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Posted (edited)

So, Taisho was kind enough to grant me a public server for testing a couple new tanks.  Yall are free to hop on if you want to try some stuff.  be warned, balance is not there.  op stuff may occur, and art is not fully complete on them  (they are beta vehicles)

iirc there should be a server hosted by FPI in the browser:



The current testing stuffs are:

-Light Assault Vehicle  (a fast recon assault tank with an all-purpose 30mm automatic cannon) (currently undergoing ground-up rework, expect this to change massively when i update it.)

-Osprey  (Heavy Assault Transport aircraft armed with long range missile system.  has good health, but is a very big target, and has no real defense at close range). (80% finished)

-Hind (Attack helicopter designed for ground bombardment.  Designed specifically to saturate an area with unguided rockets for aoe damage over precision.  This makes it excellent to deal with massed groups, over a single target.  Best vs infantry and clusters of tanks.  (weapon system is undergoing re-balance, expect changes) (95% finished)

-Tank Destroyer  (Fixed gun assault tank with a very powerful anti-tank weapon.  fires very slowly, has only 500hp.  trades rate of fire, armor, and a turret for raw damage vs vehicles.) (97% finished)

-HIMARS (long range heavy rocket bombardment system.  best dps in the game when fighting long range.  cannot fight in close quarters combat.  requires a missile lock to have any semblence of accuracy.  currently using custom sound effects for its weapon!)  (95% finished)

-Heavy Tank (A heavily armored tank that bridges that gap of the medium tank, and the mammoth tank in terms of armor and firepower.  weak vs aircraft) (80% finished)



server commands can be used to spawn these 4 test tanks for people if they wish:


sandboxspawn  iri_veh.rx_vehicle_osprey

sandboxspawn  iri_veh.rx_vehicle_LAV

sandboxspawn  iri_veh.rx_vehicle_TankDestroyer

sandboxspawn  iri_veh.rx_vehicle_SuperHind

sandboxspawn  iri_veh.rx_vehicle_HIMARS

sandboxspawn  iri_veh.rx_vehicle_HeavyTank

(make sure to vote menu the 2 sandbox spawn items on to enable custom spawns)


feedback would be appreciated for anyone interested.

Edited by iridesence
  • Like 2
24 minutes ago, Ryz said:

I am getting a 'denied' during some quick test. Also reported this to Taisho!

The sandboxspawn function of @[CT]Ukill's AdminTool is by default administrators only. Permissions need to be adjusted.

15 minutes ago, Fffreak9999 said:

it is temperamental 

Well, in my humble opinion that is understandable, considering how old it is - at least a dozen updates came out for the game since the AdminTool was last updated...

Posted (edited)

well i suppose later tonight i can get on and spawn a whole bunch after work.  seems for now until the permissions issue is settled someone will have to manually spawn them in :<


edit:  apparently both weapon and vech spawning votes need to be done accordin to server admin for randoms to spawn.

Edited by iridesence
  • Totem Arts Staff

I will give the admin password to trusted users. Besides that, anyone can start the 2 votes to allow themselves to spawn stuff. I tested it this morning and I was able to spawn stuff without being logged in as admin. I am also looking into updating the mutator, but a lot has changed so I have to do a lot of changing and removing of features.


I literally just saw this post so I thought I'd throw in some suggestions (even though I haven't logged into the testing server yet) 😅

The Artillery could use a rangefinder style crosshair similar to the one used for the grenade launcher.

Since they have arcing shots, it doesn't really make sense for them to have the same crosshair as the ones used for tanks and mounted guns that fire straight ahead.

Also, what's the server called?

Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, DenWellingston said:


This is all great, but I have a question: where is all this equipment? I do not have these console commands.

press f5, then type them in. (after voting in the 2 spawn settings in the vote menu)

if its the first time you spawned one it it may boot you, just rejoin to download the package.

Edited by iridesence

waiting on server state to be updated, but the following changes are planned to push through:  (green  = buff, red = nerf)

Tank Destroyer:

Model Changes:
-Texture replacement

Weapon Changes:
-Damage vs vehicles:  23% increase
-Damage vs structures:  90% decrease
-Damage vs infantry:  20% decrease



Weapon changes:
-Weapon Spread:  decreased by 20%
-Weapon Damage:  increased by 20%
-Weapon firing arc increased-> easier to target objects

Survivability Changes
-HP increased from 600 to 650.

