-X, even at this early development stage. You are welcome, as is everyone, to download and play The Haunted. Infact we encourage you to take such an active community role. Please, however, do not lose heart. Renegade-X is no-where near finished and it was made clear at every stage this is the case and that some people should expect to encounter serious bugs. Anyone not happy with this prospect should just hold back from downloading the beta and wait until a final Release Candidate is published in a few months time, that will hopefully be free of bugs. Helps us help you and detail your problem, thanks .
  17. Hahaha, more peole clicked the link than have admitted! It had been on 208 views for WEEKS, its now 253! Thats 45 Safety Roll'd!! We can dance if we want to!
  18. "It's done when its done" still applies. Simply? Its not done. Please be patient. Remember that we are developing this in our own free time, at no cost to you nor are we receiving any monetary reward for this project. Because of that simple fact, this project will take time. We released the beta to locate serious bugs and to give a gameplay demonstration of the project. Nothing more. It isn't finished and it will be done when its done. We are sorry that you are having serious issues with this current build of Renegade-X. There is a Troubleshooting board on this forum through which you will find support from both our community and from the developers. Feel free to request help, but please do not flame our boards or current members out of frustraion. In terms of your problem specificlly, you need to install the Client patch. That will fix the severlist. Finally, take into account that servers running Island you may not be able to connect to currently, thanks to a bug we have now located and are in the process of fixing. Try connecting to a server running fields and enjoy the build.
  19. Hahahahah, re-read my post! The clues are there!!!
  20. Woah, Joystiq just posted some pretty interesting stuff about Tiberium including a small amount of cutscene stuff and some nice concept art. Not a whole lot of media, but safe to say its still worth a look. Dance on over! http://www.joystiq.com/2009/10/08/tiberium...cept_art_found/
  21. Haha, I was infront of him when he recorded that , good stuff .
  22. maty


    QUOTE (noxdrac @ Oct 4 2009, 10:45 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> LOL. Yep. The "bums" were going to offer me a job, but after those higher up in command cancelled an internal project, so they didn't need the position filling anymore. Like WTF.
  23. We're not making a sequel, we're making a remake. It would just confuse people as to which map was which (it would confuse me for sure).
  24. Aye, worth a try! Longer deadline on this one too (oddly enough).
  25. http://www.examiner.com/x-892-PC-Game-Exam...l-and-win-50000 GameRecruiter announced today the launch of the IGDA Unreal Engine 3 Worldwide Level Design Contest -- a first-time level design mod competition open to all IGDA members, students and game industry professionals. Co-sponsored by Epic Games, GameRecruiter and Blink Style, this IGDA-hosted competition is partnered with the $1 Million Intel Make Something Unreal Contest. GameRecruiter.com will help registered participants of the IGDA Unreal Engine 3 WorldwideLevel Design Contest enter the $1 Million Intel Make Something UnrealContest, and contestants will therefore be eligible to win prizes inaddition to those provided specifically for the IGDA competition. This includes cash prizes , as well as autographed posters, comic books andart books. Epic Games will be providing GameRecruiter copies of Unreal Tournament 3, which will in turn be given to all contestants (via Steam) who register for the IGDA Unreal Engine 3 Worldwide Level Design Contest. Final level design mods should be submitted to IGDA contest judges no later than Monday, October 5. Finalreview and response will be provided to all IGDA contest participantsby Saturday, October 25. Submissions for Phase 4 of the $1 MillionIntel Make Something Unreal Contest will be accepted until October 5,2009. Contest submissions for the IGDA Unreal Engine 3 WorldwideLevel Design Contest will focus on categories including Best Capture the Flag Level, Best Warfare Level, Best Vehicle Capture the FlagLevel, and Best Deathmatch Level. The best maps will combine great gameplay with strong visuals and good performance. On a side note, free UT3?
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