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Posted (edited)

I have reinstalled the game and made no custom settings in the .ini files. 

I have only used the in-game available settings.
Nevertheless, the video will show you what strange rubberbanding and stutter I get on 2 of my PCs.
I played that map at the beginning at 240 fps as only 18 players were in the game, and later at 140-180 fps.

On Snow it is so obvious when passing certain areas. On other maps it is not that extreme but it still affects how targets are moving.
The faster they move and the more they change directions (dodge) the harder it is to follow bcs the movement is broken.
It feels like a small parts of the movement are lost and like units would run over a small chainsaw.

They shake in a similar way as Orcas.
I will try to record some of these strange things and post them here.

Important: as the recording is at 60 fps , that what you see in the video is much better than how it looks when playing the game >100 fps !!!
In the game the stutter and rubberbanding is way worse !


Edited by ex_member
Posted (edited)

These are 2 videos from few months ago.
If you look while I am running the slope, you will notice the shaking.
As mentioned, in the game it is much worse than in the recording as the recording is done at 60 fps.
This kind of shaking happens in all areas when units are running any slopes, e.g. going to the plateau on Walls, or the tunnels on Under.



Edited by ex_member
gonna try to record a better example

That warping on Snow (x?) is a bug and map related. Something like that happened on no other map as far as I know.

I can also not see any problems with walking up/down ramps. Looks normal, except some clipping issues with the feet and camera.


Try to focus on this part of the video when I walk down and up and see if you notice how this part is shaking:


I will try to record a better example, bcs it looks much worse in the game at >100 fps compared to recorded video at 60 fps.


I normally get like 50/60 fps but when im recording or streaming 20/40 fps depending on the playercount 

I agree the movement in this game feels terrible the stuttering is very annoying to hit people with especially if they're a fast character very hard to hit someone like that, but i think we all have this issue. Makes it alright i guess 🙃

I know the tunnels on under lag so much specially the nod one, up the pipeline it lags too when you walk up to it. It usually gets worse when you run up to something or when something explodes. and theres a lot more places and times where it does this but i can't come up with them all on the spot.



I am sure that the issue is somehow related  to high FPS at higher resolution ( at least on my side >100 fps 1440p ). 
It is hard to record it exactly how it is in the game, as I cannot record more than 60 FPS.
And when you run the game at 120, but record at 60, you will lose 50% of the frames and the recording looks a bit blured too.

I compared the recording with in-game scene, by having it shown on 2 monitors side by side and repeating what is shown in recording.

In game it is 2x or 3x worse than in the recording itself.
Gonna try to find a way how to record it.

  • Totem Arts Staff

It likely has a lot to do with FPS fluctuation (the warping); literally just the game engine trying to keep everything proportional when once there's only a .01s between frames, and the next there's .05s between frames. 

The extra lag on the Z axis I don't even see in your videos, but I know what you're talking about. Not quite sure where it would be handled differently, but I have noticed people moving on ramps tend to get warpy as all hell. 


Hi Yosh,

you are probably right. It looks like a desynch.
Unfortunately, I cannot provide a better recording at a time, but I am glad that you guys are aware of the problem and I hope you will find a solution for it.

Thanks !

7 hours ago, Tytonium said:

It's just a snow map related problem.

That is probably so, but it is not said that rubberbanding is not a thing in RenX.

I couldn't move properly for a minute or so, then I decided to start recording. Short after the rubberbanding disappeared and it went back to normal. 
Look at the very beginning of this video and you will see how it was !


Also this engie is very interesting thing. You will see him gliding and moving very weird.
At the end of this video you will also notice how he shakes up and down. Similar shaking appears to any moving unit during some rushes on full loaded server.


Guest Gliven

Yeah that gliding engie was the pilot of a vehicle. I've seen it on occasion. 


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