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Phase 5 Beta Testers
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Everything posted by Movoza

  1. If they are on Discord, automatically assign them to a shared channel. When pushing an extra key, they are talking to everyone on their faction. It'll also be a better social glue for people joining. They can immediately be trained and guided if they don't know anything about the game. Finally, have a squad dedicated to the solo players. Even though it might be discouraged, sometimes you just want to faff about. It's still a game.
  2. Ok the whole thing I wrote on my phone just disappeared. I'll write something tangible later.
  3. I never knew I wanted this.....
  4. Not sure why you quote DugeHick quoting me XD
  5. I thought this thread was a joke thread. Didn't expect such a serious answer. Calculating things to place people in teams on those scores is a poor idea. There are plenty of jobs that can be crucial, but don't garner much score, kills or renown. Sometimes I go out into the field as an SBH and move behind their tank lines, waiting for the right opportunity to destroy a tank or kill some of their engineers. It can give the extra impulse to break their lines and take more control. Engineers patrolling for infiltration, mining and emergency repairs don't garner much either, but killing that one or maybe a few infiltrators can help your base survive and the rest of your team in the offencive. Supporting tanks is much the same. Infiltrating a building even can give you a mediocre score. Biding time, taking risks can give all your scores a hard time, only slightly mitigated when you finally destroy a building. In the end the ones that get a high score get tons of kills, damage or both. In many cases it is because lots or people are doing their jobs, as in this game teamplay is more important than in many others. The harvester yield shouldn't be buffed while the rest is nerfed. It would devolve in a single strategy. Destroy the harvester, protect your own, steamroll over the enemy as they are outfunded. The current system is great in that regard. It is a huge blow to lose your harvester while the opponent's harvester lives, but you'll certainly have a fighting chance. No battle is decided by the harvester. Putting more power to the vehicle crate and make it rarer? It'll make people be more salty, as it was random luck that gave them far superior hardware. If that changes the battlefield and not the skill and insight in what they can expect normally... was it a just victory? Finally: I've played on marathon servers in the old days. Some were even a weekend long. Long games of 2 hours or so weren't rare, with some excesses to 4, 6 or even higher. It created creativity and higher teamwork. I have to say there was less teamwork and more individuality in the warfare then, but in those cases people did crazy shit to get it done, or just as often get thwarted as the enemy team suddenly banded together as well to the thread. 32 gunners making a show on a walls stalemate? A harvywalking rush with engineers in city? Tank rushes and infantry rushes of all kinds, just to break the stalemate. It's a loss that people want to just have a quick battle that doesn't allow for much exotic tactics anymore.
  6. Together with a plethora of catchphrases from that game, it can hardly be much else can it? .....except for.... What is in little over a months time? A certain 1st of a certain month?
  7. HalflifeX confirmed!
  8. Welcome back... soldier!
  9. I actually love the idea of the scanner being periodic! It could make it work in RenX. And the bigger maps could host some more interesting flight stuff. I'm curious how to make the bomber work though. I would love an attack style airplane, balancing it with AA. If AA is there it has a great chance to be stopped. If not, it'll be able to wreck the shit out of stuff if flying well. For the devils tongue you would need low armour and preventing it to come up directly in bases, but it might have a place in the game. Still sceptical though, but that doesn't mean I'm immune to sexy thoughts of more TS in RenegadeX. Do you mean "A path beyond" as a full Tib Sun Renegade game? Isn't that where they got the models of hover MRLS and Titan?
  10. So this guy is affiliated with RenegadeX? How is this a credible source? I mean I would be the first on the Tiberian Sun bandwagon, but I just don't see these functioning in RenegadeX. Maps are too smsll for scanners and tunnelers and how different would the stank be? New art styles for the heli, stank and hover mrls are great and the banshee might be the only viable new option. For me the Titan, bike and hover are nice things from crates, but if a devils tongue would suddenly come up from the ground it would break the game a bit for me....
  11. Can you link me to the news? I don't see it? And how will we balance tunneling vehicles? Can we at least drill through gates, as in the victory (or loss for GDI suckers) video? Is there gameplay footage?
