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Phase 5 Beta Testers
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Everything posted by Reivax

  1. ppl: trash talk poi to snipe newbs and other guys also ppl: snipe newbs and other guys i've never trash talked poi or any other strong aimer, because i know i'm a pain for some players. It will always makes me laugh to see strong aimers trash talk poi but they basically try to (or successfully) do the same job it's a game, with a few strong guys, many newcomers who don't know the "tricks", and some guys who know the tricks but they will shit around and do their work kill and be killed is a part of the game. if you don't want to be killed, or if you don't want to kill... you can play Stardew Valley feelsbadman cuz i can't quote posts well.. "I don't really like snipers in this game and wish there were really only one class of this character, although it's not unique to sniping as you can kill someone with skill using almost any character." you know, many players like 1k snipers, 500 snipers or rave/syd. They are fun, because i've a better way to snipe. with a meeeeeedium taaaaaank ❤️ 85mm to your head my dude "I mentioned something about having a tick box option in the settings for newbie handicap settings - maybe their default characters come with more health and armour for example" ❤️ i love this idea but idk how it could be possible to manage that, because a few of us (hehe) often change their names (hehehe) but increase HP/armor for new players is a good idea, it's more challenging for us - aimers - and the new players will have a better balanced fight against us "you'll be toying with them like a cat with a mouse." when i'm mobi in Islands' tunnels and i see a engineer who walk alone.. " I ran in from behind thinking I was supporting my team mate (even if not a fair fight) and started shooting the opponent quickly turning it into a 2 v 1" it's why as often as possible i do not stay alone, especially if some SBH is hunting here... if a m8 come to help me, his help is appreciated - excepts if he comes only when he see a low hp guy to have a ez kill, SBHs have developped this tactic in their DNA btw, about sniping on Under... what's the worst? be sniped in the BAR by some asian child or be killed by some arty shells doing invisible damages in the BAR?
  2. Paradise ❤️ this map is awesome, but.. take care to do not be alone in the dark forest Edit: other ideas CoastalSmall is a nice map too, you could try to play it it's a paradise for snipers hehe Forest is a fun map, with these nice rivers where the shells make huge explosions haha don't forget to hold the bridge NodvsBH maps could be fun because Nod vs Nod gameplay is fun - stanks fights are amazing haha
  3. there is no hate. SBH are balanced, you are asking to buff them really too much. Ask to increase Lazarus armor statistics, i can agree. But you're asking to smth who is.. really, really incredible. SBH is the only stealth character. SBH can steal enemy tanks, disarm enemy mines, attack snipers behind enemy lines, harass healers, destroy damaged tanks, etc... it doesn't need a so strong buff. Only players who will spend the entire match as SBH could like this kind of buff. You know, these SBHs on XMountain who will stay behind GDI tank army and wait to something but they don't know what they are waiting
  4. Reivax


    amazing ❤️ planes are so underrated in Renegade X
  5. Honestly, i think it's a bad idea a few hours ago we've played on Field a SBH battalion harrased us on the field - killing hotwires and snipers, C4ing MRLS, destroying damaged tanks, using airstrikes behind us, etc... they are already strong. they can sneak in buildings behind GDI army, they can oneshot MRLS, they can easily kill snipers, they can kill wounded 1k chars and destroy heavily damaged tanks, they can harass harvesters, etc... they already are strong. if you want to make them able to regen health.. remove their cloak generator oh and.. why make a self-heal for a cloaked char but let my Mendoza without self-heal? Mendoza is sad because Technicians don't like him, so Mendoza could be freakin' happy to have a self-heal ability
  6. but.. the SBH will be totally useless to sneak bases? it makes me smile a bit to see this possibility, because i've read another topic where someone asked for self-heal for SBH
  7. i don't agree with your message, excepts this part there are a lot of new players, yea. and i agree with one part: the new players who play since a few weeks could maybe be surprised if we change too deeply the gameplay. Most players can't defend the harvester when the game starts because they prefer drink a coffee in the Hand of Nod, so they don't need to be overwhelmed with new features if they already can't understand the basics Edit: i've not really understood isupreme.. what do you exactly mean by "one type of repair for vehicles, and another for infantry."? u want a kind of healer (i.e. Hotwire who can heal infantry but not vehicles) and a repair? (i.e. Bob who can repair vehicles but not infantry)
