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Everything posted by NodCommander

  1. Not at all like XMountain. More like Keep of the Grass and Bunkers as the only two mapnames I currently remember. Or how about something objective based, such as the APB map where the Allies has to defend the Radar Dome for a couple of minutes before reinforcements arrive? Doesnt need to be (And shouldnt be) a clone of any of those maps, but ideas can be used.
  2. Personally, I'd love to see something more dared. All of Renegades maps are still relatively small maps with certain pathways to different locations. How about trying something more like the guys over at A Path Beyond made? More openstyled and more C&C-RTS-like?
  3. OH. There it is! Like on ordering, lol!
  4. A very interesting series to follow indeed! Whatever happened with Under? I know you didnt make it, but I was suprised to not see it in the public beta yet seeing as how it was in the UT3 mod. Before anyone says, yes I know a lot (if not all) static meshes and effects and all needs to be remade.
  5. It's nice to know when you've lost or gained the silo without having to notice you can no longer buy the Tiberian weapons. As soon as I hear the announcement, I head on over to recapture if I can. I don't think he was complaining about the announcement. I think he was pointing out Cabal is used in this game instead of the Nod EVA voice like in Renegade. Cabal wasn't even apart of the Renegade universe. CABAL? Yes, he was too a part of Renegade, in the last mission of the campaign in Nods Temple you would hear a simple version of him. But, Renegade was never even remotely lore-accurate. Just a really good FPS/RTS hybrid
  6. As it says there, you seem to be missing NET Framework which is required for the game to run. The game should install this for you, but as it seems to have failed you could either manually reinstall the correct .NET version, or attempt to reinstall Renegade X.
  7. The AR is insanely powerful compared to Old-Renegade (Mainly due to the much smoother engine). Its perhaps not overpowered, but its a viable option beyond the first 4 minutes of a game.
  8. I approve. This also removes the dependence of the server-browser-server, ensuring the game can last forever no matter what Totem Arts does in the future.
  9. If you like RTSs, then Forged Alliance Forever is an amazing place to play the original Supreme Commander online! Excuse me, what? Did you just call Battlefield 4 a "fast paced" game? ... Okay...
  10. No need to be trolling, but, no. Purchaseable weapons are avaible to both factions.
  11. Tip 1: Clean your PC, but do NOT use a vacuum cleaner. Tip 2. Make sure you got enough ventilation in your chassi. Tip 3. If its still too hot, download MSI Afterburner and enable the MSI On Screen Display, in it, limit your FPS to 60. This only helps if your PC is normally spitting out more than 60 FPS though.
  12. Volcano is a non-defence map. No turrets, no Obelisk or AGT.
  13. you suck. this should be easy this game if fictionial. shouldn't take that long to make. and why you saying no on improvements u idiot. u want this game to get better or not? You better improve your tone if you want to get anywhere here. No, this is highly unlikely to happen. Renegade X is not PlanetSide 2. Each vehicle and character has a special role. Also, I don't think you have any idea how much technical work is behind every little detail in a game.
  14. As Ive said to countless others. If you want Renegade X in the sofa with a controller, try a Steammachine.
  15. Lol? Thats some backwards logic right there. You can very much buy physical discs still, and I do that for the rare interesting games that actually comes out on discs (Such as Starcraft II, I love the story). The ability to chose away discs is great though, especially since you dont need them to start a game. Point made short: Discs are ancient. A system that demands the use of a disc is extremely limiting. Yeah, and both C&C3 and RA3 are complete jokes with a controller. Ive played both. FPS games arent much better off. Want Renegade X on the sofa? Try a Steambox.
  16. A release on Steam could be alright. But Greenlight is (finnaly) going to get removed in favour of another, (hopefully) much better system. Except that the (release version!) of BF4 did crash on map load all the time. But this goes to show that people have a very short memory. I can't even load BF4 without crashing on my desktop PC, and the support help is non-existing!
  17. Back to topic please, guys. The thread is about a guide to successful mining, not whichever game mode is for the pro and which is for the noobs.
  18. Im concerned about the publicity this update is (not) getting. Im a tester and I didnt see this update until today.
  19. Loving the guide! I really do hate people who seem to think that proximity C4s are the same as Battlefield AT mines!
  20. Walkers perfectly work in FPSs. You got older titles such as Battlefield 2142 and newer ones such as Titanfall. You guys who like me hunger for some real C&C in TS should check out Tiberian Genesis and give them some love, too! Please no, just, no. Kanes wrath cannot be seriously considered canon. Maybe to EAC&C but not true C&C.
  21. I think the possibility of winning by points the way Renegade does it is a very interesting one. If you dont like it, play Marathon. That is a downright terrible, gamebreaking idea.
  22. I absolutely love Tiberian Sun as well. A very unique post appocalypse-ish setting. I know BHP have talked to Totem Arts about this idea and they are excited for it. However, whats holding them back is that all their coders are used to C++ and the UDK/Unreal Engine 3 is Unreal Script (Simillar to Java). Unreal Engine 4 is supposedly going to use C++, so BHP are waiting for that as far as I know. What Im interested to see is Renegade X being expanded upon with free (obviously) expansionpacks or 'DLCs' if you want which expands the game into Tiberian Sun, or Red Alert.
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