Mobility Changes:
-Top Speed reduced by 15%

  • Like 2
Posted (edited)

^^^  above changes will prob not go into effect until sometime next week.  server owner is out of town, and I don't feel like pestering someone on vacation.  :)


Also,  Planned Future stuff that i would eventually like to begin work on at some point:  
(no timeframe set for each yet, so dont ask when they will be done)



-Mobile AA System
-Stealth Artillery (no, it's not the specter, don't ask about the specter)

Infantry Weapons:
-Charged Particle Beam  (sustained beam laser weapon.  does more damage the longer it remains on target.)


-Recon Helicopter (1 seater light attack aircraft designed to be an early game aircraft)
-LOSAT Anti-Structure surface-to-surface weapon system. (instead of an explosive projectile, a LOSAT fires giant solid metal kinetic projectiles.  fun.)

Infantry Weapons:
-Sonic Blaster  (think disrupter tank weapon only a miniaturized version.)


these are my current  RC(release candidate) projects  (aka not for personal use only.), and i plan on working towards this list once i have my current project list done.  (3 tanks, and a airstrike weapon.)



Edited by iridesence
  • Thanks 2

So. I must admit that iridesence does an excellent job of creating the technique and its implementation, especially over the Tank Huntsman. However, I'm worried about how all this will be realized with the infantry.
Even now it is not in a better position, and almost all the basic classes (except the engineer), in fact, are cannon fodder than any powerful force.
As a result, the loss of the Military Plant will be more profitable than the loss of the barracks and then only because of a couple of specialists, like stealth soldiers or Hotway / Gunner.
Take for example the Sniper. Compared to paid versions, his chances of surviving are almost equal to zero, but not because of his characteristics, but because of the main weapon. To kill a regular fighter, you will need 2-3 recharge, if you shoot at the torso and 5 shots in the head.
In comparison with the Heavy and Sniper with the Muffler, the difference is extremely high.
Also, the extremely low spread of most rifles makes shooting offhand extremely difficult.

Although I do not have programming skills, I'll try to dig into the class characteristics code and try to do something. Because if the developers are engaged in tanks, not infantry, it will be a game of tanks, not in Renegade

P.S. I understand English very badly, I used an interpreter.

  • Totem Arts Staff

If you're simply looking to edit already existing characters and weapons, no programming experience is required. There are tons of values you can tweak at your ease and test the changes.

  • Like 1

Yes. Right. I slightly "edited" the characteristics of the rifle "Markshman", but for the ideal I need to make a scatter shot when shooting offhand, so that this weapon was not an absolute "imba". 
But in the SDK, I have not found one so far.

14 minutes ago, taishō said:

If you're simply looking to edit already existing characters and weapons, no programming experience is required. There are tons of values you can tweak at your ease and test the changes.

Yes. Right. I slightly "edited" the characteristics of the rifle "Markshman", but for the ideal I need to make a scatter shot when shooting offhand, so that this weapon was not an absolute "imba". 
But in the SDK, I have not found one so far.

Posted (edited)

the problem lies with the weapon itself (marksman rifle).    it is a starter weapon, so It cant out preform the other snipers,  but since its a sniper, technically, it uses the bullet damage, so vs vehicles its terrible.    the other problem lies in that the automatic rifle also has similar range , and is much easier to use.  and since engangement ranges are typically medium to close range that limits its usefulness.

Edited by iridesence
  • Like 1
Posted (edited)

Server updated, Hind, and Tank Destroyer changes pushed through.

2 tanks introduced for testing:

- HIMARS  (heavy missile artillery, best dps in the game, fragle cannot fire close range.  requires missile lock to be effective)  (given higher hp the normal for testing purposes)

-Heavy Tank (generic name placeholder until better name is found)  (bridges the gap between medium tank and mammoth tank in terms of power.  known 1st person camera bug,  is fixed internally already)

Edited by iridesence

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