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Everything posted by djlaptop

  1. Enjoyed watching this. Thanks for sharing!
  2. I just use engineers or flamethrower soldiers and run up behind the mammys, c4 and go. Your k/d will suffer, but two engineers can take out a full mammy in 30 seconds. The flamethrower, 99% of the time, will distract the mammy from blasting your building or your artys, etc. For whatever reason people lose focus when they see fire and target it no matter what!
  3. Got a screenie of this happening today too.
  4. I was in that game! I'm the one who said, "That was well executed, I tip my hat to you Nod" My game froze up and crashed during the beacon, so I'm not sure what happened next, but I'm sure Nod won the match.
  5. Which vehicles can sprint? I recall trying it in some vehicle I was in and it didn't seem to have any effect.
  6. Personally, I dig the Nod voice. No offense intended to anyone, but the GDI EVA voice sounds a little amateur (speaking as a professional voiceover artist).
  7. As was already said here, in Renegade flame tanks could be pretty effective against mammoth tanks. They'd probably lose the battle but it'd be close. The interesting thing about mammy behavior (true of MRLs too, but less so in RenX) is that they are not able to hit things right in front of them. There's a certain amount of throw-space required before a bullet or rocket is able to make contact with an enemy. This is why my strategy for mammoth tanks is to sneak an engineer or flamethrower soldier right up next to them (easy to sneak up on, the tank is so big that the driver can generally not see the entire bounds of the tank), c4 and start spraying. It's hilarious to watch these giant tanks react and not be able to do anything about it other than fire aimlessly and try to run you over. But with flame tanks it's a similar predicament, since flamers need to be right up on a tank to inflict damage, they benefit from the reduced splash damage of the minimum range of the mammy's cannon. Certain angles are better than others, but you get the point.
  8. Actually I'd say that's pretty spot on. LOL.
  9. I don't necessarily see a problem with vehicles on the walls except that they are not intended to be there. They proved to be a problem for us after losing the barracks, but that's our bad. I know what you mean about the invisible barriers, they are kind of annoying, but no game is boundless. From a design perspective it'd be nice to have rocks or trees where the barriers, at least so there's some logical boundary. Perhaps these are coming in future patches?
  10. Was playing tonight when I noticed a few people on the Nod team somehow getting arties up on the Nod base walls. They were camping there and basically using them as turrets. There was one on each side, like so: I started up a skirmish to see how it was done, and by maneuvering the arty with enough momentum, you can roll over the rocks that are there to prevent vehicles from climbing the ramps. You have a REALLY REALLY WIDE field of view up there, can basically see (and fire upon) most of the field. Here's a panorama:
  11. In the original, a skilled stealth tank could take out a mediocre medium tank. That's no longer the case. In RenX as a stank, I don't dare engage a med tank unless it's nearly dead. Also in the original, a single stealth tank could reach the AGT on most maps. Now, due to either the reduced speed or weakened armor, that's also no longer the case. I realize this is RenX and new rules apply. But I find that the only time I use a stank is on Whiteout, generally as a stealth apc for my tech. I rarely engage buildings with it because it's so quickly destroyed. I'd say it needs to be faster with more armor.
  12. djlaptop

    Spy Crate

    This morning I posted a message to the bugs forum about a Spy Crate glitch I noticed, and it got me thinking about the spy crate in general. The way it works in Renegade X, you pick up a spy crate, and you transform into a random infantry unit for the opposing team. You're still targetable by weapons though, and your name stays the opposing color, but base defenses don't target you (other than the vehicle bug). In the original Renegade, there were no spy crates. Spy crates were a clever addition using a Scripts mod, and they could really be a game-changer. If you were lucky enough to land on a spy crate after your WF/Airstrip were destroyed, your team might still have a chance. But the usefulness of the spy crate in Renegade X is not what it was in Renegade, for one main reason: In oldschool Renegade, the spy crate didn't change you into a random unit, it changed you into a Stealth Black Hand, no matter which team you were on. In Renegade X, the moment I become a spy I seem to be instantly targeted by the other team because it's a lot more obvious. I kinda miss the dynamic that being a stealth-spy can bring into a game, and I would urge the developers to consider making this the default behavior of the spy crate.
  13. After picking up a spy crate, the enemy base defenses seem to once again target you after you have exited a vehicle. They will also target a vehicle driven by a spy (but this part may be by design).
  14. It could just fall to the ground and not go nuclear, killing any nearby players but sparing the building. But what's always struck me as weird about beacons is that IRL if a soldier encountered of these beacons next to a building, why not just pick it up and MOVE it? lol
  15. In the original Renegade, you could detonate remote C4 when you had any type of C4 selected (timed, remote or proxy mine). Would be handy to have this feature back.
  16. You're absolutely right, it's an MCT, not a PT. Sorry for the mix-up.
  17. Very cool, thanks for the info!
  18. In some of the maps I see what look like tiberium silos. As an oldschool Ren player I'm pretty used to silos being damn near worthless (although they had their uses in the C&C RTS games). But now it seems they are "tech buildings?" I get alerts about a tech building being captured, etc... I've walked up to these silos and tried to access their PT, but it never works. So what's the deal with these things? How do you "capture" them, and what advantages does that give you?
  19. Just to add to this, sometimes it can be tricky to tell if a unit is a friend or enemy. I've noticed player names/colors only appear when you get near them; I would like to suggest that (as in original Renegade) they are always visible as long as they are on the screen. This is especially true with stolen vehicles. It's really difficult to tell if they belong to your team or the enemy.
  20. Take any character or basic unit. Access a Purchase Terminal. Hit ESC to get out of it without doing anything. You'll switch from your weapon down to the pistol.
  21. In the field, there's a wooden fence against the ocean. There's a spot against that fence that causes heavy damage to whatever unit rubs against it and basically amounts to an instant-kill when you drive over that spot. It's right here:
  22. Played Renegade since the very beginning. Wrote a bunch of utils for server admins like RenStat, WOLSpy, FDSWeb, RenRem32. And I ran the BeaconPedestal.com server. Nice to see some of the old-schoolers around here.
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