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So, I assume it's a bit of a hassle to get new radio messages into the game, needing a voice actor etc., but still I'd like to make this suggestion.

Besides radioing when a building needs to be defended or repaired, the third most important thing is when no specific building is in danger yet, but someone has noticed that the mines are going down and presumably some sneaky engineer is planting C4 at a MCT. In that case, it would be good to have a "Watch Mines!" radio message, because so far we have to make to with typing "MINES!" in teamchat and hoping that everybody reads it.


I don't think that's a good idea, watching mines is the players/teams job, if a building dies because players neglected the mines that's their fault for not being more attentive which is already a big problem and if there is a message that warns everyone if a mine goes down it will only make that problem worse. Also if will make sneaking in pretty much useless or at least much harder which is something that can make or break a game. Also there are some games where mines are constantly being lost and the constant announcements would get real annoying fast.


voltex, the idea isn't an automated message -- it's a radio command.

This would actually be a very useful radio command to have, but as you mentioned we would need someone to record it, and we'd probably end up replacing one of the lesser used commands with it.


Can we also get a "Shut up" radio command? Not for the people who Q-spam buildings that need to be defended or repaired, but for people who sometimes sit in the field and just spam a random, useless radio command.


Great idea, would be useful to have such a voice command.

I would also like to have a "Harvester needs repair" command when Harv has taken damage instead of the usual "Defend the Harvester". It doesn't need to have an own hotkey, but it could be similar to the messages about under-attack buildings when Q-spotting them, ie: Q-Spotting Harvester at 100% health triggers "Defend the Harvester", spotting Harvester at 99% or below gives "Harvester needs repair" message.



These are just raw samples, from a nearly finished, but forgotten project of mine.

Too low quality.

Oh boy, if you only knew the half what I know about sound and voice quality...

Too low quality.

Sound pretty fine on my VXT8's :cool:

But I do prefer the current voice to this one, can't we get the same guy to do some more voices?

can't we get the same guy to do some more voices?

He is from old Ren and unfortunately not credited for the radio commands. Even if you were found him, you'd have to convince him to work for nothing, while having high quality recording equipment. But the main problem is that his voice changed a lot in the past 15 years.

If you want to add any new voice features to the game, you have to remake everything for the sake of homogeneity. Basically that's what I did.


Team chat "MINES" seems to work and players should always keep an eye on the mine counter, do we really need to be spoon-fed further? It's the spotting-spammers that's making this unreadable.

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