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Everything posted by Demigan

  1. I am returning to the statement I made far earlier about the third person view. I tried it, experimented with it, and now I think that you should not recreate the renegade third person view, but use the Unreal third person view. Why? Because in renegade your looking partly over your shoulder, making it always possible to aim at a wall BEHIND your opponent. If you do this, you will ofcourse hit your opponent. This mean that, if you do it right (also when you do it wrong), you can increase the amount of area to hit your enemy from +0,5 on very very long range, to more then 3 times at point black range. Which is ofcourse a huge advantage when using instant ammo (lasers, sniper bullets and everything that hits your enemy the moment you fire). There are cheats called 'bighead' and such, and they aren't allowed for a reason: it makes it very easy to hit your enemy by increasing size of the body or head, or making the entire body count as head. This third person view looks a bit too much like that. The only disadvantage is that it aims a little different from first person view, just a matter you have to get used too. So, which third person view will you take? The UT version doesn't seem to have this being-able to fire behind your opponent thing that Renegade has. Yours sincerely, Demigan.
  2. Well, the wait was worth it. While the update seems not as big as the others, the dirt system looks fabulous, and I've got the feeling that on the background a lot of stuff has been progressed a lot and will be released during the further updates. Don't keep up the pace, keep up the anticipation!
  3. QUOTE (Mighty BOB! @ Sep 16 2008, 08:51 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Thanks mighty BOB. That's a good enough indication for me! As for Jointn00b: if you are creating one of the best mods that's comming out in the next couple of years, wouldn't you be surprised if people DIDN'T ask when the next release is going to be? Just see every person that asks as a standing ovation for how interesting and well developed you have made this so far, we are looking forwards to your work. Yours sincerely, Demigan.
  4. Not to rush you or anything, but how much time are we talking about when you say 'comming soon'? Is it a week or 2, or just a few days? I don't need an exact date, just an indication on when I can browse your new frontpage and ModDB again.
  5. And I'm getting the feeling that the only way to beat the succes of Renegade as an almost ancient Multiplayer game is... Remaking it on another engine . Without the possible exploits and bugs that were never intended (except ofcourse intelligent stratagies such as harvy walking!) It's a good game, and I'm looking forward towards all the game-modes they will and extra things they might put in after the vanilla mod is done. But I think that the C&C mode will always stay the big bad eyecandy of the game. There is no game, not anywhere, that has the stratagy and gameplay that Renegade has. Crysis and some other hyper modern games of today are getting close, but they still lose it against Renegade. Yours sincerely, Demigan.
  6. Question: sounds. For renegade I have used only 2 programs on the side: a countdown mod for nukes and ion cannon's, and a countdown mod for C4. The beacons is straightforward, you hear Eva warn that a nuke/ion is comming and then count down towards 0 and then the nuke/ion hits. When you throw a remote C4, you hear 'I got a present for ya', IF either you or a teammate throws it. Not if an enemy throws it. The same is for a timed, you hear 'C4 is set, fire in the hole' followed by a series of beeps that keep beeping faster. But, I found that some people are using different mods for the C4, one counts down for real (making the 2 remote+1timed one hit kill on buildings too easy) and the other makes the sound of an ENEMY throwing C4 very good to hear. Which is a bit unfair as you cannot place timed or remotes without your enemy being unawares of it. So my question is: Will you add sounds for placing C4 and beacons, and who will be able to hear it? Yours sincerely, Demigan.
  7. Tnx for the congratulations! And you are totally right: the game is balanced. The SBH is a good character, but it's problem is that organising (team)tactics with him is hard. They would be usefull as an anti-vehicle defence, but no-one uses it that way really. The gunner, it's counterpart, deals a lot more damage then the laser rifle. His tendency to have a harder time aiming on the long shots and being quite a good target for infantry negates this. On base defence maps they can be the ticket to victory in an coördinated attack. We can compare others too, but they are balanced too: Patch is great anti-infantry unit, good health and armor, great damage. Of all fast firering weapons, only the volt rifle can outmaster him in damage vs infantry, and then only when you use headshots. It's counterpart, the laser chaingun black hand, uses a weapon that's incredible as a base defence weapon. It fires incredible amounts of lasers dealing massive damage for it's price against vehicles. It's laser spread also makes it an ideal weapon vs infantry as you do not have to aim so precicely as with other weapons in renegade, and it has a pretty nasty hit even against those same infantry. So, balanced, keep it. No changes. The fact that there ARE differences between the teams always made the C&C mode so perfect. Yours sincerely, Demigan.
