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Everything posted by PermaGrin

  1. Just my two cents 1) I personally do not like being able to see my enemies on my radar, it means they can see me. 2) It should work like Renegade's radar and have a server side option to turn it on or off. 3) I really thinkthe best way to do this is...to implement a radar building. While the building if operational (alive and with power) you can see enemies on your radar. After you lose the building or lose power you are no longer able to see enemies, only friendlies.
  2. I think it is a very good start for you guys. You all seem to have the vision and the goal in mind, the time part is all you guys are missing. Over time that 35% can only increase. There many bugs that I cam across (I am wanting to write up a big list for you guys real soon), but that is to be expected at this interation. I would comment more on it but that would start to get into my bug list. I did notice right of the bat that the mix of Unreal graphics and Renegade gameplay was there. Watching Artys take the point on the cliff to hammer the WF in field just as an example. And just as in Ren, I was able to jump into first fairly fast and easy. nirgamrep (permagrin backwards is my name on there) got you a few time last night fobby
  3. PermaGrin


    I had the same thoughts. Keep it up.
  4. PermaGrin


    Well I can always use the MRLS reference for a high poly model for fun and practice. I guess I will just hang out and wiat for you guyts to start needing weapons models or animations.
  5. PermaGrin


    Whats up peoples? I forget how I found out about this, but its sounds great. Was comtimplacting contributing to this. You guys have any clue on poly counts for your vehicles? Types and sizes of texture maps you are going to make use of? Interiors of vehicles? Was looking into the MRLS and the FlameTank. Already got tons of reference images on the MRLS, but I would like to get some specs also on the game engine. I know its not out yet, but maybe someone can just give me some guesstimations on these things. Thanks, PG
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