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So first of all, I love this remaster, Love the new graphics and the new features.

However, there are some concerns that kinda ruin the game, needs to be changes or removed.


1. Aiming Downsighs and Recoil.

What, really? Why is Aiming downsighs and Recoil was added to Renegade? Renedage is not Call of Duty or any other generic shooter. I loved Renegade because of It's gameplay, I loved how all guns have Pin-point accuracy without recoild or the need to Aim Downsighs, it made Renegade Unique to me.

In my opinion Aiming Downsighs and Recoil needs to go. Or atleast make it Turnable On/Off in the game settings menu.


2. SBH's Laser Rifle.

The Laser Rifle from the Original Renedage used to look better and was more powerfull. The new model of the Laser Rifle and It's changes makes it less apealing to me.

Also, the sighs of this weapon are terrible, When you try to Aim Downsighs with the Laser rifle, it makes aiming impossible, You can't see your target when you're aiming downsighs.


3. Mendoza's Tiberium Rifle (Or whatever his weapon called.).

Honestly, his weapon is overpowered. I'm talkind about the secondary fire mode (Alt. fire), It's very powerfull, It can destroy Vehicles and Buildings very fast, speciality if you shoot the Master Control Terminal, it destroy buildings VEEEEERY fast that way. It also makes Timed C4's Useless, why you need them if your primary weapin can do much better? I think His primary weapon needs nerf.


4. Gunner's Rocket Laucher.

I think his primary weapon is weak, it doesent deal enough damage to vehicles. If I have 1000 Credits available I would choose Sydney because she can do things much better than gunner. I think Gunner's Rocket Laucher needs buff. If he would receive a buff, I think it would make a great Multirole unit. (Jack of all trades, Master of none.).


5. Item Purchase; Secondary weapon (Heavy Pistol, Carbine, Auto Tiberium Rifle).

Why is this feature removed? I really loved the option that you able to purchase a more powerfull Secondary weapon that can replace the Weak Silenced Pistol. Why it was removed?

And I really like how you need to capture A Tiberium Silo in order to able to purchase Auto Tiberium Rifle.

Why is this awesome feature removed?


6. Retarded AI.

Oh GOD!! I cant stand this AI. In many moments I find when I fight an enemy, comes a friendly AI and starts pushing me, when we are in vehicles. I'm trying to reverse but the Idiot AI is pushing me, not allowing me to reverse. Seriously, even once I purchased a Medium tank, an AI in vehicle drove to the War Factory's enterance and doesen't let me to drive.


Thats all of my opinions and critics. Hope you understand me, I'm only trying to help you to Improve the game. Thats all.

P.S: Sorry for bad english.

- Neutron.

1 hour ago, Neutron said:

1. Aiming Downsighs and Recoil.

What, really? Why is Aiming downsighs and Recoil was added to Renegade? Renedage is not Call of Duty or any other generic shooter. I loved Renegade because of It's gameplay, I loved how all guns have Pin-point accuracy without recoild or the need to Aim Downsighs, it made Renegade Unique to me.

In my opinion Aiming Downsighs and Recoil needs to go. Or atleast make it Turnable On/Off in the game settings menu.

The reason why gunsights were added is to improve accuracy. It employs slightly slower mouse movement and allows to be more precise with your aim. It's a nice addition to the game and I really don't see how this is ruining the game. Also this isn't limited to generic shooters. ArmA, Planetside, every shooter that was released past 2010 uses ironsights or any sort of gunsight to assist aiming.

Recoil is only noticable with rifles (Autorifle for Soldiers or Carbine for Gunner/Sak/Havoc) and Chainguns (Officers/LCGs). The prevent the constant "spray and pray" and force the player to be more conservative with his shooting. In addition to that, removing recoil entirely would make any of the above stated classes crazy overpowered and would force poor Yosh into changing damage values again.

1 hour ago, Neutron said:

2. SBH's Laser Rifle.

The Laser Rifle from the Original Renedage used to look better and was more powerfull. The new model of the Laser Rifle and It's changes makes it less apealing to me.

Also, the sighs of this weapon are terrible, When you try to Aim Downsighs with the Laser rifle, it makes aiming impossible, You can't see your target when you're aiming downsighs.

That's debatable. I can still easily take out unsuspecting snipers with an SBH. You just need to aim for the head, and yes, the ironsights are not well made, especially in cloak mode those are near impossible to use (I'd just use the holosights from the PICs instead of ironsights to be fair).

