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Everything posted by Jam

  1. - After reading an unread-marked forum, all of the other unread forums/topics turn read. - Not really a bug, but should be looked at; Avatar sizes, make the maximum file size bigger, 2 kB isn't much. - Delete the spam-posts - Allow for editing one's own posts at any time, not only 15 minutes after creating a post.
  2. Thanks, Ric!
  3. In this week's episode we're answering 20 questions asked by the community. We've got questions about the age rating for Renegade X, the public response on Renegade X: Black Dawn and much more. [align=center][video=youtube;djKSEdcnQZc]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=djKSEdcnQZc [/align]
  4. Hey guys I'm hoping to release ep3 later tomorrow. We had some festivities in southern holland
  5. Jam


    I think we can all agree that the current forum settings are not cool anyway.
  6. Hey what's up guys? Check out episode 2 of the Renegade X Community Q&A right here. In this week's episode I'm talking about the ability to pick up dropped weapons, where can we get Renegade X? Will the GDI resistance make a comeback? Will the Renegade X music be dynamic and more. [align=center][video=youtube;dr4ZrGmYxqI]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dr4ZrGmYxqI [/align] PS: Don't forget to ask questions for next week's episode!
  7. In this first video of the Renegade X Community Q&A we're going to talk about the multiplayer release date, remakes of C&C Renegade maps and much more. Submit your question for next week below this video, we'll pick 10 to answer! [align=center][video=youtube;z-P9tU1jbwU]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z-P9tU1jbwU [/align]
  8. Hey, In case you missed TheGunrun's live stream on Renegade X: Black Dawn here's the link. In the video TheGunrun talks with Fobby while playing through the singleplayer campaign. http://twitch.tv/thegunrun/b/306891949
  9. Thanks guys! :-)
  10. Did you mean this one? Download it here: http://renxgame.com/downloads/RenegadeX-OST.mp3
  11. [align=center][video=youtube;5aE_Y7kW_5s] [/align]Hey what's up guys! Season two of the Renegade X Community Q&A is about to go live and since Black Dawn was just released, I figured you guys had a question or two that you want to have answered. The Renegade X Community Q&A is a series of videos on YouTube where I answer Renegade X related questions every week on Monday. You can check out season 1 right here: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL50614B1617C97DFD&feature=view_all Submit those questions now, and (with the help of the Renegade X project manager Fobby) I shall be answering these questions. The next episode is set to be released next Monday, so what are you waiting for? Submit 'em now! - Please note; From now on, ten questions will be answered in each of the upcoming episodes. Only one question per person. Keep 'em coming! http://youtube.com/TheJamnub
  12. There once was a man in an abandoned town. Remenants of mortar fire lay all around. Trying to download Renegade X: Black Dawn.
  13. I'm down for these.
  14. Here's a short overview of the videos people have been working on, after Renegade X: Black Dawn was released. English videos tehCrazGaming (director: tehCraz) Description: Black Dawn playthrough with commentary Show URL: http://www.youtube.com/show?p=f3Q_f-1-FdA UnitLostTube (UnitLost.com) Description: Black Dawn playthrough with commentary Arsenalrobert Description: Black Dawn playthrough with commentary Intro: Mission 1: VidyaSauce Description: Black Dawn playthrough with commentary Part 1: Part 2: HarryIndulgence Description: Black Dawn review Quicksh0tHD Description: Black Dawn playthrough with commentary BigNino15 Description: Black Dawn playthrough with commentary Part 1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xJxofWmR-JY Part 2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hRP5dSj8xNk Part 3: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SIZq2mNmErM GuiAlphaProductions Description: Black Dawn playthrough with commentary Part 1: Part 2: MeetYourDEMiZE Description: Black Dawn objective 7 playthrough with commentary TheSubnetMask Description Black Dawn playthrough with commentary Part 1: Other language videos GetToTheKeyboard (Y U NO PLAY, Season 1, Episode 5) Description: Black Dawn playthrough with German commentary MarvZockt Description: Black Dawn playthrough with German commentary Part 1: Part 2: Part 3: BenGe89 (United-Forum.de) Description: German Black Dawn review BlackSilverUfa Description: Black Dawn playthrough with Russian commentary http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u3uMqG7zUu0
  15. Jam


    I'm currently on 400 GB uploaded on the torrent :-P
  16. http://renxgame.com/downloads/Renegade X - Operation Black Dawn.torrent
  17. Heh, I myself cannot understand how people play with an inverted mouse. :-P
  18. I've done some searching and found that you can use the InvertMouse command in-game. While ingame, hit tab and type InvertMouse 1. That should do the trick!
  19. You can change your mouse sensitivity in the configuration files as a workaround. C:\UDK\Renegade X Black Dawn\UDKGame\Config\UDKInput.ini, search for MouseSensitivity and change the value.
  20. Confirm that you indeed have the complete file. Head on over to this page: http://sourceforge.net/projects/md5summer/ and download the little tool - which you may uninstall after. Generate a hash on UDKInstall-RenegadeX.exe and confirm that it equals 2430B6F50422CBFA4C13C13A01620AAA
  21. Jam


    Added the Gamefront mirrors, not the others due to amount of ads.
  22. A lot of the mirrors have been taken down due to the insane amounts of traffic. The main website took about 1 terabyte of bandwidth, while other mirrors have reported 1.5 terabytes or more. We're working on getting new mirrors available: http://www.renegade-x.com/forums/showthread.php?6734-Mirrors! Until then, I recommend using the torrent.
  23. Jam


    That's a real bad idea, you want to keep the game as accessible as you can. Besides that, Renegade X: Black Dawn will most likely be available for download on tons of other websites after a short time.
  24. Just keep an eye on this page. http://renxgame.com
  25. https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10150565733397431&set=a.10150561585772431.403997.51097837430&type=1&theater&notif_t=photo_comment
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