Moderator Quinc3y Posted January 15, 2020 Moderator Posted January 15, 2020 So recently, I've been trying a different playstyle, where I'd focus on killing enemies ("poi style"). And honestly, I might be too soft for this While I always knew that there are plenty bad players on public servers, it's when you adopt this focus-on-killing playstyle that you see it even more clearly. There are people who reguarly stand still / walk in straight lines / have zero game sense / don't notice enemies around them / storm into a group of enemies / make other poor choices, etc. They don't contribute much at all to their team and instead, they donate VP to the enemy team. Killing them takes little to no effort or skill. 99% of the time, they are simply new players. They installed the game last week, have a nostalgic feeling about the C&C universe, tried maybe one or two games against bots but they would prefer playing against other players because it's more fun and they want to reminisce the old days when they played with their friends. At the same time, due to low population / only 1 active server, they are forced to play against veterans with many years of experience. Obviously, they stand no chance: Ren X is not that easy of a game, especially when it comes to aiming. How are they supposed to explore the game and have a positive first impression, when they keep getting sent back to spawn every moment? The second they leave their base, they get sniped or destroyed by a supreme infantry player. And when they try to shoot that infantry player back, they deal almost no damage because of their bad aim/cheaper unit/lower veterancy. I'd hate to be them in this scenario. Of course, I'd like to keep these people around and not discourage them from Ren X. This is why, after I kill the same guy twice and see him again standing still in the same spot, I aim at his head and hesitate before pulling the trigger... please, learn from your mistakes, dude... I say to myself. And then I end up shooting him anyway because well.. it's part of the game. If I don't do it, somebody else on my team will kill him... a few deaths later, he quits and I never see him again. Sigh. This kind of guilty feeling I get especially when I snipe people inside their base. This can be easily done on maps like Walls, Complex or Under, when your team is already dominating. Really, buying a new hard-earned unit, exiting a building and getting sniped immediately has to be the worst feeling in Ren. So this is just a couple of my thoughts. What do you think? Am I the only one who has this problem? 1 2 2 Quote
ex_member Posted January 15, 2020 Posted January 15, 2020 I sometimes write a private message to them and tell them not to stand still and dodge more. But only very few react to that advice and it might be that they do not even noticed or understood the message, idk. Anyway nasty situation to be in. 4 Quote
Totem Arts Staff roweboat Posted January 15, 2020 Totem Arts Staff Posted January 15, 2020 I feel you, I run into that situation often. I usually avoid shooting them to death if I realize they are not reacting to the shots very well. Last week, I was a hotwire, this guy was a soldier. He was sort of just standing there, moving a little bit. I shot him twice in the body. ...I hesitated a 3rd shot to the head... thought for a moment... but took the shot XD I felt bad. 2 Quote
Agent Posted January 15, 2020 Posted January 15, 2020 8 hours ago, ex_member said: I sometimes write a private message to them and tell them not to stand still and dodge more. But only very few react to that advice and it might be that they do not even noticed or understood the message, idk. Anyway nasty situation to be in. Honestly, just giving people advice when you notice they're struggling is very constructive. Maybe I should try doing this more, though I'm not sure if I focus enough to realize who I'm actually killing or looking at most of the time. Certainly something to strive for at least! 4 Quote
Reivax Posted January 15, 2020 Posted January 15, 2020 (edited) i agree - but in another hand, if we don't take infantry paths, enemy team could rocket/doza rush and easily destroy one of our buildings.. exactly like ex_member, when i turn off Eiji Kuinbii and i'm chilling, i like to send DM to ppl - about L to lock vehs, to dodge, to aim more to the bodies than to the heads, to don't run to attack me when he's soldier and i'm mendoza, etc... but i feel they don't read my messages (or they don't speak english? remembers many guys don't speak english at all - when i've played RenX for the first time, i wasn't able at all to understand any word cuz i'd never spoke a word in english before ) i already let a few ppl alive, but i must confess it's rare - only a few times per week i.e. when i'm stank/sbh and i see snipers, i don't always kill them when i'm fighting in infantry paths and the enemy just stop to fight and stand, i stop to fire, i run back and i ask him to run back to his base