1 hour ago, Neutron said:

3. Mendoza's Tiberium Rifle (Or whatever his weapon called.).

Honestly, his weapon is overpowered. I'm talkind about the secondary fire mode (Alt. fire), It's very powerfull, It can destroy Vehicles and Buildings very fast, speciality if you shoot the Master Control Terminal, it destroy buildings VEEEEERY fast that way. It also makes Timed C4's Useless, why you need them if your primary weapin can do much better? I think His primary weapon needs nerf.

Well, duh. Same as Mobius, Mendoza is an allrounder, who can tackle infantry, armor and even buildings with relative ease. He suffers from long distance combat (Snipers/MLRS) and point blank combat (Shotgunners/McFarlands). Medium range is his turf, and vehicles just die to his alt-fire. He can only focus on one unit, so while he's busy attacking a tank (which still takes a serious amount of time) an infantry unit can try taking him out. 

Btw, if someone makes it past your defenses and manages to get into your building, nearly any unit could destroy that building. Especially Techs/Hotties. Are they going to see a nerf because of that? No. Cause that's one of their roles. And tackling buildings is a thing that Mobiuses and Mendozas do. 

1 hour ago, Neutron said:

4. Gunner's Rocket Laucher.

I think his primary weapon is weak, it doesent deal enough damage to vehicles. If I have 1000 Credits available I would choose Sydney because she can do things much better than gunner. I think Gunner's Rocket Laucher needs buff. If he would receive a buff, I think it would make a great Multirole unit. (Jack of all trades, Master of none.).

Watfuk, Gunners are the bane of every single building. If you can get a gunner rush going with 5-6 Gunners, you can expect at least one building to go down. That's something that's quite impossible for LCGs, at least in terms of range and speed. As for vehicles, I can take out Artilleries without bigger issues as Gunner, unload a magazine of rockets into the artillery, finish of with carbine. I think he's fine as he is. In comparison, the LCG only has one weapon and has to reload it entirely, while Gunner can just tackle vehicles with the rockets and attack infantry with the carbine.

1 hour ago, Neutron said:

5. Item Purchase; Secondary weapon (Heavy Pistol, Carbine, Auto Tiberium Rifle).

Why is this feature removed? I really loved the option that you able to purchase a more powerfull Secondary weapon that can replace the Weak Silenced Pistol. Why it was removed?

And I really like how you need to capture A Tiberium Silo in order to able to purchase Auto Tiberium Rifle.

Why is this awesome feature removed?

The silenced pistol isn't exactly >weak< it's acceptable, as long as you point this thing not at the center of the mass but more towards the head. I dunno why this was removed, maybe one of the silly devs can tell you more? :P

1 hour ago, Neutron said:

6. Retarded AI.

Oh GOD!! I cant stand this AI. In many moments I find when I fight an enemy, comes a friendly AI and starts pushing me, when we are in vehicles. I'm trying to reverse but the Idiot AI is pushing me, not allowing me to reverse. Seriously, even once I purchased a Medium tank, an AI in vehicle drove to the War Factory's enterance and doesen't let me to drive.

Blame Epic Games.

  • Like 1
2 hours ago, Neutron said:

2. SBH's Laser Rifle.

The Laser Rifle from the Original Renedage used to look better and was more powerfull. The new model of the Laser Rifle and It's changes makes it less apealing to me.

Also, the sighs of this weapon are terrible, When you try to Aim Downsighs with the Laser rifle, it makes aiming impossible, You can't see your target when you're aiming downsighs.

The sbh in classic renegade was really bad i never really saw people using sbhs in fights aswell. And i played this game 24/7 still do at times. 

and for the aiming downsights you should never do that it's kinda pointless, just a tip from me.  but anyway the sbh in renegade-x is way more powerfull specially with the sprint ability. 


I still find Mobius stronger than Mendoza because of the fact that his primary fire is hit-scan that has smaller spread and inflicts burn damage, as well as dealing full damage to vehicles. I also prefer his +25 extra armor over speed. 

If you're complaining about things being overpowered or underpowered, sidearms were the biggest flaw with RenX's infantry balance. You could run around with a 350 adv.engie and a powerful sidearm and become the total jack of all trades, being able to kill anything and have advanced repairs/disarming. SBHs with carbines or flechettes would melt anybody in less than a second, anywhere they'd like and whenever they want. Snipers with sidearms removes their disadvantage in close quarters, as they would whip out their flechette and kill you instantly when you're up close. 


