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Posted (edited)

This is a glorious day for Nod!

Hey community,

before we get started – let’s  make one thing clear once and for all:

the RXCM is not supposed to replace the official Renegade X Launcher! It’s an alternative and by no means an affront against the Renegade X Developer Team.


With this topic I would like to present our work and offer it for testing purposes. We would love to get feedback from you! Our main goal is to help making this community bigger. It’s also intended as an alternative for my current full-build offered on https://renegade-x-download.com/

For a long time I’ve been pondering how to enhance the current system. E.g. difficulties with updating the client, the not-existent Launcher chat, etc. At some point @MVN050 and me teamed up to develop a Community Manager, which is not the most beautiful by now but has a lot of cool features.

It’s far from perfect. It’s a community project for the benefit of the whole community. Every feature was created by ourselves.
Currently it’s an alpha release – therefore bugs are still a thing and we’re not done implementing all of the features that we have planned.


About the Renegade X Community Manager:

News: *not implemented yet*

Login System:
We created a login system that contains an anonymous guest login but also the possibility to register a certain nickname.
You will need to register to use the already existing launcher chat and (later) the planned features such as: clan / community, avatar, moderation system.

Chat System:
At the moment there is only a public chat available. But we also plan to implement a private chat system.
So far the chat is not persistent (which means it’s neither stored locally nor online), but we’re working on a data base system to enable offline messages. This might take some time as we have to follow the existing privacy rules.

Clan/Community System: *not implemented yet*
We plan to offer a clan / community system, with the option to invite your friends. A list of the clan / community members will (probably) be publicly available.

Server list:
From this tab you can check & join the available Renegade X servers. The information is obtained directly from the official Renegade X server list.

Maps + Mods: *not implemented yet*

Update System:
The update feature checks which available download server is most suitable for the client. Once a server got selected the existing files get equalised with the latest release (hash value). It’s functioning both as an update server as well as a repair / reset tool.

Currently there are two servers available – located in the USA and Germany.



Special thanks to:

@MVN050 for developing the RXCM from scratch

pre-alpha testers:


@TRRDroid | @Cephyrus | @Henk | @SilentKnight | @DarkSn4ke






03.06.2018 (added this post on first post)


Update available:



  • Built in Community Manager updater  
  • Serverlist: Server version + Password display added
  • Chat: Server Avartar added. (testing)
  • Downloader:  Improvements made
  • Uniform download link for client download
  • Fixed:

  • +Text colour in certain tabs (white text on white background)
  • +sometimes the master server connection times out
  • +game server version is not displayed yet in the server list tab
  • +Automatic load as soon as you open "Serverlist" tab
  • Change  <name> quit  to  iTweek has exit
  • Server Massage : join to Joins   exit to Leave  or so
  • Known bugs:

  • Login Screen color error fix
  • +a lot of information / warning notifications
  • +Password protected servers join


  • Community proposals:
  • Add fun features in chat
  • Change Guest_1231231231 
  • change password
  • SDK - DOWNLOADER @Madkill40




If you have any issues please post feedback here or PM me on forums or poke me on Discord!





DOWNLOAD: http://client.renegade-x-download.com/RenxCMClient_v1.zip


Edited by iTweek.
  • Like 4

The files seem clean, however any users should be aware that downloading any third party software is at their own risk, may contain bugs, and is not officially supported by the development team (support requests should not be posted in the Technical Support forum).

Additionally, keep in mind that any data input into the application may be transmitted to external sources (as a login system requires). It's generally good advice to not use your passwords across multiple places, since it's impossible to guarantee that your passwords are being stored in a secure manner. Do not use your forum or other credentials in this application (or any other for that matter).

  • Thanks 3
  • Totem Arts Staff
Posted (edited)

It is a nifty little third-party launcher for RenegadeX, if it possible for a login via this launcher to create an specific ID - Which can go into the server-side settings for a RenX server then it might be possible for this launcher to be a lovely little SecureBAN for the game. (Ideally working around the game itself by way of masterserver for this launcher and the game-server talking to one another, rather than having to modify the game itself, perhaps a magical mutator can work the login IDs)

Additionally, this launcher has a 'Guest' feature.