  12. But.... this ís CnC.... With only slight differences. I know that's obvious, but I want to write it out anyway. Single resource that can be used as both construction material and power source? Looks like a crystal? Probably dangerous? Requires a harvester? Falls from the sky and creates a crater? Vilothyte and Tiberium both fit the bill. Fine. They might've added base building, but if RenX had this goal from the start we probably would've gotten it. Change classes? Designated buildings? Probably even satellites that can rain down death and destruction with a superweapon? I see few differences. Even if this is footage to test the water, they botched it. Like stated by others already, there are huge framerate drops in the video (fire!) And there are practically only quick shots of "ACTION! MOVEMENTS! EXPLOSIONS! FIREEEEEEEEE!". No establishing, no tranquility or info. It seems they had 3 buildings, 1 infantry and one tank ready and made a video on the Mac laptop of a dev. And with a fortnight style graphics I wouldn't expect such frame loss? I would be afraid they set themselves up to fail. High pressure from bosses wanting results, possibly a small team and apparently inferior hardware compared to the RenX team. And one more important point. There seems to be no A-symmetrical balance. It'll probably be the same factions battling it out with the same units, meaning every map has to be symmetrical according to the balance junkies that are only satisfied when they hold the OP guns. Renegade was always great in this. The balance was close, although vanilla had, especially in the later days, an advantage with NOD. But that actually made me happy, as sheer health and firepower wasn't winning from the quirky high tech stuff (although one could argue about the arty being the reason for this). Oh and yes........ BOINK? How dare they. But if this is an elaborate 1st of april joke, I'll applaud the devs. The more I think about it, it must be. Such a cheeky boink....
  13. Is there a way to make screenshots and clips without hud and if desired no gun?
  14. How is a stalemate a balance issue? Seems balanced to me? And that a stalemate is resolved doesn't undo it being a stalemate earlier. Personally I do like the high stakes of the old Ren. People continued being invested after a building was destroyed, which seems to be different for most RenX players. It still does happen, like yesterday where only the barracks was left vs everything of NOD on islands. They stayed in and eventually wrecked NOD. It's those matches where everyone comes together out of desperation and willpower that makes Ren or RenX better than other games, where you just jump in, gun, die and repeat.
  15. Why would it be a bug? I think it's intentional. Just one side flaming, double damage and other vehicles (or just one, MRLS) have it too in vanilla. Still very useful. In the new one it's not needed though. The flamer got some love.
  16. Personally I think he's a step down from vanilla Renegade in terms of anti infantry. Aiming at head height and you could melt many opponents. Underrated for sure. Then again, the change is understandable. A tiberian flachette gun, or any other tiberian gun for that matter, just isn't GDI. It was strange enough that they had more tiberian weapons than NOD, of whom it is a signature weapon. The change made him better at AT, which is nice. I do agree he should be more AI. I would revamp him with smaller more burst like mags, a quick reload and high effectiveness to infantry. But revamps are time consuming, so a simple better AI position should be well .
  17. You haven't been playing enough vanilla Ren I see They axe'd it in RenX and even had a discussion about it with the devs. The old flame tank showed both flames when alt fire, but Demigan and me noticed it would only scorch at one side. Some testing later and we found out it did double damage (or close enough), while the left side did nothing. This is great when facing basically anything. without alt fire you can only do max damage against buildings, sideways facing meds, sideways harvesters and mammoth tanks. Alt fire is good against everything. It made the flame tank a bit better outside rushes, like on hourglass rushing over the hill and immediately retreating after killing a tank or quickly killing infantry, but still not exceedingly useful. It's a strange mechanic though. Not really fit for the semi-realism of the game. Just like the MRLS alt fire going out of only the right side (and not homing I believe? Can't remember clearly. I think it was great for those half hidden vehicles that the stupid missiles would lock on the middle of after some targeting). I mean it has this huge missile launcher on the back and firing only from one missile hole? It's right they removed them in RenX. Although I'm still for a rebalance of the flame tank, as it's a costly vehicle for a niche. Edit: I doesn't seem very known though and hacking was suggested sometimes when using it. Especially when melting infantry with flame headshots.
  18. You use the alt-fire of the flame tank to dose infantry and smaller tanks, as all damage is done by the right nozzle.
