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Everything posted by TigerXtrm

  1. QUOTE (JeepRubi @ Sep 30 2009, 05:19 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> "Good morning, this is the 8 o clock news. We open with a horror story today as hundreds of reports are coming in of people killing themselves. Authorities do not yet know if all suicides are related but do not rule it out, given almost all of them occurred on September 30th. A common factor of all victims was a video game called Renegade X. While authorities are not prepared to state this was indeed the motive, Jack Thompson has already put out a press conference in which he states "it should be illegal for game developers to distribute news about release dates, as young minds can clearly not handle the stress of waiting.". More on the story as it develops."
  2. That would be cool indeed and awesome promotion for the mod if it can have it's own Xfire channel/tag.
  3. Would setting up a torrent file next to the download mirrors be an option? Would take some of the strain of the servers.
  4. I remember the concept of drivable harvesters being done in A Path Beyond at a certain point. It can be pretty fun but can also completely ruien a round if some noob gets his harvester blown up every time.
  5. Damn that means I won't be able to get it until tommorow evening . Damn you different time zones!!! :angry:
  6. QUOTE (spectre01 @ Sep 26 2009, 09:16 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Same
  7. I've seen some images of the new HUD and while I like the design by itself, I have to question the practical side of it. Whenever the HUD is against a bright background it becomes very unclear (goes for the yellow GDI HUD especially). Is this a problem you've found in game or is it not that bad when you're actually in game?
  8. Laser555 (in the very very beginning) TigerXtrm (has been my game nick ever since)
  9. TigerXtrm

    This mod

    QUOTE (DudeMan @ May 1 2009, 05:04 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> :blink:
  10. QUOTE (Demigan @ Apr 21 2009, 11:39 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> You contradict yourself :blink: . You say the one in TW hits 10 buildings, the one in Renegade hits one and then proceed to claim the old one is more powerful while evidence you just produced proves the opposite. Which is it? As for facts. From what I remember of the Ion Cannon in Tiberian Dawn, that thing was only able to hit a single building too, unless the buildings were close enough together. So in that aspect it makes perfect sense since it's exactly the same in Renegade. I dunno why TW is brought into this since this game uses a 60 year newer enhanced version of the Ion Cannon. No wonder it's better.
  11. Might be a good idea to hand out the achievements only at the end of each round so people don't figure out achievement requirements eventually.
  12. QUOTE (NEFobbyGEN @ Apr 6 2009, 08:17 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> So just throw a couple more rounds in their heads to make sure .
  13. Last Minute: Single handed repair a structure that is under 10% health back to full health. Payback: Kill a member of the enemy team who has killed someone from your own team less then a minute ago. LZ in Sight: Get killed by the Nod cargo plane 200 times in your multiplayer career. Thief: Steal a vehicle belonging to the enemy team and keep it intact for at least 5 minutes. Owned: Buy a 1000 credits character after the refinery is destroyed and die without making a single kill. Pwned: Buy a 2000 credits character after both the Power Plant and Refinery have been destroyed and die without making a single kill. Roadkill: Get run over 200 times in your multiplayer career. Roadrunner: Run 200 enemies over in your multiplayer career. Knock Knock: End a game by placing a beacon on the pedestal. Who's There?: Single handed disarm a pedestal beacon. Out of Time: Kill 5 or more enemies with a nuke/ion blast. All Your Base Are Belong To Us: Single handed destroy the enemy base (by any means). Stop! Hammertime!: After being hit by an enemy, feign death successfully (without being killed in the 30 seconds following) 5 times in 1 game.
  14. Act on Instinct remix in Renegade. Though the original is better.
  15. Awesome vid! Thanks for showing us the Renegade X goodness!
  16. It's like that in BF2 but I dunno how easy it is to implement on the UE3. I think it would be a nice detail but not something people would be screaming bloody murder over if it wasn't there.
  17. QUOTE (napkin @ Mar 28 2009, 07:48 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I wouldn't hold your breath. Also: QUOTE (TigerXtrm @ Mar 22 2009, 12:30 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
  18. QUOTE (b3h1ndu @ Mar 25 2009, 06:14 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I don't turn it off when I'm done with the PC, maybe that has something to do with it. Still I have never noticed the delay with my wireless mouse. I do know wireless has a reputation like that, maybe you just need to try a better wireless mouse then .
  19. QUOTE (Armada @ Mar 25 2009, 03:27 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> If you can't beat em, join em . It's a bit of free advertising in any case .
  20. Of course not .
  21. I took the liberty of creating a page for Renegade X on a Dutch networking site, in the hopes of helping the mod gain attention a bit. Hope I didn't piss anyone off by doing so, though . Anyway you can find it here: http://renegadex.hyves.nl/ Tiger
  22. You can't notice a 0.15 second difference... No way in hell.
  23. QUOTE (Pendullum @ Mar 22 2009, 12:45 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Remember, it's Nod. Not NOD.
  24. NEFobbyGEN YOU AR NOT JUST A BIG JACKAS AND YOU THE BIG HEAD JUST YOU CREATE GLACIER FLAYING FUCK YOU BIG JAKAS YOUR MAPS IS BAD YOU WANT I WRUGHT THIS THE MAPS IS BAD HEY IS 1 YEAR YOUR PROMESS A CON YARD WIRH A SINGLE PLAYER POWER PLANT IN ONE MAPS AND IS DONT JUST ACK I TELL IT ALL REPLYER IN THIS FORUM I DESLIKE YOU. --- Good times... Right now I could pretend to be cool and totally prance around with my Renegade history knowledge... but... the ACK thing was actually a joke and it's kind of creepy that I was actually spot on... :blink:
  25. I first saw a C&C game with a friend who at that time lived a few houses away. He was playing Red Alert once when I came in (I was about 8 or 9) and I found the idea of building builds and stuff very cool (not at all for the war aspect at that time, I just liked the idea of building stuff ). We played it a few times and about a month later I was in a store with a friend of mine and saw a Red Alert combo pack (the huge box with the two expansions in it). I decided to buy it and we got started on the Soviet missions not long after. About a year later I got kind of interested in C&C as a whole when I saw the trailer for Tiberian Sun and found out about the original C&C which I then went out to seek. I found it, played it, and instantly got hooked on the Tiberium universe. I bought Tiberian Sun as soon as it hit the shelves and bought every other C&C game that came after that as soon as it was available. Like many of us I was afraid for the franchise when Westwood was shut down and EA came with 'Generals' but I have to say my faith in the franchise is restored. The only thing I still fear to this day is that we will never see the conclusion of the Tiberian storyline because of cancellations (recent Tiberium cancellation). Hm... yeah long story short I've been a fan since Red Alert: Aftermath.
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