  8. first: if i am in your team, ask to me to snipe his head, and i will do (or die by trying ) or if any other known sniper is in your team (Sgt.Snips, shpetim, OzzyIO, joumanne, Lea, Stormtrooper and a few others) ask them to kill the sniper. manage the rush because the sniper will be able to see in the cave for 5 secs after his death second: what about SBHs? a few hours ago i was chilling for a few mins, my ass was sitting on a rock and i was watching all the mobius running all around me haha it was fun
  9. you probably don't know how many meowcoins i could give to the devs if they makes Mendoza and Mobius able to self-heal :ayaya: refill is horrible, i dream to have an healer with me for the entire game but i've nobody to be my "personnal healer"
  10. Reivax

    I'm out

    your song limsup ❤️ your song ❤️ thanks ❤️ guys you must listen that at least once in your life, trust me caugh sorry but you know.. i love so much Jarre's masterpieces btw, "songs about toxicity".. i've listened a song called "Fuck them all" by a french singer now, back to the topic. YES! YEEEEEEEES! (Sindri's voice) it's actually the main problem i have about RenX glitches idk how it can be fixed - it if can be fixed but, is it possible to make that a "exploit" and make it kickable like b2b or teamhampering? i know it will never be accepted but i hope so much I agree and I disagree in same time. Damn, my brain is totally fucked at 2am. I agree with one part: Nexus said he will left mapper activities for a time. it's not forever, and he doesn't said "all RenX activity" - he will still play on RenX, still talk on discord, etc.. i've said someone on a ingame server says "rest in peace Nexus", but.. he is not dead! don't kill my Nexus! in another hand, i can't agree. poi already made a topic a few months ago, and when i've seen Nexus' topic title for the first time, i'd a kind of flashback - u know, vietnam war flashback - about poi's topic. RypeL could make his own topic, but.. it must not become an habit to see "cya" posts haha and, in a way.. if it's an issue who only concerned only you, developers.. it probably must stay between you, we players aren't supposed to know what is going on internally. i've been member of a c&c community, we known about C&C Remaster before all others - cuz we made a fun April fool and EA thinked we had learned about the remaster, lmao - but all of us kept this secret for him and no one in our community learned that before the official announcement. we are little communities, Totem Arts is maybe a "little" development group, but it requires maybe a bit of..professionalism? (damn it sounds like a fkin mathematic' teacher who annoys you cuz you don't understand what he's talking about) anyway, RypeL was here since 12 years. he is important to the development team. but, if something happened.. i think it could stay "secret", and internal to the development team
  11. Reivax

    I'm out

    I feel something is going wrong in this community.. RypeL, you're here since 2008, i think it's not one bad word who can annoy you at this point.. afaik i've never seen you ingame and probably never on discord, i've never talked to you before, but if you are in RenX community since so many years, i listen you like i can listen Master yoda i remember when poi left, when i was on servers i've often said ppl say "hey, poi is gone? yea toxicity is gone!" but.. i feel.. the toxicity is growing oh and.. about all the issues you can have with people, remember you that by "players" i mean all people of course i was sure about one thing: high-skilled players here or not, toxicity will stay. and it annoys me to see i was right. i just want to give you my opinion: don't be so disgusted by players' opinion. yea, sometimes some ppl will have an opinion who will be against your acts or your words. yes. but they will rarely been against you. and in a community, we are a group of different people. we have different opinions, and sometimes we will do not agree. as hard as it can be, we are in a community, and the "contract" is to tolerate ppl who can't moderate their own words/acts. yea, i'm a kind of naive guy. yes, i wish ppl could take words and acts without imply their feeling at this point. but of course, RypeL.. i don't understand how things can be so bad to force you to leave. you're here for 12 years, you probably don't want to make any kind of dramas. we are not in one of these stupid reality-shows. i'm surprised you can be annoyed at this point, and i want not to know what makes you so disgusted - because it will pain me. I'm highly worried about how the community is becoming. actually, we are going in one of our most important times, since years. Website makes adverts for Renegade X, streamers play with us and stream Renegade X to their community i've always - like most of us - wanted to have more players in our community. Renegade X, its developers, deserve to have a gratitude for their work all these years. and what i see.. is not at all something who could attract new players. i've joined a little community the last year, but the community was absolutely toxic so i've left a few weeks later. if we continue to debate like that, instead of playing together, working together, nicely and respectfully, Renegade X will never have the community it deserves to have. do not break the chances to improve Renegade X community. do not break our chances. now, the last walltext. i promise, it will not be so much horrible to read - and my bad english doesn't help you to find the courage to read that if you're not in the mood to read criticizes, don't read the next walltext. it is my opinion. i do not target someone, if i would target someone i've my ramjet rifle for that hehe i wish, to each and all of you, to have good times, on Renegade X, on other games, in this community or in others, IRL and IG, to enjoy what you do and to do not fall. Remember what you are. Maybe Renegade X community is going through darkness. but we must act to find the light. ... It sounds like a speech of the Greater Bald
