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Everything posted by woandre

  1. Freakin' awesome man! I'm very happy to see it is fully standalone! Thanks for this release date
  2. Doitdoitdoitdoitdoitdoitdoitdoitdoitdoitdoitdoitdoitdoitdoitdoitdoitdoitdoitdoitdoitdoitdoitdoitdoitdoitdoitdoitdoitdoitdoitdoitdoitdoitdoitdoitdoitdoitdoitdoitdoitdoitdoitdoitdoitdoitdoitdoitdoitdoitdoitdoitdoitdoitdoitdoitdoitdoitdoitdoitdoitdoitdoitdoitdoitdoit
  3. hdhfdhedrygsfgs
  4. It's all so clear now, thanks!
  5. Bored much? lol lets make motivationals of that picture
  6. Aweso...I don't even have to finish the word! As always, can't wait, but I have to Would be a nice xmas present tho <3
  7. Lol no sorry, hourglass didn't have flying vehicles Maps with flying vehs in original renegade: - City_Flying - Walls_Flying - (Glacier) Glacier wasn't really an 'official' map, that's why i put it between brackets. I'm btw suprised there are this less maps with aircrafts, or am I forgetting one..?
  8. I've made those long time ago, it was like the first release of Renegade-X or something.
  9. Awesomeness.
  10. Looks very nice mate I heard about it like 2 days ago from steven119, and thought "How could I have missed this?". Keep up the good work!
  11. To be honest, I prefer no updates and be 'suprised' of what comes on a random day. Why would you want to see stuff and get yourself excited for another year without being able to play, I don't want that. Also, I prefer a 'full compleet game' than a 'rushing to release game'. There have been games that got released way too early which comes with bugs, unrealistic stuff and ugly models. Keep it going Dev team, behind the scenes it is
  12. Try http://www.erightsoft.com/Superdc.html Scroll down till you see Start Downloading Super©, click it. Then just click Download and Use which stands just below the 'box'. It's a converter that has a lot of options, just try some combinations and you'll find out how it works To imput a file, just drag&drop it into the converter screen.
  13. osht right It's going to be Legendary Maybe I have UT3/RenegadeX finally installed by this time lol.
  14. such a win
  15. Rest In Peace
  16. Altho you are very negative about Renegade X, I have to agree with you on some points. I agree the Renegade game shouldn't be about the graphics, I never watched at it to be honest, gameplay over graphics. But if you compare this game with newer games like GTA4, Crysis and Assasins Creed, the graphics are not very close to these games. So in a way, the graphics in Renegade X is far from good, same as C&C Renegade was back in 2002. And think about it, if this game would copy the C&C Renegade graphics, would you even feel like trying? Probably not. Also, the gameplay, I must agree it is less fun compared to C&C Renegade, it's hard to explain but it just doesn't feel like a 'random fun multiplayer game' where you have such freedom. But maybe this is because we are to used to C&C renegade's gameplay. It is impossible to copy the C&C Renegade style, otherwise it will be the same as C&C Renegade and that would be, as Fobby said, useless to make then. And as mentioned above, the game is not done, and not in the standalone version yet. With this said, keep hoping that the gameplay and other negative points will be better in the standalone version
  17. Still havn't found any time to reinstall UT3 =( n all the downloading n stuff that comes after the installing. Also I won't have lots of time in the weekends still
  18. Thank you Pyder for taking the stap
  19. As I said before, we should just held a weekly match on every Saturday and/or Sundays. When people know the server is actually going to be filled at a given time, they will come and play. So if we just make Saturday and/or Sundays a 'default' playing day, you can have good matches! I'm not saying it will be as filled as events by MP-gaming or the developers, but you can easily get matches with atleast 10 people every weekend Anyway, I'm to lazy to set this up, because I atm have RenegadeX not installed and won't install it any soon. I have more things to do than playing Renegade X and my weekends are filled too with other enjoyable things most of the time
  20. Lol you probably havn't played C&C Renegade, have you? A mammoth should take atleast 1 artillery out when it's 2vs1, but maybe a technician was repairing it? I'd say get used to the gameplay and the vehicles/units, you'll realize later GDI has it's strenghts too!
  21. Haha nice kenz, maybe that should be used in the future. Anyway, I'm sorry to say that I cannot make it. I just got home from my vacation and I'm busy with packing out atm, after that I have to eat and do some other things. And I havn't got UT3/RenegadeX installed after format, so it'll take ages till all the things are installed, by the time I have downloaded everything the game will be over again. Have a nice match guys And record it for me so I can watch it later on Youtube ;D
  22. Ha I only come if you get that glhf.tv guy again Nice, I'll see if I got UT3 reinstalled before that
  23. I still have the DEMO-videos, but I can't open them because it gives an error: http://www.renegade-x.com/forums/showthread.php?2863-Can-t-watch-demo-s-recorded-in-MP-Gaming-server And ATM I don't have UT3 installed because I have formatted the computer and have to borrow it from a friend again ;p
  24. woandre

    Picture game

    I hit you with my shoe
  25. Nice and congratz!
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