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  • Totem Arts Staff
Posted (edited)



So I've decided to make a multiplayer version of the Adv. Power Plant which is still WIP. I'll probably add some more stuff to it soon but I want to ask you guys which one we should see.....


So I've set up a poll where YOU can choose which one we need to see back in the future!



Adv. Power Plant.png



Adv. Power Plant (TD Version).png

(BTW my name appeared again! :))


Vote your favorite!





Edited by TK0104
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The Renegade version looks more appealing to me, because the additional cooling tower looks better integrated into the building than in the Tiberian Dawn version.

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  • Totem Arts Staff
Posted (edited)

It is a bit confusing to see these Power Plants.  I would add these PP as Tech buldings, but it would be interesting to see this version in RenX

Edited by (Ger)Luhrian
  • Totem Arts Staff

Maybe we can add it in one or 2 maps and ask the Players if they like it, because not many players look in this topic in the forum


I made a Tiberian Dawn one as soon as the SDK came out, but didn't really have an idea about what it would do, especially on a map without advanced base defenses.

  • Totem Arts Staff
33 minutes ago, Henk said:

I made a Tiberian Dawn one as soon as the SDK came out, but didn't really have an idea about what it would do, especially on a map without advanced base defenses.

Oh the one from the early screenshots from Reservoir


If I had to choose not incorporating gameplay, I'd say the Tib dawn one, for now. But to be completely fair, I think they lack both.

Im not judging your modeling skills, I encourage you to make something of it! But both these models are basically a CTRL+C of the current cooling/exhaust tower and pasting it on a side (Tib dawn and Ren). I know the original Tib Dawn Advanced pp is a bit lackluster, but I think it is also due to the low-res nature of the game. More detail would kill the "model". You have a bigger canvas to do stuff now and assuming this is for your portfolio, creating something of your own would be better than just re-using Ren-x models.(Or expanding the original Ren-X model, that's cool too!)

But let's take a look at some original manual renders shall we :) Might make it a bit more interesting!


This is the model in the original manual of Tib dawn. Yes, rather lackluster. But the shape of the PP is rather interesting. I always liked it for some reason, looks very high-tech. Lets focus on the second tower in this image.

According to the cnc wiki, this is the Advanced power plant:


With the advent of atomic energy, nuclear power plants replaced coal power plants. Eventually, advanced nuclear power plants were built, featuring an auxiliary reactor as well as more efficient coolant system and in the First Tiberium War, formed the basis of power supply means.

So the second tower is a generator and for cooling! Interesting. Lets take that in account when we want to improve your model.

We can only see one side, but it suggests there is some sort of piping/generator/pumping mechanism next to the tower. I'm not seeing that in your model for now. Other than that, the original powerplant of Ren-X has the other features already, but you may add some stuff to your model to make it more integrated with the main structure. Keep in mind, you have more then 32x32 pixels to work with :P So perhaps make a pumping mechanism next to it, or something else to emphasise that it is a important part of the whole structure, not some slabbed on tower.

Continuing with some other render i found on the cnc wiki, as we are seriously lacking better images of the darn thing:


Here we have a bit more views of the Advanced pp event though it's a different version of the render. The second tower resides on a concrete structure, other then that we see that the tower is 'slighty' off center. That piping/generator/pumping mechanism is still prominently there making it look like it belongs there. Keep in mind, if you want something like this in-game, you may make some change and make it truly different from the current pp. I know the big concrete slab isn't in the game, but as this is a bigger building, why not use it to make the building more interesting!

On a fun side note: Look at the enormous size of the tower compared to a human being! (Top left image, right side)

But why stop there? We are not bound by the laws of Westwood and their silly design! Let's fire up the good 'ol search engine and search for some inspiration there! I found the following model that kinda looks like the current pp in Ren-x, but you can work around the differences:


So straight of the bat, lets look at what the current pp has and what it shares with this concept(Top left). For starters, the back of this concept has way more piping and generators(or whatever they are). The 'struts' at the main cooling tower are added and the base is a bit more blocky then the one in Ren-X. Also, the roof isn't walkable. But other then that, It has a lot of similarities with the Ren-X powerplant we all love :) (Duh Schmitz, it's based on the same building)

So let's look to the advanced PP in this concept and check what we can do to make your model a bit more interesting.

