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Everything posted by kenz3001

  1. my entry for Best Wallpaper category
  2. in the frontend application that is installed with renegade-X will be in your start menu
  3. what like UT2004's invasion but no bots ... would be cool ... but i didnt like that mod my self got well frustrated lol ... had half a mouse left at the end lmao things spawning right next to you and killing you and then you gotta wait for next round can take loads of time to finish the game and every 1 who is waiting will just leave
  4. what OS are you using ? windows or linux ? and is the OS installed on D:\ renegade is installed to C:\Users\user name\Desktop\Documents\My Games\Unreal Tournament 3\Renegade not to the game folder
  5. what i ment to say is that tiberian sun sould be used as the bace of a expansion for renegade but dont take me seriously im mad :blink:
  6. QUOTE (R315r4z0r @ Nov 22 2009, 02:21 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> lol i forgot that lol was not sure what the time diffrence was as i havent played tiberian sun in years ... bloody lost my disc .. but i was on about tiberian sun being made before renegade always missed the fact it needed an expansion pack thus tiberian sun
  7. would be nice to see some old maps like green moon and dragon's lair back but in true 3d .. but would have to have some landscapeing lmao hill here tree there lol god i dont know about you but would it be cool to have titans and cyborg commandos back i know the dev team is trying to keep to the origanal game (yes it was such a good game exept the crap graphics and online problems lag lag and more lag lol) but with the unreal engine it can and has brought the game to a who new level ... personaly i was wating for an expansion pack for renegade but there never was one :'( i think renegade-X could be the expansion that every one wonts and needs please let the Command and Conquer lore flood the game it would bring a whole experience but dont take me seriously im mad :blink:
  8. would be nice to see some old maps like green moon and dragon's lair back but in true 3d .. but would have to have some landscapeing lmao hill here tree there lol god i dont know about you but would it be cool to have titans and cyborg commandos back i know the dev team is trying to keep to the origanal game (yes it was such a good game exept the crap graphics and online problems lag lag and more lag lol) but with the unreal engine it can and has brought the game to a who new level ... personaly i was wating for an expansion pack for renegade but there never was one :'( i think renegade-X could be the expansion that every one wonts and needs please let the Command and Conquer lore flood the game it would bring a whole experience but to take me seriously im mad :blink:
  9. if you have the origanal just download a copy ... its not against the law as you only pay for the serial (licence) not the disc
  10. the teamspeak server .... will it have login or do you have to set your team up your self via the app ?
  11. QUOTE (ZombieFX @ Nov 20 2009, 01:22 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Are you launching from ? UT3.exe "C:\Program Files (x86)\Unreal Tournament 3\Binaries\UT3.exe" -mod=..\Renegade -solomod (modified UT3.exe) Renegade-X.exe (frontend) serverlist Have you intalled ut3 to default directory ? "C:\Program Files\Unreal Tournament 3" 32-bit "C:\Program Files (x86)\Unreal Tournament 3" 64-bit ave you got ports/app open on your firewall (windows and/or 3rd party ... norton, ect...) ? Can you play in single player mode ? Do you have v0.40 as the old version will not work on servers any more
  12. why remove it ... if you wonna kill yaself just stand still for a second lol but it is good for when you get stuck not often but it dose happen ...but there shoud be a penalty, kill points given to other team or taken off your team and a spawn time out for (x) seconds.
  13. fobby are you using a modded ut3 stelth script or a script from scrach ? i asume its a type of script ... im not a modded but am intreseted
  14. ace ... carnt wait .. good work
  15. ok well theres me shut up lol nice 1 fooby ... carnt wait to give it a spin
  16. canadian time as before i would imagine ... so 15th in uk as befor but hay ive waited for this till now ... can wait a bit longer
  17. hill camping is only good for GDI as there is no good place on the on eather side to take out the obelisk (well on the left with milssile launcher but hard to get it right by witch time you are half dead lol) ... unlike there is as being nod taking out the ATG (left had side can fit about 3 artillary with out being hit by the AGT ... as if you didnt know lol) so hill camping good or bad .... depens on what side you are on ! GOOD for GDI as the obelisk is slow (shame on nod for not keeping up with the times ... Kane is getting sloppy in his old age) BAD for nod coz the damb AGT can kill multiple things (shame on GDI taking advantave of technolagy lol)
  18. good job guys well deserved
  19. kenz3001 ... my nick on all games
  20. QUOTE (AsgarothXc @ Sep 30 2009, 01:16 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> wine stans for windows emulator !!!! WinE ... yes its not classed as an emulator but it dose the same job i agree linux is the purfect thing for fixing bugs
  21. QUOTE (AsgarothXc @ Sep 30 2009, 12:40 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> i think it might be compatible with "wine" im not 100% sure as iv never tryed it ... but y use linux for gaming ? not a good platform coz of emulation prossesing
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