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Everything posted by yosh56

  1. Looks good 'nuff. Still want my air units tho'.
  2. I'm sorry, Kane wanted to take a bath in the river. We tried to stop him but... I mean... he's kinda' the messiah.
  3. Funny enough.... this post, and me sharing it on FB... are how I just found out someone I work with used to play Renegade for hours on end XP
  4. Weird.. I haven't had it reset any of my settings, sans 5.3, but that's because stuff was added/removed from some of the settings files..
  5. They shouldn't be tied together in any way to my knowledge.
  6. Literally just logged in and used it fine... What?
  7. @jetalpha What antivirus are you using? Granted, I don't even think the launcher has an error message like that.
  8. So the launcher in that topic is the latest. If you DELETE AND overwrite the Launcher folder in Program Files x86\Renegade X then paste that launcher folder in its place, then you'll have an updated launcher. See if that also throws the error. It's also a better launcher overall.
  9. @AlienXAXS is there even a Launcher message that throws that? @jetalpha which launcher version are you using?
  10. Heuristics in Antiviruses give false positives on both the UDK.exe and the Launcher.exe. @jetalpha . I have to add an exception pretty much everytime I make a new folder.
  11. Either use reset game, or make sure you set windows permissions on the Renegade X folder to let EVERYONE have modify rights. The beta 5< had a tendency not to ever set those permissions... and they still cause headaches to this day. I had to do it personally on my own desktop.
  12. Just soon-ish. Not expecting a patch for another few weeks.
  13. @TK0104 @Luhrian : Is there anyway anyone can make an optimization pass on Cliffside? That tib tunnel is straight cancer to people's FPS
  14. Did you already hit "Reset Game" in the launcher? If you had ever installed the game from like back in beta 1-5.0, then it may have never gotten rid of the old configuration files.
  15. Separated out what was already fixed in 5.32 on the list.
  16. Mess with your anti-aliasing settings
  17. Biggest issue I've seen in what few games I've played is people not updating them. May just make waypoints decay like targets, as they're generally obsolete after like 2 minutes to just show people where you're talking about.
  18. They can be shot down. The same as everything else.
  19. Does it? It shouldn't. Nothing there changed.
  20. The time before you can surrender is a server-side setting.
  21. Post logs and RIG specs. I don't get these crashes, but we have 1 or 2 devs that do. Requires a pattern to fix, more so than just saying it's happening.
  22. List is now pretty much finalized.
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