Clearly, the second tower is way more integrated in this concept. It's part of the main building on all the 3 other concepts. On the top right model we, again, see some pipes coming out of the tower. On the bottom left however I see a different approach. I prefer the top right one, but just take inspiration from it. I also see another turbine in the top of the second tower of the bottom two concepts.


So after looking at these images and typing way longer then planned. If I could model or even had a slight artistic brain (which I have not :p ), I would do the following to make your model a bit more interesting.

Add to the back of the advanced powerplant what you see in the last concept, or something similar. Perhaps extend the building in the back and let those big pipes come out of it. It needs to generate enormous amounts of power, right?! This way you will keep the original design, but also make the building really different. And the new space can be used for adding doors, ramps or making it more vulnerable to attackers. It is the ADVANCED PP after all, more benefits for the team! (What those benefits are is a different discussion)

I would integrate the tower a bit more with the main hull. Maybe not a drastic as the last concept, but slightly overlapping. This way the tower is more part of the building on a whole and the interior will be a bit different as well (but that's another story).


I wish you the best of luck with your modeling adventures, I couldn't do it myself! Keep up the good work and I'm curious to see the final result. This whole post is to, perhaps, inspire you to create your own style of building with a Ren-X base :) I don't want to bash your current work, I want to encourage you to make the most out of it.

-Schmitz out


PS: Don't mind grammar and typos plz...



Both models are more of a copy-paste of the original Ren-X model. Integrate the tower a bit more in the main building and perhaps extend the building on the back to make it a truly different building. Don't fear to change the original Westwood idea a bit.



Advanced PP concept made by Dimitry86 on Devianat @ http://dimitri86.deviantart.com/art/Power-Plants-61330135



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Both Renegade / Tib Dawn version just looks like an ordinary power plant with an extra tower.


You should aim towards something like pictures Schmitzenbergh posted those buildings have alot of more character and looks more  like a "advanced powerplant"


But really anything will do, just nice to see people are trying to add mroe content to the game :)


good luck!


  • Totem Arts Staff

The images were just basic designs. I was planning to edit it but I wanted to know which one ;)


  • Totem Arts Staff
On 1/25/2017 at 8:22 AM, Schmitzenbergh said:





  Reveal hidden contents

Advanced PP concept made by Dimitry86 on Devianat @ http://dimitri86.deviantart.com/art/Power-Plants-61330135



mappers can build the excess rig at their discretion. Stairwell of generators, interesting.


I'd say use both models, they'll share the same textures won't they? 


  • Totem Arts Staff
Posted (edited)



The first version of the Adv. Power Plant in-game + fully scripted!

APP 2.pngAPP 1.png


You might wondering why it looks so basic....


1. Ramps can be added so it needs space to be added

2. I want to make it good for multiplayer. If I add complexy stuff it will be hard to spot nukes / ions because it can be anywhere

3. It's still Work in Progress

Edited by TK0104
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  • Totem Arts Staff
Posted (edited)
1 minute ago, DarkSn4ke said:

Can I land on the pipe? :D

gj Thommy!

Indeed you can but you will be dead then :P

Edited by TK0104
  • Totem Arts Staff
1 minute ago, DarkSn4ke said:

for real? :D or didnt you just block of the connecting pipe :P

whats your purpose with the advanced PP? techbuilding for lower prices or additional base defences? ;)

I will place a killzvolume on those pipes to prevent ions/nukes not be able to disarm


Depends on what it did in the original Renegade. However nobody really knows since it was cut from the original game.

These are options I had in mind:


- Make the prices cheapier when it's destroyed

- Nukes will be $1500 or not for sell because the power plant supports nuclear power (don't know how but ey it's a non-real world :P)


But I'm not a coder so it will be difficult to do these features. I could try making nukes not for sell (I'll check out how @nBab makes rep tools not for sell)

22 minutes ago, TK0104 said:

I will place a killzvolume on those pipes to prevent ions/nukes not be able to disarm

why? just block it the same way Ref Roof / HoN-Hand is blocked. if someone wants to place the adv. pp on a flying map a killzone like that could piss off players if they accidently crash into it.

