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Everything posted by DeadAccount

  1. There is a lot of fantastical explosions and serene features in the new release, but when the new bug/glitch update is patched i feel it would be worth considering the following changes in terms of gameplay and balance. MAMMOTHS and MEDS are THICC: GDI tanks are beefy and it's really hard to find counters. For every Mammoth with a Hottie you need 5 Nod players just to take it down. That level of investment gives GDI such a huge edge. A major problem is that Rav and LCG do not do enough DPS to melt mammoths in time. Something needs to be done cause right now they are just way too thicc. One idea to counter this would be the following... Ravs, LCG's, and Chems: One way to fix the above would be to revert the LCG and Chems to their former state and speed up or buff the rav railgun. This would also help in countering Patch. Right now there is no counter to Patch for Nod besides Doza. I'm Poor All The Damn Time: The economics of the game need a retool. There's a real issue when it comes to currency in-game that drives towards one-sided stalemates where you can't make a comeback happen. I think a good fix would be to up the Credit Ticker 3x its current speed and cut the Harvey dump by 200 credits. This way Harvey's are still important but they're not the end all be all. This would allow the flow of a match to continue during all phases of the game. Rav/Sydney: There's a design issue with the new railgun/ion lag time. Slamming my mouse button with the charge-fire feels less than intuitive. Oftentimes I'm just hammering my mouse hoping for it to fire. I think a better option when you play Rav or Sydney is to hold down and charge (like Mobius alt fire) and when you're ready to fire you let go. This gives you more control, visual cues, and a more satisfying experience. Too many guard towers: All the new maps have GT's on infantry paths. It's overkill. I have no idea why it's become such a big trend but it shuts down options for teams. If anything else comes to mind I'll be sure to post it. Really enjoy the work the devs are doing! Keep it up! *air5!!
  2. Apache has great escapability. Good Burst damage with main gun. The copter has a tapestry of great uses. This can be seen at every pug when it comes to rushes. So why are we attaching one of the best infantry killing tools onto it? I'm not saying the Humvee and Apache chainguns are 1 to 1 but the apache's secondary fire can really be felt when playing any flying map. It mows down infantry and snowballs games. If the goal is to make Apache a glass cannon why give it the Humvee style chaingun? Right now, a good Apache pilot will control Lakeside, Walls, and Whiteout nearly every match. When a unit controls so many game mechanics single-handily I think it at least deserves some investigating why. Also why does the Orca have a different secondary? (as in a different chaingun) I MADE A FORUM POST WOOT!!
  3. This indie game developed by a ragtag group of pirates would thrive in the Steam marketplace. Bite the bullet and strip the CnC branding. Steam Awards 2018 best indie multiplayer game of the year would be a lock. Gliven already has new lore/backstory figured out.
  4. Harv request for next patch... Kawaii harv...
  5. So just throwing this out there as an idea for Commander Mode! Instead of voting the commander every round would it be possible to instead award commander status to the players who won MVP, Support, Defense, or Offense in the last game? It would not only create value for those awards, but also motivate better team play as people strive for one of those top spots. So at most you would have 4 commanders per team. I don't this that's too much saturation, and would allow everyone a chance at the role. Unless you only want a single Commander. Stay awesome!
  6. i like the 60 person games cause then i get to hang out with all my friends in one place. c:
  7. The Rene X Discord has cultivated an awesome community focusing on all levels of discussion from pug debates to best eats. Most importantly, it's active in a way that allows reneX fans to hang out. I check in on it before work each morning, and since the game lacks an in-game chat, it has become my go-to hub for all things reneX. Thing is, the barrier to entry is a little tough because there's no simple way to join, and despite this, it has grown with members from all sorts of cool backgrounds and origin stories. Would it be possible to put a GIANT button/link on the front page so that it's easier for newcomers to join? Something like, "Join our community on Discord!" Stay awesome!
  8. Mesa and Canyon both need to go. Imo they need entire reworks in design which would open the door for other maps... What about the possibility of introducing new maps from the community? A new maps patch perhaps?
  9. If you're in the US. You can join the CT Marathon server 11:30am - 4pm (CT). There is always a full round going on. Before and after that it tends to slow down.
  10. At some point, during late games, k/d seems to trigger a breaking point with that stated goal. Where the amass of kills overrides everything else. It's as if veterancy kills snowball and overwhelm all other stats. The person who has 50-3 during 30+ min matches will be MVP (usually) regardless of what happens offensively, defensively, etc. (Except for the losing team where MVP is usually awarded to the most defensive/support player) I'll snap some screens later when I get the chance. I'm not saying that person shouldn't be the MVP, especially when they are contributing to other efforts. It just seems that the snowball effect of veterancy kills need tweaking. It can be especially noticed during late games when game sense (taking down another teams tower/tanks) should be the focus in a marathon match. I do think a combination of Offensive/Defensive/Support scores is the best strategy for MVP. To me, it just needs to be tinkered a bit.
  11. Have you noticed how the length of a game weighs K/D more than Game Sense when it comes to MVP? Almost always the MVP of a 30+ minute match will be someone with a k/d of 30-2, 40-4, etc. Which is strange and counter-intuitive because it would seem to me if a match is going that long, the MVP should the person who has created the most offensive output in taking down the other teams towers. IMO I think the analytics in calculating MVP should be tinkered with. Maybe the veterancy points awarded per kill be cut in half? Thoughts? STAY AWESOME!!
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