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I'd like to ask if there is a way to export individual animation sequences from SDK? It would help me a lot!

I'am working on migration RenX into the UE4, but I don't want to use UE4 basic animations becouse strafing looks just awful when character is running ..sideling (? (not sure, bad english)) and triggers me just by seeing it :D


Is this a route for the future, moving on to UE4?

How much effort does it take to get the visual content, models animations, sounds etc. to UE4?

I am again thinking of implementing RTS and base construction in RenX and that when porting to UE4, this could be considered from the start^^


Posted (edited)

AFAIK visual content is the easy part.

It's the code that's hard to re-implement, since UE3 and UE4 are very different when it comes to that.

To be honest, I think that making UE4 version of RenX would be a lot of work and result that would just split the playerbase. I think it's better to start working on a game with same intended mechanics (base construction, economy, commander interface...) and get that working. And then if that gets any momentum and playerbase, then make RenX / other C&C reskin of that.

My thoughts on reskin: viewtopic.php?f=13&t=76175&start=90#p161767

My thoughts in RTS mode: viewtopic.php?f=13&t=74695&start=15#p162331

My suggestion for FPS/RTS mode on Epic Forums: https://www.epicgames.com/unrealtournam ... -game-mode

Also Savage Resurrection was released to early access not long ago. It's an FPS/RTS hybrid with base construction, running on UE4, which is similar to what you are aiming to achieve, so if you want to look for some ideas and examples of implementation, SavRez could be a good place.

Edited by Guest

Visuals and sounds are ez as mentioned, but you need to create your own materials in ue4. It shouldnt be that difficult too. Just follow the tutorials.

As a complete novice, after 5 days of work and hours and hours of studying tutorials I'am almost done with my "base character" (i chose Nod soldier). Animations are working, aimoffset is perfect, timed combat mode montages, swapping primary and secondary weapons (without animation yet), making the base weapons shoot projectiles... but.. I don't know if I will ever finish that. It's getting into the point where are no tutorials for what I'am working on.

Generaly it's not that difficuld and time-heavy. It's all about understanding how the "tools" works and I am slowly getting into that. What's the most time consuming is studying and understanding..

Is this a route for the future, moving on to UE4?

How much effort does it take to get the visual content, models animations, sounds etc. to UE4?

I am again thinking of implementing RTS and base construction in RenX and that when porting to UE4, this could be considered from the start^^


An ambitious idea, my advice is just to start in UE4 right away. You're gonna need to rewrite the code anyway, and this will require a lot more coding. UE4 is more user-friendly, easier to work with, and also more powerful. A lot of the models and textures can be ported easily.

Don't know what your experience is in developping games, but just start out with simple prototypes, make it functional first, make it pretty later. There's tutorials for the simpler stuff, ideal to learn what you can do in the engine.


Okay, this is exactly what I thought: good news that it is fairly easy to get the content to UE4.

I was just wondering what the Developers' view is on that endeavour to move their content from UDK to UE4...

However, my point is, why would you want to change from UDK to UE4 in the first place?

Just because it is the latest engine build?

What is the limitation of UDK that would justify the port to UE4?

And I would of course support these efforts, because it might open up even more possibilities than already within UDK...

I am not just saying, "plz make RTS", but what I am trying to convey is that, in case that especially the coding to implement good old C&C gamemode would have to be build up from the ground again, I would strongly suggest to - at least - consider making extensions towards RTS possible...

For example, currently if you have multiple powerplants on a map and destroy them all, the price is increased for every PP that was destroyed. (not 100% sure though)

I do not know how the code works, but it seems that when the "gamemode-handler" registers the event "PP destroyed", it triggers a "permanent" increase in unit prices for the team.

In maps without powerplant, the prices are not (never) reduced, even though from the intrinsic logic of base operations, the poorly equipped base would lack power to produce efficiently...

The way that buildings are registered and interact with the gameplay should be adapted to allow for: multiple building instances, dynamic construction and deconstruction.

I am speaking of classes, objects, variables, references, i.e. how does the game "know" and "save" which buildings are online - in a static base gameplay like current C&C mode one could easily have a a maximum of 10 variables for the buildings (AGT, Airfield, Barracks, Hand of Nod, Refinery GDI, Refinery Nod, Powerplant GDI, Powerplant Nod, Weapons Factory, Obelisk) that would point to the respective buildings, and thereby allow communication from the "gamemode" to the "building objects"

Hopefully, you will understand what I mean...

Again using Agent's brilliant catchphrase of "subtractive gameplay":

Give buildings (classes) functionality, i.e. when this building is present on the map, a team gains the respective ability (technology, vehicles, weapons, radar, and what not).

Currently it feels that the game only subtracts functions, when buildings are destroyed...

Although it appears to entail the same narrative, it obviously makes a difference for coding.

edit: I have only looked at Savage 2, but Resurrection looks stunning. Of course not a copy, but one could definitely learn from their implementation ;)

edit2: btw, there is no CY on any original C&C Rengade MP Map, so even with RTS fully implemented, gameplay on the original Maps would not change, because destroyed structures cannot be rebuilt. :rolleyes:


I am trying to move the game in the UE4 just becouse I can :P I like playing with blueprints.. they makes "coding" a lot easier I imo.

I have my own vision too, just like you have yours, and I wanted to relize it so I've just started watching the tutorials and follow. You can do the same in whatever engine you want... I am not the guy that you should come to with your ideas becouse I am sure that even you are probably more capable than me :D

This "migration into the UE4" is not anything official. Would be nice to have a helping hand tho'

I am trying to move the game in the UE4 just becouse I can :P I like playing with blueprints.. they makes "coding" a lot easier I imo.

I have my own vision too, just like you have yours, and I wanted to relize it so I've just started watching the tutorials and follow. You can do the same in whatever engine you want...

Fair enough :P

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