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Proxy Mine Purchase Idea for after HON or Bar destruction


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It's been mentioned in the past about how difficult games can get when no one has the ability to put proximity mines on a team, especially if there's not enough people to fully cover a base and still attack.

My idea is that proximity mines, in batches of 4 would be available for purchase at terminals as stand alone items. These could not be replenished through the resupply option but much be repurchased when used up. This would allow for people to maintain base defenses more easily and would allow for defensive minded players to maintain defenses even while playing as characters other than Hotwire or Technician. More importantly, it would make proxy mines available even after Bar or HON destruction.

I think the balance in this would have to come from the price of the mines, otherwise it would lesson the value of the Hotwire and Technician. Buying stand alone mines would have to be a bit on the expensive side, meaning buying 2 or 2 1/2 batches would equal the cost of buying these characters outright. The mines coming in batches of 4 would allow someone to fully mine the WF, PP, Ref, Bar, or Hon without ramps. The other buildings, AF, OB, AGT would only require 2 mines at minimum for coverage so the extra for them could be applied elsewhere.

Edited by Tarvin
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  • Tarvin changed the title to Proxy Mine Purchase Idea for after HON or Bar destruction

In truth, a lot of players that aren't good at placing proxy mines ... do anyhow (maybe we should make a guide on that?). Some of these players may decide to 'help' anyhow and leave vulnerabilities, but, the nice thing about this way of doing it, having to purchase limited numbers at a time, players who are spending their credits on characters and vehicles won't want to put their credits into something like limited proxy mines. This would leave it to players focusing on defense, who often have credits to spare from mainly patrolling their own base and are likely the more experienced mine layers.

Edited by Tarvin
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  • Totem Arts Staff

Proxi mines remain after character death or change, so realistically, somebody could buy a Hotwire/Tech and plant the mines down

If Proxi mines as an item are too cheap it devalues a Hotty/Tech in one aspect, but if the mines are too high you may as well get more for your credz and get a Hotti/Tech

She/They already posted a "How to defend good" guide, which includes optimal mining tips

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The focus of this idea is to allow people to obtain proxy mines for base defense after the HON or Bar are destroyed, but I agree, a nice price point would have to be found that keeps Hotwires or Techs from being devalued. That's why I estimated about half the cost of those units. If you want to mine more than just one regular 2 entrance building, you'd be better off going for the units rather than the mines.

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  • Totem Arts Staff

Ah yes, another revival of the classic mine debate. Can't say how many threads and conversations I've read over the years about mines.

I think they are just inherently a bad decision by the Renegade development team, and it was applied to RenX. I think removing the mines or changing them fundamentally would change how the game is played too much, for the worse.

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I agree changing them could lead to issues and they are fairly well balanced as is. The only reason I brought this up was because of what I've seen happen in low-pop matches where proxies being placed are the only reason why the 2 or 3 people on one team are able to have some degree of base defense when they go on attack. If the Bar or Hon is destroyed, one or two usually would have to focus solely on base defense to keep others from falling.

I guess since I've thought it out further, the core of the idea is to avoid situations where a player is forced into a role without being able to join attacks.

The secondary issue is when the player previously responsible for mining the base decides to switch to a more offensive role ... only to find that no one else took on the role, forcing a switch from a 1000 credit character back to a hottie or tech. Purchasable mines would allow for more flexibility in these cases and would be cheaper than switching characters temporarily just to put a few mines.

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