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Bot Fun. OMG. lvl 9s etc.


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So  yall know how much i enjoy bots.    Ofc i know that means about  1 or 2 here in forums...

But still i really enjoy messing with bots.   And the new lvl 9s have only inspired me to HIGHER LEVELS  of Insanity.   .   .   .   PUN intended.


I challenge you all to play with bots.

Today i was playing bot AOW Marathon.     ?   What you don't know this game?   

nvrm.. that is another topic...  

This Is a story of  AOW with bots:

ANyway.... today  i was supporting a  lvl 9 bot.    Heck why not?   the bot had climbed the ladder past  lvl 1 and 5 bots...    Why not support it>?

I rode along in the  apc as a hotwire....  but thestupid bot tended to get stuck at diff points against walls etc...    

Following a tip i heard ...  ..  i jumped in the apc.     I  HIT  1 key!     I took control.!   moved the apc...then jumped out.  !!!!  the DAMN BoT took over and continued the push forward!   I did it again when it got stuck. Again Success,

i.e. one of the fun things in this game right now is testing the bots.    Thanks for fixing them devs.

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Today's game w some bots was a blast.   Oasis.    yes oasis..  a great map to show what bots can do.

it was like 7 vs 7 or so...   we added 3 lvl 1s.      had some fun because who isn't better than  a lvl 1 right?

We played a while and added 1 lvl 9.    this was really good because the teams were getting rowdy and ready to kill buildings....

We got to play on a bit and instead of map ending...some more players joined.     We cut back to 2 bots.  lvl 1 and lvl 9

The oasis game went for 1.5 hrs and the server grew till end.

Thank you bots for keeping the server alive.

p.s. during the game someone commented that bots were placing proxies.. unconfirmed.

Edited by isupreme
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