  19. Well for faster machines you can continue showing the movie until you click to view the area or the match starts. If the loading is done during the movie, the loading bar will prompt to click for the match. A timer will be shown when the match is starting too. I like the idea. It isn't very functional but can be aesthetically pleasing. For longer players it doesn't matter anyway, because they know both the maps and the video's. Just some eye-candy and a quick review of the map for newer players. Still other things have priority
  20. The X is possibly identified as "this is a probable porn site"
  21. Movoza


    The different crates BroTranquilty mentions are interesting. You could implement a capturable or neutral only tech building that spawns a (TS) vehicle crate every 10 minutes or so. Not a huge advantage, but a welcome addition. Also the tech building could unlock more TS stuff, like a cyborg (big chaingun, light vehicle style health of which he has a ton, immune to Tiberium and very slow moving. Come to think of it, basically a non-exit wolverine that can be resupplied at terminals. Commando anyone?) or a disc thrower. I will only agree to the tib field suit if it would reduce damage. True immunity should be reserved for the chem trooper. The stealth detector is just a big no. They are pesky and lots of people used the wrong in the old Renegade, so I assume that is also the case in Renegade-X, but in no way I want to weaken them at this point. The reinforce armour is doubtful. Like Demigan says, why would GDI not do the same? They only need more creds. On the other hand, I am a fan of what they do in some other games, giving upgrade slots. for just a little extra you can change some small features. Faster or exploding bullets, faster or more stable treads, better gyroscopes reducing recoil or laser targeting that gives you an aiming dot. There are lots of options you can add to buying a tank or weapon (just add small boxes over the tanks and let you choose different options like with the silenced pistol/machine pistol etc.). All for higher prices proportionate to the upgrade. All relative small upgrades that should not overpower any weapon or tank. Rocket buggies (or a large TOW-missile?) can fit here too as an extra upgrade. Bomber suits and sentry guns? I rather kill my enemies with skill. A big no to me. As Demigan mentions, no allowing you to choose your spawn. Also no airlifting vehicles after the WF or airstrip (that ALWAYS airlifts vehicles?) is destroyed. Although I can see why you would want some small tanks to be purchasable, I too think that a harsh punishment is the only punishment when losing a building. It makes them valuable and incredibly important as a resource. Not a "doesn't matter, we still have 3 other buildings" point of view. I'm fully, 100% against veterancy as done in the RTS and all other games. Renegade is unique as you can enter the game at a much later time and still be able to play along with everyone as soon as you've overcome your credit disadvantage. This doesn't take long in Renegade-X. Giving health and speed boosts goes against this, as it gives advantages to the players that play longer and are more experienced, creating a bigger gap between both the experienced vs non-experienced and the playing longer vs just joined group. This goes for both match terms as well as future progress terms. I will agree to a different sort. Every match you can gain experience that unlocks sidegrades. These aren't upgrades, just a small shift in the specialisation. You could imagine a chem mutant that has less health than the chem trooper but heals in Tiberium.
  22. I started playing again too and have to agree on the hit and damage markers. The old Renegade had had a slower combat pace, which helped with the visual cues of hitting other people. Also the less detailed landscapes made enemy health stand out much more. In Renegade-X the pace is too fast, the environments too detailed and the colours of the health don't stand out so much like in the old Renegade that it is hard for me to see all the damage I've done. I've seen in other games that they sometimes give a very soft sound when you hit an enemy. It creates a certainty that you hit an enemy, even over great distances and even if it is only a sliver of health. It would be great in the chaos of battle to have a this certainty that your attacks have an effect. Getting hit was much more visual too. The ring of damage markers showed the location, the health bar was large with extra colour cues for the different stages of health and in addition to the visual cues the sound of being hit helped with identifying being hit and often even what weapon hit. In Renegade-X these cues are buried in a minimal HUD that is small in a corner. Depending on the background it is hard to see either the health or the armour bar at times and losing health can only be seen easily when watching these bars directly. For me at least it is hard to see changes from the corner of my eyes with this HUD. The battles themselves often drowns out any sounds that you are hit and the damage markers seem to be completely gone. The current health HUD, although a nice design, isn't very practical. At least for me. Maybe options for a centralised HUD or a possibility for the colour changes in health again. Also a damage marker would be nice, even if it doesn't show the direction from where you are hit, or possibly a louder sound of the weapon that hits you. I haven't seen the warping and weird movements yet, so no comment. Most suggestions seem small to me, so I hope it is possible.
  23. QUOTE (CRiX2k @ Sep 2 2008, 07:05 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Nobody is doing that, its a sniper bug. If you zoom in and move, you will move slower. Other computers will see you doing the quick moving thing however. Looks like the cpu wants to let you go with the "normal" speed, then realises you shouldnt, and puts you a bit back. If you crouch or jump, it doesnt happen. Only if you are walking. I hope they wont,transfer it to renegade-x, because it would be MUCH easyer to pray on people sniping. Its really irritating if you want to hs them with a rocket launcher and they are moving like that. My killcount would rise like hell =) About the wallhugging thing. Its an unfair advantage and should be removed. If you get free shots at people, it should be your skill, not a bug. If I go using all the bugs I know, I would be the most irritating person on the server, killing 80% before they have a chance to even shoot at me, because they simply cant. Refhop is something that should be changed. At the moment, its difficult to get on top of it, and thus if you succeed, no-one can disarm your beacon. They just cant get up fast enough and not die by your fire. There are two options for me here: 1. Remove it 2. Make it so that, if you use teamwork (eg. use another person to get on top of it) it is easy. If some1 places a beacon there, it WILL be much harder to disarm it, BUT it will not be a definite killer. Realising I'm not on my ban4life account, and not knowing i had this account, I'm ban4life btw Ban4life
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