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Everything posted by yosh56

  1. Not at home to check, but doesn't the most recent version of Rcon have functions to load/unload mutators?
  2. We thought about Flame drop-off but in all honesty it seems kind of unnecessary. Flames are very situational, but they have more effective situations the tighter the map is. Their range is fine: all Nod units are A)'more cost-effective than GDI units B) Have very glaring weaknesses compared to GDI vehicles. The Flame does more damage, making it more cost efficient than the Med, which costs.the same and has the same armour. The damage difference is significant, but.not so extreme that it'd warrant decreasing the range any more than it is. As for Flames camping entrances....yeah, it's what they're good for. Meds can do it too, but you can only cram so many Flames into an entrance, and their range makes it so they can't as easily stagger themselves as Meds. At best, two flames can hit a target at an entrance, maybe more on entrances like Under's but even that's pretty difficult with the current range. Moral of the story: leave the range alone, reducing it would be like reducing the Light Tank's health to further its disadvantage. GDI already has more than enough options to.break out of.their base.
  3. ....Not gonna lie, sounds like someone had a string of bad GDI teams. GDI can rush just as well as Nod in the early game. Hell, a mass of McFarlands doesn't even have to aim.
  4. Why did you quote that when it was literally the only post in the entire thread? That topic... was not helpful at all. Like I already mentioned, I know WHERE to name a weapon, I just don't think it will translate from client to server. I might try and see if it will at a later date, but for now I'm still thinking it wouldn't make sense to get my hopes up on it.
  5. I figured I'd make a topic on this, though in reality I know about 80% of what I need to know. I've been writing something sort of big in the background here, and it's going to stay in the background till I feel like revealing what it is. Anyway, the issue I'm running in to is that for this to work, I'm going to need to add one or 2 new weapons/items to the game. and while I've mostly figured out all of the coding aspects of them, I do just have one issue I felt the need to ask about on the forums: Is it possible to give a new weapon its own name? I noticed it reads the ItemNames out of the Localization files, but would adding a block in the .int file for the weapon SERVER SIDE allow it to display the correct name client-side? I'm thinking 'no', and if that's the case, The Yosh may need to ask a small favour of the devs before the next build drops.
  6. I was getting there in a really roundabout way =p
  7. System specs please. After that: have you changed any of your hotkeys? What kind of keyboard/mouse do.you use?
  8. yosh56

    weapon drops?

    It's on All Deck All Day, but it requires a bit of mutating to get around the devs coding it out.
  9. I really just write whichever one comes to mind first. Again, I'm pretty sure I never got a loop, but the lack of initially spawning in single-player is normal
  10. Psystem really doesn't get used for the top half of that code. You can probably comment it out, since rethe only Psystem variable used is the local one in the ChangePurchaseSystem function. That also isn't where that error comes from. I think I mentioned earlier that switching out the Purchase system the way I do means you have to suicide every time you run the mutator in single-player. It's unnoticeable in multi-player.