  8. If you know how to REALLY use an SBH, it's one of the best characters in the game. It's laser rifle has a moderate fire rate with pretty good damage vs both infantry and tanks. If you act as if you weren't invisible you can kill just about any infantry with it. Also, the fact that you can hide away somewhere and use your pistol (which IS silenced, unless your standing 4 feet away) is great. In both under and field I kill hotwires and engineers repairing the tanks outside the nod base with the pistol, while they think they are being hit by artillery fire (a pistol usually leaves no damage indicator) For snipers you can always check the weapon spawn for a shotgun (or if you're lucky a sniper) and then just stand sideways of the enemy snipers and pump their heads full of lead. The only thing is: most people are afraid of being discovered. Thus negating the great advantage you have by being able to have that second to get the first few shots in. Also, there is the minor disadvantage of a laser rifle that sounds almost louder then artillery fire, and most people think 'that's an easy target, let's get him!' But, knowing that 100 infantry will run at you when you fire one of those rifles can be usefull in luring people away into your remote's or other big bad weapons. Yours sincerely, Demigan.
  9. Imagine this: we make the ramjet weak vs vehicles, even light vehicles will be hard to destroy with the ramjet. Now imagine someone in field taking an MRLS. He starts firering from one side of the field towards the other. What weapon are you going to set against that? The ramjet, the only weapon with enough range AND damage to kill an MRLS would be gone, what then to take? A raveshaw? You would die before you get them in your range. A rocket soldier? They have the range, but not the rocketspeed to hit them efficiëntly enough, neither do they have the damage to overcome them. What to take then? Another artillery...? If the only counter to something is the exact same vehilce but of the other team, I don't think it's a good thing. The idea of renegade is not ´they have a medium tank, I buy a tank too´ but it´s ´i´ll beat it with an apache´. Someone else thinks ´I´ll beat the apache with a ramjet´. Someone else thinks ´I´ll beat the ramjet with a SBH´. Someone else takes an APC. Someone takes a raveshaw. Etc. That's what Renegade is about: tactics. Artillery's and MRLS's deal shitloads of damage. The only reason you can't take them on a whim is the danger of ramjets. Ramjets are overestimated, and die by the dozens by other weapons (Even chemsprayers manage to kill them if you know how). So the game, right now, is balanced. Yours sincerely, Demigan.
  10. The W3D engine had a few flaws, such as that if you move only a tiny bit and return to your original place instantly, then it may seem you never moved at all. Wallhugging makes use of this, you stay near a wall, move sideways, fire, and return. The enemy never saw you, but you just got a shot off at them. That's why I'm so eager for this mod: it would solve lots and lots of such deaths by people who make use of things that weren't supposed to happen. Take refhopping. I know how to do it, but I don't do it because you weren't supposed to get up there. Some people say 'but there's area's where you can die on top of ref when you get up, so it's fair' I say 'Those area's were put there to PREVENT people from doing it'. While I think wallhopping should be possible as if people gave you a leg up. Getting on top of places where you should not be able to get in any way should just be that, impossible to get there. Yours sincerely, Demigan.
  11. What I do sometimes is 'snipe the snipers'. There are lots and lots of 'typical' places a sniper hides. And those places usually have a high position, and a good vision of a large area of land. And that's their mistake. What you do is simply move stealthily towards some cover in their line of sight. And then you just start shooting at them, preferably with a 500 sniper. By the time they realise where you are, you got them heavily damaged or dead. It's usually very easy getting headshots then. The reason why the ramjet is so powerfull against aircraft and artillery units is because they are very low armored. And a 50 cal sniper rifle can tear through 20 inches of steel. A 50 cal ROCKET PROPULSED sniper can tear through a lot more. As both artillery and aircraft have a lot of vital equipment that should not be damaged at any circumstance, it's small wonder that when you fire a ramjet at them they deal such massive damage. Have you ever seen a good artillery rush? one technician can keep an arty alive for a long time vs 2 ramjets. The ramjets will slowly kill the arty, but that's good enough for the arty to heavily damage/kill the snipers. With the 4 second reload time, one technician IS enough to keep the artillery alive. If there's 7 artillery with technicians behind it, tough luck on you but your screwed if you take ramjets, even with the reload time you have now. You need some medium tanks to draw fire, something like an APC to try and kill the technicians, and a whole lot of guts and money. Ramjets just get killed vs that. It's better to take 4 PIC's and shoot simultaniously, as that's the only way to deal enough damage vs artillery's to kill them in one go. The reason why arty's are so dangerous now, is because they deal just about the most damage in the game, along with MRLS's. And if you take other vehicles, and back them up with technicians or hotwires, then it's pretty powerfull, but much more prone to lose to coördinated attacks then arty's. The advantage of THOSE vehicles however, is that you don't have to repair as vigourously as the artillery units if you have a good defencive position. And you don't get sniped to death. Yes, we need different weapons then the ramjet to kill aircraft and artillery units, but the ramjet should stay quite powerfull against them, perhaps even as strong as it is now. The 4 second reload time is more then enough to tone down the power. There's millions of ramjet snipers I would have killed if they had to reload just that bit longer. 500 snipers will be a much more even choice if you can't shoot as fast, as surpressive fire is one of the reasons why snipers are so good. If you miss your first 4 bullets, and you have 4 seconds of time where you cannot threaten them, you will get heavily damaged if not killed. Yours sincerely, Demigan.
