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Everything posted by woandre

  1. woandre

    A lost jewel

    No atm it does not work with this newest version, but I really hope RypelCam will be added asap!
  2. woandre

    A lost jewel

    Yeah that guy is very good at making vids! I have seen it before but couldn't stop watching after I started it D: I keep laughing @ that c4 countdown I wish we could fraps the latest Dev Night with Rypelcam
  3. Haha yeah Zero Punctuations is epic site, I have watched every game there I played Sadly when you don't know the game ingame the video isn't as fun
  4. Crazy, you help the team by playing the game and enjoy it as much as you can, I bet that's all they want: People enjoying the game they have created.
  5. Rofl. "What do you do in your spare time??" "Oh nothing special, just making a sandwich out of a hotwire"
  6. Ew the quality sux compared to the real link ;p
  7. heya mate I think I remember ur name from glhf.tv indeed Welcome && hope u'll enjoy Renegade X as we do
  8. Saturdays &&& Sundays? Weekend events ftw 'N yesh! thegunrun's site and himself r0x my s0x Anyway, I made some vids of the game (I hope atleast) and I will try to make a kick-*** video from it. Sadly I don't have much time these 2 weeks so it'll probably comes a little late
  9. EPIC devnight nice games ppl
  10. Question about the demorec command 1. How do you stop it? (demostop??) 2. Solution to this problem? : When I tried to watch it (demoplay ) it told me 'missing package RenXbot or something'. I rec'd this in MP gaming server, and tried to watch it from there so I typed demoplay name ingame there and it gave me that error and brought me to the starting menu. Then I tried joining an offline game and open the demo, but then it brings me back to the menu where to choose what game type (the menu before where you choose what map). Any idea how I can watch it?
  11. Lol don't worry ppl are probably practicing it's within 4hours
  12. You can automatically record in Renegade X again? like that erm ryplcam or whatever it was called Otherwise I'll just use Fraps lol
  13. Heh see if I can make it this time N lol I always love the new banners for everything new thing that happens:P
  14. Ur wrong In renegade classic 2 engies were more than enough A building gets destroyed by; - 3 time c4s or - 5 remote c4s or - 2 times 1 remote or - 1 time 3 remotes Atleast, as far as I know it has always been thatway in every normal server
  15. I'll bump this so noone will forget Yes I nearly forgot all about it because of all the patying etc lol so thatswhy I bump it
  16. woandre

    Happy new year

    Happy newyear!
  17. Thx This is the new version: Feedback appreciated P.S I'll post on your site too
  18. I gave it a try That (MP) wasn't done yet, I want to put the MP logo there but I couldn't find it anywhere to copy from
  19. Still I think this isn't a bad idea tho There ARE A LOT of german people playing this game, and they ofcourse have the game installed in deutsch.....And a big group of that can't speak english, or not good enough to understand
  20. That looks epic kenz, don't think my photoshop skills are that good
  21. FaceBook sux nuff said
  22. I would do it for free See if I can find the mood for making a banner D: EDIT: Isn't the banner abit....to small? You hardly see anything on it tbh
  23. Heh you don't have to thank us, we have to thank YOU
  24. Nice! I'll see if I can make it, what am I saying? I'll just be there ! D:
  25. Wow nice lol Would it be possible in the future to disable the sounds as ^^, toy, hehe etc? I know some nubs love to spam it but others get annoyed by it after playing the game 3 days..... Hope it's possible
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