Edited by Madkill40
  • Totem Arts Staff
2 hours ago, Madkill40 said:

It is a nifty little third-party launcher for RenegadeX, if it possible for a login via this launcher to create an specific ID - Which can go into the server-side settings for a RenX server then it might be possible for this launcher to be a lovely little SecureBAN for the game. (Ideally working around the game itself by way of masterserver for this launcher and the game-server talking to one another, rather than having to modify the game itself, perhaps a magical mutator can work the login IDs)

Additionally, this launcher has a 'Guest' feature.

I don't see how this would work without an in-game login feature. Additionally, I don't see how this would help prevent circumvention of bans, as it would literally take 5 seconds to make another account.


Nice program though! Hope to see progress on it.

  • Like 2
  • Thanks 1
  • Totem Arts Staff
31 minutes ago, Sarah! said:

I don't see how this would work without an in-game login feature. Additionally, I don't see how this would help prevent circumvention of bans, as it would literally take 5 seconds to make another account.


Nice program though! Hope to see progress on it.

I can see how this would work but I'm not about to post it publicly ;) (Even if it didn't work :| )

20 hours ago, Agent said:

and is not officially supported by the development team (support requests should not be posted in the Technical Support forum).

I think we made it very clear that the RXCM is not an official tool and that feedback and support requests should be either posted here or sent directly to me.

20 hours ago, Agent said:

Additionally, keep in mind that any data input into the application may be transmitted to external sources (as a login system requires). It's generally good advice to not use your passwords across multiple places, since it's impossible to guarantee that your passwords are being stored in a secure manner. Do not use your forum or other credentials in this application (or any other for that matter). 

The only private information which gets transmitted is the e-mail provided by the player. It's stored in an encrypted database on a server hosted in Germany - therefore the rather strict German privacy rules apply.

Currently players are not able to choose a password of their own. Instead they will receive a registration e-mail which contains a generated password. We will implement the possibility to change that password later.

The mentioned 'Guest Login' is completely anonymous.


20 hours ago, Madkill40 said:

It is a nifty little third-party launcher for RenegadeX, if it possible for a login via this launcher to create an specific ID - Which can go into the server-side settings for a RenX server then it might be possible for this launcher to be a lovely little SecureBAN for the game.

We do not plan such a feature as the RXCM is not the official launcher. Also we think that it's not up to us (as community members) to create such a system. Ensuring a working ban system is totally up to the official developer team.


20 hours ago, Sarah! said:

Nice program though! Hope to see progress on it.

Thanks for your kind words. :)


  • Like 2
Posted (edited)


03.06.2018 (added this post on first post)

DOWNLOAD: http://client.renegade-x-download.com/RenxCMClient_v1.zip


Update available:


  • Built in Community Manager updater  
  • Serverlist: Server version + Password display added
  • Chat: Server Avartar added. (testing)
  • Downloader:  Improvements made
  • Uniform download link for client download


  • +Text colour in certain tabs (white text on white background)
  • +sometimes the master server connection times out
  • +game server version is not displayed yet in the server list tab
  • +Automatic load as soon as you open "Serverlist" tab


Known bugs:

  • Login Screen color error fix
  • +a lot of information / warning notifications
  • +Password protected servers join
  • Change  <name> quit  to  iTweek has exit
  • Server Massage : join to Joins   exit to Leave  or so


Community proposals:

  • Add fun features in chat
  • Change Guest_1231231231 
  • change password
  • SDK - DOWNLOADER  @Madkill40



Download Testing (timed)










Edited by iTweek.
  • Like 1
  • 6 months later...
  • Totem Arts Staff
5 hours ago, Testman said:

Link ded, press F to pay respects.

The devs of the CM dropped support for it, it's mostly just easier to use the official launcher.

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