  12. QUOTE (epicelite @ Aug 31 2008, 11:18 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> 'that's what everyone hates about the APC, it's damn good vs infantry if you don't got an awesome anti-vech gun with you, and a good driver can deal INCREDIBLE damage vs vehicles'. Or how about this one: 'That's what everyone hates about medium tanks, if you have a sniper, your so screwed if he get's near you' The ramjet is NOT the holy solution everyone thinks it is. I make a sport of it to sneak up on snipers and kill them with not a sniper, but a flachette gun or other fast firing weapon. Snipers have it tough hitting you when they have to evade a STREAM of bullets instead of the 'I stand close to a wall and shoot when i've reloaded' crap snipers do all day. APC's, Medium tanks, light tanks, flamers and stanks are all good vs snipers. And guess what? They are vehicles that are taken regularely! I don't really see the entire issue of 'ramjets rock' as much as you guys seem to. Instead of cowering behind a wall, kill them! As for the fact that they can deal quite some damage even vs medium tanks compared what most other weapons. The ramjet has 44 bullets or something total, that's 220 damage total vs a medium tank if you shoot it completely empty. But shooting it completely emty takes a while, and with only a quarter of the medium tank gone, he ain't gonna stop. And I would have shot you rather dead if you tried unloading your entire clip on me. Yours sincerely, Demigan.
  13. Demigan

    Concept Art

    I'm sorry to say to Westwood: that concept art rocks more then the models in the game, far more. Have you seen the acolyte concept? They wrote 'wassuuup!' next to it By the looks of it, the team took good inspiration from it. The nod soldier looks far more like the concept art then the one in game (and a good thing that is!) The Orca lilft truck and the orca pad, would be fun if after the vanilla version they create maps and a gameplay mode that forces you to reload your orca on them. That would increase teamwork a lot. On top of that, the trucks there are could be used as ammo stations for infantry. Instead of having to go all the way back to base, you can receive new ammo (not armor and health) at them. That would spicen things up . Also would make them valuable items to have around: there would be few people willing to ride one as you can't shoot back at people, but leaving it unoccupied would mean that you have to defend it with your life, as your enemy would suddenly have a nice ammo station where you were if you don't watchout. Edit: There is between the artwork things also a lead screen for deathmatch. In which Sydney is holding not a silenced pistol, but a nice Uzi in action. I Would wish it was in the original renegade... Yours sincerely, Demigan.
  14. Ok, a hotkey sounds best to me. Another question arises, while I want to know about all the 'special' things you've done for things like the grenade launcher, you already stated that you will show us in due time. What I want to know now is where you deal how much damage. Hitting the head will be the best ofcourse. But hitting a shoulder with a bullet would deal less damage then in the torso. However, having an EXPLOSIVE shot against your shoulder would deal, in my opinion, about the same as a shot in the torso. As your head will be caught in the explosion pretty hard as well. One of the reasons why I want to know is: The ramjet always deals at least 200 damage. Wether you hit in the foot or the torso doesn't matter. Will it matter in Renegade-X? Will it matter much when shooting with other weapons? or will shooting in a foot or hand be almost, but not quite, as effective as shooting in the torso? Perhaps give it a layout: When shooting with a pistol in: The head: 50 damage Torso: 10 damage Arms and hands: 5 damage Legs: 7 damage (legs have much more arteries, making it more dangerous when you are shot in the leg then in an arm) feet: 3 damage. Crotch: 200 damage (éh, are you going to get up when you are shot in your crotch? Didn't think so). Neck: XXX damage (In renegade there are for some reason neck shots, I still don't know how much damage you actually receive from it, it seems like about 1,5 times the damage of a torso shot) That kind of thing. Yours sincerely, Demigan.
