What's up schrott? Yeah, the last patch caused some troubles (again)... But I'm pretty sure that the devs are working on a fix for the (known) problems!
Look @dr.schrott, I love to rant too. Given I'm in the mood for that. But pure negativity doesn't help at all. You're throwing some buzz phrases around like nothing, but you're not mentioning any specific problems nor do you propose solutions here.
Assuming [feel free to correct me, if my assumption is bullshit] you're upset due to the latest patch, let's take a look at the patch notes provided by @yosh56.
Hmmmm, couldn't find anything that might be worth to be upset about in the patch notes. Sorry for your trouble.
Assuming [see above] you're upset due to the above mentioned problems, there is a feedback topic.
If that doesn't help you, there is Steam / Origin / Uplay / Humblebundle / GOG - I'm sure you'll find a decent game for a little amount of cash. Your gaming hardware is probably able to run any of the latest hyped games anyway....