  11. We've had that code for awhile. I don't really care if you use it.
  12. The Mutator itself (because I'm too lazy to just upload a folder) class Rx_PSystemMutator extends UTMutator ; //Basically just used to get us an 'Other' that points to the Actor I'm looking for (That being the PurchaseSystem in this case.) function bool CheckReplacement(Actor Other) { // Stores the current Rx_PurchaseSystem, whether it be the new or old one. This is honestly pointless with the way I have it now. local Rx_PurchaseSystem PSystem ; if(Other.class == class'Rx_PurchaseSystem') { PSystem = Rx_Game(WorldInfo.Game).PurchaseSystem ; //Set the timer to replace the Purchase systems; in reality this may be totally unnecessary and field testing will see. //Still the timer needs to be before Rx_GRI looks for the Purchase System SetTimer(0.1f, false, 'ChangePurchaseSystem' ) ; // return false for CheckReplacement means it will be deleting 'Other' in this case. Other being the old Purchase system. // At least that's how I've come to see it working, and it checks out. return false; } return true ; } //-------- simulated function bool ChangePurchaseSystem() { //---------------------------------------------- //The Vehicle Manager piggy-backs A LOT off of the Purchase system, so therefore needs to be updated //---------------------------------------------- local Rx_PurchaseSystem PSystem ; local Rx_VehicleManager VM; //Set the new purchase system to Rx_Game's Purchase system Rx_Game(WorldInfo.Game).PurchaseSystem = spawn(class'Rx_PurchaseSystem_MOD',self,'PurchaseSystem',Location,Rotation) ; //Set the Vehicle Manager back right VM = Rx_Game(WorldInfo.Game).VehicleManager; PSystem = Rx_Game(WorldInfo.Game).PurchaseSystem ; PSystem.SetVehicleManager(VM); return true; } The modified Purchase system... which is only as modified as you want to make it obviously. I just left the classes under default properties as a visual aid. class Rx_PurchaseSystem_MOD extends Rx_PurchaseSystem ; //Mainly used as a means to make the purchase system spawn whatever you want. Refer to Rx_PurchaseSystem's default properties for the class arrays. DefaultProperties { GDIInfantryClasses[1] = class'Rx_FamilyInfo_GDI_Shotgunner_MOD' GDIInfantryClasses[13] = class'Rx_FamilyInfo_GDI_Mobius_MOD' NodInfantryClasses[1] = class'Rx_FamilyInfo_Nod_Shotgunner_MOD' NodVehicleClasses[1] = class'Rx_Vehicle_APC_Nod_MOD' NodVehicleClasses[4] = class'Rx_Vehicle_LightTank_MOD' } Plain, simple, and to the point, unlike the crap I'm working on now.
  13. Will strip the mod we use to make a custom purchase system down to its roots then post it. Give me till the end of the day.
  14. var const array > GDIInfantryClasses; var const array > GDIVehicleClasses; var const array > GDIWeaponClasses; var const array > GDIItemClasses; var const array > NodInfantryClasses; var const array > NodVehicleClasses; var const array > NodWeaponClasses; var const array > NodItemClasses; We'll just pretend I never said that. Was thinking something totally different and being frustrated at typing on a phone. Still, a custom purchase system is pretty easy. Here, have a cookie, Agent. P.S. THE GetDefaultObject() shenanigans from earlier probably stemmed from Bro referencing RypeL's Prepatch mutator. In it, he uses GetDefaultObject but it is a function written at the very end of the mutator itself, one that may very well have just let me get on my way to making something big.
  15. Med is 1.5 in code. A point 1 or 2 difference in rate of fire is actually pretty significant when you're talking numbers this low.
  16. The classes in Rx_purchase system aren't constant. Also, if you just want to have a custom purchase system that drops whatever you want, I have one of those with all of the nasty little bugs already worked out of it. Well, except that in skirmish, you have to suicide initially to actually spawn, since the purchase system gets replaced right when you're supposed to spawn. It works perfectly on servers though. It's how I circumvented all of the constants in Rx_FamilyInfo
  17. Really not worth discussing right now. It's already done.
  18. Image just bring my laptop to some place with WiFi this weekend, so hopefully I can have a little chat with some people about this mutator. I'm still pretty sure I made it clear that the sniper change was Something I washout toying with, and didn't want as part of the actual mutator that fixed Gunner/Officer/Shotty. Those changes were all pretty okay, but still I wasn't ready to completely release that mutator. I'll upload the last actual rendition this weekend, as well as one with the 500 unchanged. I just left it up on the NA server since like nobody but testers plays it anymore We totally stopped moving people to the na server at certain times, so I figured infant really going to run into it. I also didn't think someone was going to go copy it to a more 'official' server =/ Ahem...not pointing fingers or anything.
