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Everything posted by epicelite

  1. Yeah I've kinda given up until they do something with airdrops, a completely broken system. Aside from that I will not even attempt to play field.
  2. Add the Service Depot to (every?) map. Especially good for GDI on maps with no base defenses because it will mean less retards experienced players exiting their vehicle to repair it themselves.
  3. We halo now!!!
  4. Can you fix the minmap so it works with and doesn't bug out with "bAllowD3D9MSAA=True"?
  5. Comms Center and such were found in custom Renegade maps. When destroyed radar would go away usually. Construction Yard too, made buildings auto-repair when it was alive. Service depot is found in glacier, I think more maps need it. Saw a few with Helipad but it never did anything.
  6. I can reliably recreate this bug. It happens when both weapons are reloading, and you let go of the fire button then attempt to fire again on the faster reloading weapon. 1)Fire both weapons at the same time (either cannons+missiles for mammy, or machinery/missiles for heli) 2)Let go of both mouse buttons 3)Attempt to fire cannons/machinegun again before missiles have reloaded 4)?????????? 5)PROFIT! TRY IT! You can even keep holding down mouse 1 and let the reload finish and the cannons still wont fire!
  7. The changes did nothing to address the real issues. Just change the name to "Campground" because thats all the map is. Either you camp as infantry in the tunnels, or as a vehicle on the field. Here's my suggestions: Lower the floor of the infantry tunnels so it's not an uphill battle going into them and is harder for one team to hold. Add a lot of cover to the field so snipers don't dominate it so easily. Add a new tunnel system that takes infantry to the bottom of the waterfall, completely separate from the existing tunnel system. Change terrain around bottlenecks so there's more options for attackers and defenders. Maybe the refinery should be vulnerable to artillery units on the field? Those new infantry ledges were a good addition but they need work.
  8. It has to do with firing cannons and missiles at the same time and then you can't fire the cannon again until the missiles have reloaded.
  9. In order of how much I'd like to see: Make the Stealth Tank missiles more reliable/accurate. (Almost imposable to hit infantry most of the time, and often miss larger targets.) Nerf sidearm weapons severally. Vehicle airdrops should only allow the purchase of low-tier vehicles. (Humvee/Buggy, APC, Med Tank/Light Tank) Disallow some classes from purchasing sidearm weapons. (Engineer/Hottie/Tech, SBH) but give hottie/tech something decent/unique by default, a non-silenced pistol with better stats? A special purchasable "alarm mine" that will make a lot of noise when set off or a disarm attempt is made (Trip flare?) but deal no damage. I'm adding a sixth, sue me. A better points system that rewards more for accomplishing objectives then it does camping. Building destruction should multiply your teams overall score by 50%. 10,000 overall points with 1 enemy building down = 15,000 points for example.
  10. Game Version: B4.02 Map: N/A Severity: Minimal Issue: Switching weapons while reloading causes hovering detached arms around your character. Reproduction: Switch to a different weapon/item and back. Workaround: Switch to another weapon and back. Suggested fix: N/A
  11. Game Version: B4.02 Map: N/A Severity: Moderate Issue: Heavy Pistol, Carbine, Tiberium Fanchette Rifle, and Tiberium Auto Rifle have finite ammo when they should have infinite to match the silenced pistol and machine pistol. Reproduction: N/A Workaround: Purchase a refill in your base. Suggested fix: Grant infinite ammo to all sidearm weapons. Sidearms are supposed to be there so you always have a way to defend yourself.
  12. Can conform, easily fixed by scrolling to a different weapon however.
  13. Its the only way to get AA without the enabling post processing effects which I hate and think make the game look absolutely disgusting.
  14. Sometimes you can highlight your credits or the time remaining in the match as if you were going to copy then paste it or something.
  15. A single Chem Trooper can EASILY take out the GDI harvester and is difficult to kill because they can hide in the corner under the infantry bridge. Meanwhile GDI free infantry have to suicide just to run up to the Nod harvester and toss a timed C4 onto it. Whenever I'm Nod on Volcano I just instantly grab a chem trooper and I can take out 2-3 GDI harvesters, hampering them early game without them being able to do a damn thing. The only thing GDI can really do is use a Humvee but I've never had one come to counter me and that still leaves GDI with no way to take out Nod's harvester except suicide runs into the tiberium.
  16. Maybe just a Nod/GDI logo spray painted onto the sides then? I mean all the time I steal a vehicle and when I try running into my own base my own team tries to stop me because just looking at it you think its enemy.
  17. Ya know like a stolen GDI APC might turn red instead of being all yellow? Does using a stolen vehicle to sneak behind the enemy every work anyway? Rarely.
  18. Mines should be team colored, sometimes when I sneak into a enemy base I toss my own mines into enemy mine clusters. Is it really fair that someone get killed because they felt the mines IN THEIR OWN BASE were safe and didn't check each individual mine to see what team it is? The sidearm weapons are still overpowered, we don't need hotties/techs running around with top tier weapons so easily.
  19. Ok no artillery either, just APC.
  20. At least put one on the mammoth tank its nowhere near as OP as it should be for how big and slow it is.
  21. Limit airdrops to humvee/buggy, APC, arty/MRLS starting at twice the cost and call it a day. If you wanted something bigger you should of thought about that before losing your WF/Strip.
  22. Wouldn't that be cool? If there was a .50 on top of the tank that can be controlled by passengers? Mammoth tanks too!
  23. Its 22nd where is beta?
  24. For a realism that the player expects, not a realism that is realistic. Also, because it looks cool and is better balanced. Imagine any gun that powerful without recoil? It worked just fine back in the original game with no recoil.
  25. -Add damage falloff to ramjet so it can't 1 shot free infantry from a distance, but can up close. (at least a body shot, headshot should still be a kill) -Remove EMP -Smoke should not block automated defense targeting -Reduce volume of Orca engine noises (unless done already, you didn't mention it?) -Increase cost of Orca/Apache 1000% if already 3 on team (X2 for each additional Orca/Apache after that) -Fix anti-tank mines detonating on infantry and counting twords team mine count? -Add special purchasable mine that acts as an alarm making a loud noise, but does no damage. -Replace heavy pistol with laser pistol for Nod. -Disallow SBH's from purchasing carbine (SBH with carbine OP as fuck, if they really need a silent takedown they have a silenced pistol.) -Give unlimited ammo to Heavy Pistol/Laser Pistol/Carbine (unless done already?) Oh yeah and a pretty big one I always forget to mention that was maybe fixed already? "Enemy spotted at Power Plant!" etc... Doesn't give enough information! GDI or Nod power plant? How do I tell? Same with refinery, and silos but that only applies to one map currently. Sometimes one audio message will cut off another and make me jump like "Tiberium Refinery Repaired" - "GDI Harvester Destroyed." or some shit like that I can't remember the exact dialogue. At the end of the day, all I hear is "Weapons Factory Destroyed" from the two messages audio being cut off and combined and it makes me jump and then I see it was just nothing. Also you will get like "GDI Infantry Barracks Repaired" and that freaks me out a but too because I expect it to say Destroyed, especially when it comes out of nowhere. Maybe it should be more like "Repaired, Barracks." Is it just me? PS: "- Repairguns secondary firemode now automatically keeps firing for about 25 seconds (can be canceled/reset by pressing either secondary or primary fire again)" For what purpose?
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