  12. honestly? no. SBH are already strong - against snipers, healers, wounded people, damaged tanks and MRLS. one of my fav hobbies as SBH is to destroy damaged medium tanks, ez vp they don't need this kind of buff - to my opinion excepts for the SMG cuz it's horrible to use :ayaya:
  13. when you died from invisible damages in Field tunnels but you don't know invisi damages exist and you're thinking what have killed you
  14. I was writing some kind of.. random things on RenX discord server - like usually - when i suddenly made that, and.. i think it's not so stupid than that i usually write Technician drinks water to keep his perfect body Engineer eats burgers every days (he likes McDonald) Sakura likes to eat some vegetables to always be ready to fight without be fat like engineers Mendoza loves eat mexician food (what? hey he is mexican if i'm right) Nobody knows what Raveshaw eats cuz he is a weird guy and he never eat with other ppl, he prefer to be alone. Mobius is too old to eat something alone, Sydney eat with him. Havoc likes burgers but cuz he loves run around GDI Barrack for hours - to patrol and cuz he doesn't know what to do when there are no Nod meat around him - he always keep his perfect body Hotwire likes vegetable and nice fruits juice but cuz she's vegan Patch eats burgers with Hotwire, Patch likes spend his free time with Hotwire to discuss and Havoc hates that cuz he secretly love Hotwire and he thinks Patch isn't a guy for Hotwire. Gunner is a dude with a weird name - it's why everyone call him "Gunner", and cuz he likes to say "i've two guns: my rocket launcher and my . . . . - he loves eat huge amounts of food, he doesn't care about what he eats, he just want eat mooore and moooore and moooore McFarland always feel useless in the Dead-Six, cuz his only work is to prepare the coffee for the squad, and to give cups of coffee to his friends. McFarland likes eat some weird scottish food, every times someone tried to taste that.. toilets was the next place where the poor unlucky guy spend the next hour. Deadeye is the gothic dude in the squad, he never talks excepts to say "mhm". his nickname is "SilentKnight" cuz he always act like a Knight on the battlefield, and he's silent because he is.. silent. erh. so, Deadeye eats vegetables and meat, he likes vegetables but he is too slim. Hotwire often made fat food like fries for him, but he never takes 1 kilo. Havoc often laughs at that cuz he remembers when he was fat, and he is jealous.
  15. hey i've a weird idea! (once again) is it possible to make our own radio commands? i don't know if it's possible, but my idea came from this fact: each player use radio commands, but these commands he will use depends of his gameplay. i.e., as "middle game" and "defender" player, i never use Attack the Harvester, but always Defend the Harvester. i never need to use Get in the vehicle or get out the vehicle, but a radio command called "RUSH INC INF PATH" could be interesting oh, and.. Kaunas said a command "mines mines mines" could be good. he's wrong, cuz "MIIINES MIIIINES MIIIIINES MIIIIIIIIIIIINES MIIIINES MIIIIIIINES MIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINES" is better especially as GDI on Walls or Islands
  16. amazing work ❤️ how have you made these pics? the strange scrin ship is really nice
  17. hi Edit: another song - it's a french song, but don't worry if you don't understand the lyrics, her voice and the melody are nice but if you can find english translation, you will maybe like it
  18. "Defend that structure" and "Attack that structure"... ok.. but.. which one? "Building needs repair" which one? also, it's more useful to write "PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP" or "HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOON" in teamchat than to use this command "Enemy spotted" eh.. yes? it's not like there are 32 enemies on the map.. "Destroy it now!" yeaaa i'll destroy that.. these 3 med tanks, the MRLS, the mammoth, the 2 hotwire, the gunner, the havoc, the refinery, or you? "Return to base" and "Fall back" are basically the same command? i mean, they are used after rushes, and it means "oi lads be safe and come back, don't be killed by these bloodies mrls campers" for me, the best commands are Affirmative (cuz my healers are nice) I need repairs (when my healers doesn't care about my mobi who are low HP with 350/375 HP ) and Defend the harvester oh, and about follow me.. i Q-ping ppl and i shoot at their face with my volt rifle, it often works especially to find healers :ayaya: about the poll, "destroy it now" is.. totally useless. "I'm in position" is useful, when a engineer q-ping me to ask to a cover but i want not suicide to enemy snipers/mrls campers/tons of dozas, so i say I'm in position to explain that i'm in my position to hold the line and fight for the Emprah oops wrong universe sorry