  19. Im confused and only have a phone with Internet right now, so somebody clarify. Is the mutator with the sniper change running on the EU or just the Name Server? I'm pretty sure I specifically told everyone I was testing with on the NA server that it should stay on the NA server, not to mention I haven't even been capable of updating that mutator for like over a week now. The last one I think that was up still.has different values for the sniper than what's even posted here. I had no intention of actually making the sniper change public (e.g on the eu server) until I made a public topic about it.... Its own topic. This all literally stemmed from me not having Internet for an entire week x.x
  20. This makes you kill yourself if there is C4 on any position that you can mouse over in 3rd person, or blocking the face in 1st person I didn't disown anything...not even remotely. I was just.pointing out that the message everyone got was not from me, and some of the information was wrong. Try again. --- Bro, the rate of fire change.wouldn't be as obvious since it is a 1 shot weapon.
  21. Neither did you? That's not my post, or copied from a post of mine, as the headshot multiplier for the 75 damage variant wasn1.75. Not my post, and not my.words.
  22. So, Bro, if we're going big to post updates don't leave out info. The 500 also had its rate of fire increased. Again, I just.pushed it to actually be a progression between the Marksman and the Ramjet. One hit kills already feel out of place as hell in such an arcade shooter, but at least not introducing them till tier 3 (sans rocket soldier) makes tier 3 infantry have a significant advantage, and not have to feel in threat of just sporadically dying to an option that costs half of what they do when they walk out the door. Hell, you didn't even mention the magazine size x.x. P.s. sniping basically takes.twitch reflexes in Ren...that's about.it. You don't really have that much to account for with a hitscan,100% accurate weapon. It really was one of the most complained about things in the game. P.PS. If you can actually aim the 500 should still be just as annoying in your hands, but probably less so when fighting someone 10ft in front of you.
  23. A server like that would be really awesome! This can be arranged. I'll get it running in the ConstructiveTyranny server. Disabling them is exceptionally easy. Getting them off of the PT menu would be harder, but not impossible from what I've seen. Could pretty easily have them greyed out
  24. Most of the idea behind it is that it really felt like there was no point to the Ramjet when the 500 could basically do the same job. The game has 2 and a half sniper rifles, and the Ramjet always just sort of felt out of place. Putting the 500 between the Marksman and the Ramjet just made the game feel more progressive tier-wise. The Ramjet has something actually unique to it now, 1 shot head-shots, and the 500 is still effective, but for half the price it doesn't really deserve the ability to one-hit-KO. It still deserves to be 'better' at killing low-tier infantry though, with its effectiveness falling off as tier rises. Honestly, I think the game runs a lot smoother without snipers, but people want their damn snipers. I use them occasionally, and honestly they do feel way out of place being one-hit-kill. Half the people that can REALLY aim shouldn't have anything to worry about if it took more than one shot to kill. Go home, you're drunk. Artillery has always done 4.4% vs? buildings. It's already got the 2nd highest damage-over-time vs. buildings in the game, right behind the Mammoth. ---- P.S I definitely need to give out the updated version of this mutator. It gives Gunner exactly 1 rocket more worth of damage vs. heavy to make up for needing to smack infantry in the face. It also brings 500 damage down to 60 but keeps the headshot damage the same. At 75 body damage, it's usually just easier to body shot people to death.
  25. No seriously... it's that simple. Could be made slightly cleaner looking if I used a config file, but I didn't 100% know how at the time... and honestly it isn't that worth changing right now. You want to know how simple the infinite ammo mutator is? It is literally 10 lines, and could very well be less. class Rx_InfAmmo extends UTMutator ; simulated function bool CheckReplacement(Actor Other) { if (Other.IsA('Rx_Weapon') && !Other.IsA('Rx_Weapon_TimedC4') && !Other.IsA('Rx_Weapon_RemoteC4') && !Other.IsA('Rx_Weapon_ProxyC4') && !Other.IsA('Rx_Weapon_Grenade')){ SetInfinite(Rx_Weapon(Other)) ; } return true; } simulated function SetInfinite(Rx_Weapon Weap){ Weap.bHasInfiniteAmmo = true ; } That's literally all of it. There's a reason I did it first. Was going to release it with a configuration file so servers could manipulate what weapons had infinite ammo and what didn't (plus wouldn't have that big ugly line), but like I said... not really motivated to change it at the moment. Anywho... infinite ammo's been up on the NA server for awhile. Haven't poked at TMX EU server admins enough to get it thrown on there for like a week or two.
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