1. It's only a thing at long-range, you don't have to aim down sights to shoot anything close-medium range. I think this feature was the first thing that introduced me to a whole new gameplay of Renegade when I was still new to the game holding the Auto Rifle.

2. Yeah, it is kinda weak compared to the original but I'm slowly getting used to it.

3. Mendoza is the Tier 3 anti-everything class so his weapon is powerful but not as good in killing infantry like Ramjet Rifles or a good anti-tank like Raveshaw/Sydneys. I haven't seen much how powerful his tiberium rifle can be against buildings but I feel you as I'm getting annoyed too being killed by them all day.

4. Gunner is anti-armor unit and I think he fits well being in between Rocket Soldier and Sydney.

5. I dislike the fact that some infantry starts with a better sidearm than the regular silenced handgun, I think all characters should have silenced pistol as default and need to pay extra for the heavy handgun. I like the heavy pistol, but giving them free is not what I had in mind. Why should technicians have a free powerful pistol when his main role is non-combat (repairs, mine-laying) and demolitions when he's already one of the most used character even without the heavy sidearm? I understand why purchasable tiberium weapons is removed though as it imbalancely diminishes a characters weakness.

6. Agree, sometimes I don't think vehicle-driving AIs fit in Renegade.


1. Matter of opinion.

2. Laser rifle's sigh is indeed terrible

3, 4. Weapons balance by joy and power side is still an unresolved question. I dont think that devs have a mood and time to play around with a weapon stats, and maybe experiment. This has been left for us to maybe try to balance it by ourselves. I'd appreciate if they added spread-on-move while hipfire or aiming downsigh, espetially for sniper characters, into the file so I can play around with it..

5. To make RTS element stronger. Also its been done becouse ppl been buying em to balance their weaknesses. Everyone could literally just play adv. engi all the time, being too universal. By removing purchaseable sidearms, the adv. engi universality has been nerfed.

6. Imo devs did a great job with AI. If you can do better, the doors are open for you.

  • Totem Arts Staff
12 hours ago, Neutron said:

1. Aiming Downsighs and Recoil.

It just... is a thing now. No real reason to get rid of it considering it only comes into play either at range, or for assassinating people from behind to make sure you don't miss. Other than that, the spread on most weapons is about as negligible as it was in OldRen. 


12 hours ago, Neutron said:

2. SBH's Laser Rifle.

What are you talking about? It's stronger than it was in OldRen BY FAR. Been a proven fact for the longest now. It's DPS is significantly higher, especially vs. vehicles.


Those sights are just ugly though...  


12 hours ago, Neutron said:

3. Mendoza's Tiberium Rifle (Or whatever his weapon called.).

DPS is barely any higher than the Volt Rifle to be honest. 'Doza and Mobeius are both meant to be CQC units, and building killers. So putting them in CQC with a building only kinda' makes sense that they rape the MCT. It really is only too much damage after their Elite modifier tbh. 


12 hours ago, Neutron said:

4. Gunner's Rocket Laucher.


Gunner is GDI's hardest possible counter to Artillery in the game. He can shoot across the entire map... and he has the Carbine which can brokenly shred through every infantry unit in the game still. Also.... buying Sydney instead of Gunner because she feels 'better'.... just kind of sounds like exactly what the game's going for considering the $550 difference. 


12 hours ago, Neutron said:

5. Item Purchase; Secondary weapon (Heavy Pistol, Carbine, Auto Tiberium Rifle).


Like has already been said: the system literally broke everything in terms of infantry balance in the game. It was almost worse than OldRen's infantry balance, to the point where out of 14 classes, about 4 were viable, and the rest were just novelties that were fun to dick around with. 


12 hours ago, Neutron said:

6. Retarded AI.


Be happy they even shoot buildings. The most after of after thoughts. 

  • Totem Arts Staff
14 hours ago, Neutron said:

If I have 1000 Credits available I would choose Sydney because she can do things much better than gunner.

You just debunked your entire opinion with this one sentence. 



My opinions about the game

Just want to Say without making a new thread :

That I'm very Happy How RenX and Forums Had improve so much since I joined more as a player 2 years ago mb, and very Gratefull to everyone who did that Big or little something That made RenX what it  is today .

Honestly I'm really Happy ..Great Job guys and girls !

RenX is a Beautifull Game and well administrated


IGN 9.5   Metacritic 9.0

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