  19. when i'm in my factory to make biscuits, and after hours of work, i let my mind thinks about some random stuffs, and suddenly i hear someone say Defend the Harvester with the radio command' voice, i'm surprised and i look around me who tf said that but i'm alone and i understand it was only in my broken mind when i'm in my car and a few seconds before driving in a turn i suddenly think "can i drift like RenX EMPed light tanks?" when i'm watching a YT vid and i suddenly have a random idea for a APC rush on Walls but it's a divert cuz we're doing a gunner/rocket rush on plateau to destroy HON when my brother says me he've done a top1 on Fortnite and killed 7 guys but i answer him i've done 29/0 on Islands when i'm with my friends in a restaurant, we're eating meat and i suddenly say - to myself - "hey i love this meat, it have the same taste than burned GDI meat" (but my friends aren't surprised, they are used to hear me say some strange words) when one of my friends is explaining me he haven't enough money to buy a new PC and the first answer who comes in my mind is "Defend the harvester" - the radio command, yea i really have a problem with that when i'm talking to a girl at my work, she ask me what kind of songs i listen, i answer "eh.. some kind of strange japanese songs - i think about Eiji Kuinbii and Lily Scarlet Rose - and when she ask me what i do in my free time, i answer her "eh... what i'm the best to do.. hold the godamn infantry path!" and she's confused but she still talks to me for the entire day of course, it happened a lot but i can't remember more lol Agent posted that a few mins ago on discord and.. instantly... APACHE RUSH EYES
  20. i agree - but in another hand, if we don't take infantry paths, enemy team could rocket/doza rush and easily destroy one of our buildings.. exactly like ex_member, when i turn off Eiji Kuinbii and i'm chilling, i like to send DM to ppl - about L to lock vehs, to dodge, to aim more to the bodies than to the heads, to don't run to attack me when he's soldier and i'm mendoza, etc... but i feel they don't read my messages (or they don't speak english? remembers many guys don't speak english at all - when i've played RenX for the first time, i wasn't able at all to understand any word cuz i'd never spoke a word in english before ) i already let a few ppl alive, but i must confess it's rare - only a few times per week i.e. when i'm stank/sbh and i see snipers, i don't always kill them when i'm fighting in infantry paths and the enemy just stop to fight and stand, i stop to fire, i run back and i ask him to run back to his base to not be killed when i'm fighting as infantry and after a hard and honourable fight my enemy is heavily wounded and he run back, i sometimes let him alive - especially if he haven't ref/pp or HON/bar of course, i still remember when i've began, my global KD was smth like 0.10 cuz i was an healer, not a killer. in another hand, i've learned to fight by fighting poi and many other strong fighters so.. i'm divided i know if someone is too hardly raped, he will maybe leave and search another game but perhaps he could take his revenge and still fight to kill me, and if he does that, i like him. I like when ppl are strong guys with a strong will in another hand i know many guys play for have a good time after an hard day at work - factory is horrible - but.. be killed is a part of the game, and learn how to avoid the death is the most hard practice but the more enjoyable yesterday on Islands, i was 28/0 when game finished - smth like 44 mins i had not killed tons of enemies, but i was still alive, and it made me happy i still keep in mind the two most "frustrating gameplays" are sniper and firefighters (mobi/doza).. - i don't talk about arties/mrls campers, you probably already know my opinion about that :ayaya: but it's a entire part of the gameplay, and it's necessary. firefighters are here to protect infantry paths against rocket/doza rushes and to prevent sneaky dudes to kill our base snipers are here to kill enemy healers to allows our tanks to destroy enemy tanks but i will take a look about to be more fair to players, let them alive and send them more DM than i already do - spam, more spaaam - thanks to give me this interesting questioning Quinc3y
  21. hmm yes haha someone - Stormtrooper TR8-T0R if i'm right - asked on discord if it was possible to make C4 q-spot possible? if harvester is c4ed, u could be able to q-spot them, like C4 on MCTs
  22. i wish one day Forest will be released in a patch, i love your map i like its design and the infantry path - the forest looks fun i'll come to T-O server in a few days to test it and see the new things you've added since the last version
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