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Everything posted by yosh56

  1. May need to manually set your resolution in the configuration file. Let me double check some other things as well, as the end of your log file is a little bit different than what I'm used to seeing.
  2. You... totally didn't comprehend what Ryz said. Nobody wants to remove sniper headshots... that's literally half of what makes it a sniper, and especially for being one of the only things that counters mass healers+tanks (which is a problem in and of itself). Infantry in general in Ren (and only slightly less so in RenX) were always pretty ... well... badly done. Hell, half of the complaints when beta 1 came out weren't about glitches and bugs... they were about how bad infantry were. I like how everyone overlooks this. These were most of the topics where purists just kinda' did their "herpa derp, this is Ren, and you obviuhsly is COD noob... herp a derp"... "Gawd why don't nobody play this? " . Them.
  3. Do it. Can u sniper-haters at least give some reasons why? I am terrified of the book that's about to be written.
  4. Looking at the 230m on a laptop. What what resolution do you use?
  5. Will do it whenever I build a new SDK after 5004's released.
  6. They actually did have a really good Med rush to push out into the field, and though they broke the wall of flames, we wrecked at least 3 or 4 of those 7 tanks. We kind of had ourselves a very fortified setup with repairs and flames going, though I think if they'd have rushed us down with meds earlier we'd probably have been pushed back.
  7. .....Mammoths are terrible on Islands, and that's not even factoring in their main gun being finicky as hell. Seriously they're the only tank you can counter with a smoke grenades. Toss them in front of them and while their blind you can just light up the smoke cloud since you know that fat ass tank can't get out of the way. Seriously we just kind of laughed when we saw one coming Also thanks for continuing to remind us all that when it all boils down to it, there's only about 2 or 3 useful infantry in the entire game =p
  8. Nah brah... GDI IMBA on Islands, so we had no chance of course. Didn't you see how totally unable to take the field we were!?
  9. Yeah we had a moment during a PUG where we built a med rush with no WF...and as we did this we just stopped and had to remark that this was stupid.
  10. 5.004 is going to release an updated build anyway. The only reason 5003 is separated from 5003 on the launcher is because of an issue with beta 4 support. Also inb4 "Marathon"
  11. Got 'dat good D. Granted I'm pretty sure DCG proved how broken Islands is with infantry tunnels though I don't even remember Walls. All I remember about Canyon is casually driving an APC right behind an Arty without them noticing.
  12. +Surrender Vote is unavailable till 15 minutes in. +Added a specific timer for Change/Restart/Surrender votes. They are 5x longer than the normal timer, just for the sake of preventing spamming. +Added points for building destruction: 1875, with half going to the player, half just to the team score. +Points for repairing/attacking buildings reduced about 1/3rd Probably start building this finally.
  13. Did you update to 5003 through the launcher or manual update? There was a point where the manual update for 5003 was broken, and it took a good minute for someone to bring it to my attention that it was missing files.
  14. Are you referring to custom maps ? All of those are listed down in the 'releases' portion of the SDK part of the forum. If it's just every server asking you to download maps, you need to update your game (start it from the launcher or use the manual update on the update post under 'news' )
  15. Alright, that time of week where I actually contemplate playing the game. ROLL CALL
  16. Shouldn't even have to run it in compatibility for 7. Also, you have to restart the launcher to update to 5.003 since they use two different sets of files. 5002 is the last revision that bothered keeping all the files for beta 4 around.
  17. A) List your system specifications please: it doesn't' always help, but sometimes it will show something obvious. B) Are you positive ALL of the log files are blank? If so, try navigating to the actual game folder [Renegade X\Binaries\Win32], start a command prompt here ( if you shift + right-click there should be an option to "open command window here" ), then type "UDK -log". It should run and it should inevitably log everything from start to finish. If it doesn't get anything logged then that's pretty extreme. C) What resolution are you using for your monitor? D) If you could explain: why did you update to 5.002 in the launcher, then manually update to 5003 ???
  18. There are a lot of things we could have done differently on Eyes.... but we had like 4 minutes left so it was all sort of panic plans XP
  19. Just funny that I wish I'd released 5004 already... we would have won Eyes by score then
  20. ......Me and B0ng obviously just stacked our team with blind people.
  21. Start from the launcher, you need to update.
  22. AGT and Obelisk both still track really hard. I've still been caught by AGT rockets on Eyes with my speed at 10x+
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