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About limsup

  • Birthday December 31

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  1. Probably for the reason of bots crashing the game server. It has been an issue even in the vanilla version since a year or two, until there are means and resources to mend that first, I don't think many servers - if any - would enable bots.
  2. I'm afraid that @STANISLAV, the original maker of the map has not been active since a few years. Perhaps you could reach out to him - necroposting here is a bit fruitless...
  3. Seems that the domain change has broken a few links. I have raised this issue to staff, hopefully it will be remedied soon. The map, however is available here:
  4. CNC-Eyes - sorry DaKuja Though one reason against that is its one of the very few flying maps, the game would really need more of those...
  5. Remix of the theme song of a 1994 hit game
  6. Any plans to finish the map? RenX has not many new maps, would be lovely if this could get into a playtest ready state
  7. Developers too have their own favourite units, the reflection of which you saw in the taunt menu Amen! In my own humble opinion, you should be the icon in the Purchase Terminal for the Shotgunner - never seen anyone else on your level with that character, giving a spanking to $1K units with it and fumigating SBH-s all the time
  8. I was in the Longhorn closed beta, if that matters
  9. Was that the 3 hours long round?
  10. It is not viable on all maps, and chances are, the enemy team is base locked with about 20+ out of 32 people are bound to be around spotting and killing you. Furthermore, Commander might have stopped the harvester alltogether.
  11. limsup


    He stole @Ryz's line!!!
  12. I think it was indeed him, he did close quarter combat and was endlessly frustrated when he died to a sniper before he could close the distance between them
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