to not be killed when i'm fighting as infantry and after a hard and honourable fight my enemy is heavily wounded and he run back, i sometimes let him alive - especially if he haven't ref/pp or HON/bar of course, i still remember when i've began, my global KD was smth like 0.10 cuz i was an healer, not a killer. in another hand, i've learned to fight by fighting poi and many other strong fighters so.. i'm divided i know if someone is too hardly raped, he will maybe leave and search another game but perhaps he could take his revenge and still fight to kill me, and if he does that, i like him. I like when ppl are strong guys with a strong will in another hand i know many guys play for have a good time after an hard day at work - factory is horrible - but.. be killed is a part of the game, and learn how to avoid the death is the most hard practice but the more enjoyable yesterday on Islands, i was 28/0 when game finished - smth like 44 mins i had not killed tons of enemies, but i was still alive, and it made me happy i still keep in mind the two most "frustrating gameplays" are sniper and firefighters (mobi/doza).. - i don't talk about arties/mrls campers, you probably already know my opinion about that :ayaya: but it's a entire part of the gameplay, and it's necessary. firefighters are here to protect infantry paths against rocket/doza rushes and to prevent sneaky dudes to kill our base snipers are here to kill enemy healers to allows our tanks to destroy enemy tanks but i will take a look about to be more fair to players, let them alive and send them more DM than i already do - spam, more spaaam - thanks to give me this interesting questioning Quinc3y Edited January 15, 2020 by Reivax 1 Quote
Tytonium Posted January 21, 2020 Posted January 21, 2020 Leaked footage of Poi and Jp sniping from the pipes on Under against noob GDI team 1 2 Quote
Mystic~ Posted January 21, 2020 Posted January 21, 2020 Well I was playing Crash Site yesterday and you managed to snipe my expensive Ravshaw twice in a row from two different places using a Dead-eye, so it's not only newbs this happens to. If I'm in a good mood and I see someone doing something wrong like mining the sandbags on Walls or spot something obvious tactically they messed up on I'll quickly type in a few letters of their name and try to give them some feedback using the user ping system rather than a public chastising. I don't really like snipers in this game and wish there were really only one class of this character, although it's not unique to sniping as you can kill someone with skill using almost any character. I reckon in the past I mentioned something about having a tick box option in the settings for newbie handicap settings - maybe their default characters come with more health and armour for example, something that could maybe be facilitated by a mod. If it were a more populated game there would be average and elite servers to separate players. If you shoot someone over and over again, you may end up with watery eyes, which is meant to be emotional intelligence or internal feedback to say, it's too unkind or brutal for the situation for example. But with this said, if you don't kill them some of the time they'll not learn or understand and appreciate the possible expected standards of some players and you'll be toying with them like a cat with a mouse. I rarely snipe anymore, so I don't think I get this same level of closeness or psychological perspective when using a tank etc. I'll share some really esoteric stuff here, maybe some will get it, maybe some won't, but in higher dimensions of our reality, basically souls/consciousness are more evolved and aware, 'we' still play the same games often, a lot of stuff is judged and decided through dreams and behaviour and choices get refined to make a better gaming experience based on the concept of good and evil, which is not the same as the fictional type you see in movies. For example, I came across a fight on Canyon in the tunnels of 1 v 1, something like a solider versus a flamethrower and I ran in from behind thinking I was supporting my team mate (even if not a fair fight) and started shooting the opponent quickly turning it into a 2 v 1 - the guy who I eventually managed to kill became really pissed off and due to how psychic/mind interaction takes place I then had to endure some shity mood and depressed forehead for a while thereafter. In fact if you have a bad gaming attitude you'll soon get a bipolar style depression making things emotionally and energetically not so enjoyable. I basically took away from this that you can refine, develop and improve how you respond and play in a game. Quick tip, in lower and middle reality (like here) so many people either suffer from addiction or don't work hard enough during their working week prior to properly enjoy playing a game. Even gamers go through evolution, but this includes both the learned and the learning. 1 Quote