27 minutes ago, TK0104 said:

- Make the prices cheapier when it's destroyed

you want to lower the prices when it's destroyed? :/


Even though it looks nice and it's a great thing you made it. I still think it's a copy-paste-plant. I can't do a better job, but I hope you are going to make it a bit different than it is now (I'm aware its a WIP). You are not bound by the old Renegade in terms of design.

As for it's purpose, maybe one of these (A single one, not all):

  • More credits per tiberium dump due to more power to process it;
  • Discount on all units;
  • Faster tank production;
  • More damage from base defences/faster reload of main obbi/agt weapon;
  • Everybody get's a personal powershield :P

I hope you are going to make the model a bit more interesting. As for now, keep up the good work.


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  • Former Developers

Thats pretty cool. How will it function as oppose to the standard PP? Or is this just supposed to be the same purpose but the option of having an Adv PP?

  • Totem Arts Staff

With the current Renegade WIP model that extra chimney may as well be a singular Adv-Power tech-building that is itself separate from the regular Power Plant but destructible.

If this was the case then you could focus just on the attachment so it fits nicely to the regular Power Plant so long as this Adv. Power attachment was recognized as a tech-building instead, it'd be more practical. Building attachment to turn a Power Plant into an Adv. Power Plant always made more sense anyway. (From an RTS perspective) 

As for Adv. Power benefits [If Adv. Power was it's own destructible tech-attachment], for maps with Base defenses destroying the Adv. Power could disable the Ob/AGT permanently whilst the rest of the base remains powered as normal until/unless the Power Plant itself is destroyed. 

20% discount on units and vehicles.


So far I can only think of increase in numbers (credit gain, discounts, faster production), I'd like to see a more meaningful addition than just a numbers game.

The thing is that the Adv. PP doesn't really have a meaningful function in the RTS game as well, also just the numbers game of giving more electricity to your base than a regular PP does.

I always kept the Advanced PP in mind for when I would make a map that has 2 Obelisks and 2 AGTs (but 1 regular PP can power an infinite amount of base defenses in Renegade X..), or enabling an energy wall as an extra defense.

Also keep in mind that you're creating a bigger target for the enemy to hit with that extra tower.

  • Totem Arts Staff
11 hours ago, Havoc89 said:

Thats pretty cool. How will it function as oppose to the standard PP? Or is this just supposed to be the same purpose but the option of having an Adv PP?

Well at the moment I'm only thinking of increasing numbers. It is quite difficult to figure out what it does since it was cut from the original Renegade game aswell as other buildings. Functions of other buildings like CY and rep facility are known but nobody knows what the Adv. PP does except Westwood devs


Anyway I found a reference image which looks quite good so I'm going to try to look it like this



Wish me luck :)


  • Like 2

I would think it should work the same as a regular power plant. 

However, it can feature on a map with additional buildings such as Constructions yards, advanced base defenses, helipads, repair bays, temple of Nod/Advanced Communication center, instead of the regular power plant....that is if anyone is to make a map with additional buildings.

  • Totem Arts Staff

Well I won't be adding a Power Plant AND an Adv. Power Plant because they work the same and could mess up the code

  • Totem Arts Staff

It would be nice if you post a download link soon, I could use it as decoration in some new  maps until I finished CNC-Forest.

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  • Totem Arts Staff

@Luhrian I'm not going to release the Adv. Power Plant soon to the public because it still needs some work and I want to add it to my own map first


Anyway here is a small update:

Adv Power Plant (new).pngAdv Power Plant (new2).png

(Btw I love to add in a sun :P )

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  • Totem Arts Staff
6 hours ago, Madkill40 said:

An asset exclusive to your maps until you release a test map and someone copy's and paste's it into theirs then? :D

You got it :)


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  • Totem Arts Staff
On 1.2.2017 at 1:48 AM, Madkill40 said:

An asset exclusive to your maps until you release a test map and someone copy's and paste's it into theirs then?

I would be the first xD


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  • Totem Arts Staff
On 2/1/2017 at 7:24 AM, TK0104 said:

You got it :)


Could you just release it as a packaged asset in that case anyway? You'll still be credited for it, no one is going to be able to take that away from you. 

If it's for maps with AGT/Obby anyway *cough* Frostbite *cough* would certainly love you for it. :D That way any problems with it will be refined before it's used in one of your own maps.

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  • 2 months later...

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