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Damage/armor/healing is not balanced.


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From time to time, I install this game and play a few games, hoping the game is improved. But always, I end up in a game where there are often standoffs between two tank groups, being healed by a swarm of engineers. Those battles go nowhere. It makes the game boring. This game would be a lot better with a better balance between damage, armor and healing. Personally, I think the healing done by engineers is way too much. Quick healing should only be possible somewhere inside the base, near the factory or airstrip for example. C4 placed at the control panel in building should do more damage. Often, games drag on for way too long. I think this game has a lot of potential, but with the current balance, I don't see it become popular.

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Often, games drag on for way too long

True that.  

I am curious about when you play.   Sometimes I find small pop matches where players are deliberately stretching things out because they fear the server dying.   I find that the full server matches are better at overcoming the stalemate situation, unless it is a small map.   Often things move forward because someone will take command and get the team focused.   Have you considered taking command to help things move along?    If not I don't blame you.  I do not like commanding.   But it is one way the devs have added to help this situation.

Another new change is All Out War mode.   AOW has a time limit which really forces the teams to not stalemate but act more aggressively in order to win.   Sadly, the mainstream Pub servers do not usually choose this mode.  Sometimes it happens but mostly this mode is used for the PUGs on the weekend.     Maybe consider joining the PUGs?  



Edited by isupreme
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Taking command? This game lacks any form of support for a command structure. No official commander, no teams, no team leads. How does one take command in this game? Just by saying it? I've played many team-based games. Most people just want to do shooting, not caring about team play. Unless this game supports a commander in taking that role, being a commander is meaningless.

How about heaving teams, where players get armor buffs when near team leads. That encourages team work. How about having a commander that can grant temporary buffs to a team, but those buffs are only available once per X minutes or are earned when a side accomplishes something. For example, possessing an building/object in the field. Make team work rewarding. Think beyond the arcade shooter.

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