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Totem Arts Staff
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Everything posted by Nielsen

  1. You know you want it.
  2. I think GR and Mesa are the only maps with grain enabled actually.
  3. I saw a floating crystal on Goldrush, fixed! Good games!
  4. Bangladesh in the house!
  5. If you can barely run the game then you should try again after next patch, we've done a lot of optimisation on all maps and across the board really, curious to see it makes a big difference for some people.
  6. No problem, even if you used an older version of UDK you could update, you just can't go back to that older version afterwards. But we're all on 02-2014 so it's all good.
  7. DOWNLOAD UDK FEBRUARY 2014 UDK It's in those bold caps on the website lol.
  8. You need to get UDK not UT 3.
  9. Nielsen


    Original Hourglass was so awful that we changed it, it's essentially Horologe + from UT3
  10. Yes they are slightly thicker at the bottom.
  11. That's where it gets tricky. For me personally UDK often gives up a lot when I try to create tunnels, but there's an alpha brush you can use to paint holes in a terrain/landscape. You then either fill up the tunnels with meshes (as I have done) or create another landscape for your tunnel (either ceiling or floor or both). Mesa perpetually crashed for me when I used the alpha brush so I opted to create the landscape entirely out of mesh components which is equally valid but requires extra work and you have less textures to paint on your terrain unless you use pre-baked masks from photoshop or paint those before importing. Fortunately after the latest UDK update alpha brushes work for me again and I can easily create caverns which is a huge timesaver.
  12. You can paint the landscape in-editor like you would a strategy game level. All of the rocks have to be imported from a 3d package like max, maya, modo etc. or come with UDK. In this case, most rock models came with UDK but specific shaders were made so they have snow / fresnel effects on them.
  13. because why not? * WORK IN PROGRESS * (and thus subject to change) * WORK IN PROGRESS *
  14. Nielsen


    Thanks, We're reading everything you guys talk about but it's a dayjob to keep up with, so we don't always respond. All the stuff important for feedback and bugfixing is of course relayed to the team, so yeah we are watching!
  15. Have you got a portfolio? can you PM me for details and stuff?
  16. Really depends... the process of placement / landscape painting is relatively fast if you have a good selection of models, textures and materials to work with. You can get a map up and running within a few days. If you want specific materials and special effects you'll have to create those yourself usually. Lighting idem but you'll have to tweak and wait a lot for lighting compiles. After that polish phase is endless... new bugs crop up, custom materials and collisions will have to be made, fixes here, fixes there. AI will have to be setup too, fortunately that is a relatively simple process but you'll spend a good day making exceptions and getting the correct nodes in. In general though, creating maps for RX is a lot faster now since we've built up a library of stuff... when we just started you have to take modeling and everything that comes with it into account since our artists had to do basically everything.
  17. I'm not sure about Walls yet but I'll be going over Islands for both bugfixing and optimisation tonight.
  18. A lot of the issues mentioned have been fixed already and those that aren't will be in the next patch. Turns out a lot of the paths were blocked off with vehicle blockers instead of regular blocking volumes, silly me.
  19. I think Havoc intended to change Field in some way, don't know how or when yet though.
  20. You're on the trail.
  21. I hate Field, I'm building Under, it's been discussed and is taken care of.
  22. The responses thus far have been mostly positive, everybody seems to recognise we're free, we are apparently a match for the "competitors" I guess they're talking about the likes of BF / Planetside w/e people compare us too. It's tricky because when people play betas or work in progress they tend to judge it by the bugs and unfinished nature... with the prevalence of kickstarter and alpha-sold games this seems to be improving however. Those who are involved in the indie scene and people that buy indie games before release sort of know what to expect... but I am not sure if our target audience falls in line with those people. RX is primarily a shooter and besides attracting the original ren crowd attracts C&C fans and I guess "random" fps fans. The former are easier to please than the latter because they thrive on familiarity and nostalgia. The latter are more critical I think. What can we do about it though, not much right? Build an outstanding product and try to go for maximum quality within our reach, hope it gets recognised and word of mouth goes a long way then.
  23. And here it is :
  24. Thanks Christopher for showing the Titanfall forum what the RX community is like : S Please refrain from taking such a stance in the future where ever ok? PS Titanfall is really cool and very enjoyable. -Thread locked.
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