  15. Did you guys notice he hadn't posted something in 6 posts? His attitude is bad, but when I look at all your attitudes, I like Jngdwe's attitude best. Hope you guys blew of your steam and start working on the mod again. I would help if I had any skills in modelling, but I don't . Greetz.
  16. QUOTE (NEFobbyGEN @ Aug 24 2008, 08:37 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Glad to hear that you meant it would be bound to you. What system will you be using to kick people out? Yours sincerely, Demigan.
  17. QUOTE (NEFobbyGEN @ Aug 8 2008, 08:24 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> But if this locking means that no-one but the owner can enter, then I would rather hate it. The system where any friendly unit can enter, but you can kick them out when you want (or lock it anyways) is far better In my opinion. But I find it rather irritating that you have to type !Vkick to get someone out. As typing !Vkick means that the thief can drive away from you, and has a lot more time to do whatever mischief he wants with your vehicle then you have time to get your vehicle back. Yours sincerely, Demigan.
  18. Now this is really disconcerting, what would their OFFSPRING be like? A yellow stealth tank that shoots mini rockets at machine gun speed? Now that I'm analysing the picture a bit better. Is the black platform they stand on a type of pre-airstrip? And how come they are on top of eachother? Did the AI fail to drive them away from the droppoint properly? And then another question: If the AI did fail to drive away, and the stealth tank was dropped on top of the humvee, does that mean that your vehicle doesn't get destroyed when the aircraft fly's through it? Funny picture by the way Yours sincerely, Demigan.
  19. QUOTE (pawkyfox @ Aug 19 2008, 03:04 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Although I'm certain I won't get an answer to it: why do they suck? And I still haven't found the track 'move it'...
  20. I haven't had any lag issues either, except when the server itself had issues. Perhaps you should check your internet connection. Even ask your provider how fast it is. My connection is supposed to be able to handle 100MB/s, but in practise, because of the distance of the line between me and my provider, it comes more at 20MB/s. Yours sincerely, Demigan.
  21. I played a lot of the first Unreal Tournament. And now I'm a total lunatic when it comes to songs that can be played in a loop for hours on end without ever boring, so: The remix of On the prowl scores highest with me. Second comes Valiant. Looking through the music files, I don't see a move it though...
  22. I was just busy with renegade. The airstrip was destroyed so I was carefull with my stank. I get out to mine the Hand of Nod. Then someone on my team takes my tank. I start running after it, typing !vkick over and over again. But this guy is just one of those lamers that want to ruin your day. I end up getting sniped while I type !vkick. So my question is: will there be a wonderfull pleasant hotkey that will allow you to kick people from your vech as soon as they get in? It would help tremendously if you need to do something ASAP without having any real time or need to lock your vehicle. What's more: it would be a great help for me if there would be a feature to lock the vehicle only to certain people. There are lots of people that I would trust to take my vehicle for a few moments to save the vehicle or help vs a rush while I'm busy with something (such as repairing as I'm the only one to repair around that building, but leaving my vehicle also leaves it for any GDI for the take). Will you look into such features? Yours sincerely, Demigan.
  23. When I play renegade, I always tell them to look at the http://www.renegade-x.com site. Mod DB does show your features rather nice, but the site itself was where you really got my attention. I like to browse through some forums too look for idea's and opinions, but for most games I don't. So if you really want to promote this game, I would suggest to get that splendid site working again! Yours sincerely, Demigan.
  24. QUOTE (epicelite @ Aug 4 2008, 04:45 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> If you do it right, you can hit the wf with 2 arty's at the same time without the AGT shooting you. with 4 if only the AGT machine guns hit you and the rocket hits the wall. You can hit the AGT without it shooting back at you, but only with 1 arty. you can shoot with 2 and maybe even 3 arty's without the AGT rocket ever hitting you at the AGT. Yours sincerely, Demigan.
  25. I only play Marathon, but I'm more an all-round player, there isn't any real 'favourite' I play. Here's a list of the one's I use most: GDI Infantry: Patch, Hottie, Havoc, PIC. Nod Infantry: Tech, SBH, Raveshaw, Sak GDI Vehicles: APC, Med (MRLS is only for camping or sometimes for presure tactics, but most ppl just mindlessly camp...) Nod Vehicles: All vehicles except the buggy and the light tank.
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