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Phase 5 Beta Testers
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Everything posted by MammothMKII

  1. MammothMKII

    Where's my medal?

    One of my favorite renegade lines
  2. Hmm, I actually enjoy commanding (occasionally), it's as rewarding as it is difficult, and the main reason why one would shy away from commanding, is as @Madkill40 already said, toxic criticism. Everyone's here to enjoy the game (commander included), and the last thing one wants to hear is that they're losers or that they sucked. One thing we can do as a community is "initiate" people into commanding roles in smaller games for example, where the pressure is lower. On another note, commanding in RenX teaches real life leadership skills, such dealing with high stress situations or toxic team-mates, and claiming opportunities in a narrow window of time.
  3. MammothMKII


    I remember that round, absolute cancer that one (as you can probably tell from the chat, we were being base-sniped all game)
  4. Yup, totally agree Ryz, and yesterday I experienced that firsthand on a Lakeside game I was commanding on GDI. All the new players were on GDI and we were just getting spawn-sniped and locked in base. We did try every single rush/strategy/teamwork possible on lakeside to no avail, as dtdesign mentioned, there was no prospect of winning. Every rush was getting slaughtered, and the game ending was more of a relief (and you know there's a problem when you're just happy the game ended). Some suggestions: 1- Press to start ( as suggested by Snow) to avoid AFKs in the beginning of the game (where one team will have more AFKs than the other) 2- Until autobalancing can be properly implemented, implement manual moderator balancing at peak times. I know this means a person needs to manually do that, but I think this only needs to be done at peak times. 3- In my opinion, this issue is URGENT, we're losing prospective players just so a select few can get their fun, and between this and the DDOS, it can get very frustrating for someone who wants to get into the game, which hinders the growth of this community
  5. I cannot see how OG ren is better tho. I'm trying to see things from their perspective, just can't
  6. I remember before that beacons were not allowed in games with less then 24 players, or was that a server specific mutator?
  7. It's part of the Covid 19 lock-down I'm afraid, it'll stay that way till quarantine is over, stay safe and stay inside everyone!
  8. Seeing this gave me goosebumps.
  9. Definitely, it's a unique experience that's constantly evolving and different from other games I've played (Even OG Renegade). And the satisfaction of organized team-play and commanding a team to victory is unsurpassed! I would say give it a go and see for yourself,
  10. Wait what, Tib grows on that map? 😮
  11. That "infidel" at 1:42 makes the video x 10 times better
  12. Amazing work @Cynthia (And Sarah)! Loved the PUG event yesterday, we should do more of it
  13. Where the hell are those reinforcements?!
  14. MammothMKII

    "I like the odds"

    @Danvik be like:
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