Reivax Posted January 22, 2020 Posted January 22, 2020 ppl: trash talk poi to snipe newbs and other guys also ppl: snipe newbs and other guys i've never trash talked poi or any other strong aimer, because i know i'm a pain for some players. It will always makes me laugh to see strong aimers trash talk poi but they basically try to (or successfully) do the same job it's a game, with a few strong guys, many newcomers who don't know the "tricks", and some guys who know the tricks but they will shit around and do their work kill and be killed is a part of the game. if you don't want to be killed, or if you don't want to kill... you can play Stardew Valley feelsbadman cuz i can't quote posts well.. "I don't really like snipers in this game and wish there were really only one class of this character, although it's not unique to sniping as you can kill someone with skill using almost any character." you know, many players like 1k snipers, 500 snipers or rave/syd. They are fun, because i've a better way to snipe. with a meeeeeedium taaaaaank 85mm to your head my dude "I mentioned something about having a tick box option in the settings for newbie handicap settings - maybe their default characters come with more health and armour for example" i love this idea but idk how it could be possible to manage that, because a few of us (hehe) often change their names (hehehe) but increase HP/armor for new players is a good idea, it's more challenging for us - aimers - and the new players will have a better balanced fight against us "you'll be toying with them like a cat with a mouse." when i'm mobi in Islands' tunnels and i see a engineer who walk alone.. " I ran in from behind thinking I was supporting my team mate (even if not a fair fight) and started shooting the opponent quickly turning it into a 2 v 1" it's why as often as possible i do not stay alone, especially if some SBH is hunting here... if a m8 come to help me, his help is appreciated - excepts if he comes only when he see a low hp guy to have a ez kill, SBHs have developped this tactic in their DNA btw, about sniping on Under... what's the worst? be sniped in the BAR by some asian child or be killed by some arty shells doing invisible damages in the BAR? 1 Quote
Totem Arts Staff yosh56 Posted January 22, 2020 Totem Arts Staff Posted January 22, 2020 For about a 3rd of a second.... Then I remember that's free VP. Quote
Goku Posted January 22, 2020 Posted January 22, 2020 Perhaps some tips messages when you die? Die from tib? above the re spawn timer says bla bla bla tib can kill you Get head shot by a sniper then a message about not standing still and changing direction randomly etc? Since they have to wait for the re spawn timer anyways would be a good place to add that extra info. 4 1 Quote
Reivax Posted January 22, 2020 Posted January 22, 2020 12 minutes ago, Goku said: Perhaps some tips messages when you die? Die from tib? above the re spawn timer says bla bla bla tib can kill you Get head shot by a sniper then a message about not standing still and changing direction randomly etc? Since they have to wait for the re spawn timer anyways would be a good place to add that extra info. ^^ if they are free chars killed by mobis/doza, could you put a message like "use 1k chars like Mendoza or Mobius to have more chances to kill them?" i dream to have more Mobius and Mendoza in my kingdom (and to have a better PC with more than 40 fps) new players will have more chances to fight mobis/dozas if they know they can use dozas/mobis Quote
Atomsk Posted January 28, 2020 Posted January 28, 2020 If they are on the opposing team, no. If there's people struggling on my team, I'll try to help. Other than that, I see no reason to differentiate. How do you even? I don't check names, I see enemy, I shoot. And often miss Quote
Reivax Posted January 28, 2020 Posted January 28, 2020 i've my own view for fairplay but no one know this fairplay, and i've already been killed by my fairplay (i've seen a rocket soldier running around a rock to avoid me, then he stopped to walk, and waited for his head. i've standed for 0.1 sec while my brain was thinking "could i let him alive? yes i could, and i will" but he suddenly headshotted me) so.. i can be fairplay, but if i'm alone to have this fairplay.. when a mobi hunts my havoc (if i'm mobi/doza against snipers, i often let them alive) i don't see reasons to be anymore fairplay i still send DMs to newcomers - if i don't recognize his name, he's probably new - to explain them to dodge, to aim to the body more than to the head (a real tip, because headshots are hard to do with the slim hitbox, when bodyshots are easier and they inflict enough damages to be good) but i think, i will keep this in mind On 1/22/2020 at 7:28 AM, yosh56 said: For about a 3rd of a second.... Then I remember that's free VP. because i don't see why i should be the only guy to inflict me fairplay rules, when no one else cares about fairplay 1 Quote
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