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Punish ragequit on leaderboard / somehow

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Just played a few very, very, very single sided games where 5 people where awol, 5 played and the rest rest ragequitted round after round after losing a building. Since the teams where so unbalanced most people didn't like it, so they left and made the game even more unbalanced. Meanwhile I had to reconnect thrice and ended up at the losing team (cause I just helped on the other team killing a building for example), really not fun.

But that's not why I am posting this. What about punishing people for quitting (besides crash) or switching teams in x minutes after a building got destroyed. I think the server can see the difference between 'ragequit' and client crash. Punishment can be on the leaderboard for example.

Maybe have a circumstance where you get punished less / not if you still donate your money to the team. Right now in 4 rounds we had each game with 4 people less on losing team, making the team lose faster...


People get a loss on the leaderboard if they leave before a match is over. Team switching after a building destruction is a jerk move and everybody on the server is going to hate you for it, and that's enough "punishment" for people who do that.

If people want to leave by any means, they are allowed to leave with no penalty.

Team switching after a building destruction is a jerk move and everybody on the server is going to hate you for it, and that's enough "punishment" for people who do that.

True it's a jerk move, but it shouldn't be difficult to punish (logically/code). If someone switching team in 5 minutes after a building destruction, he/she looses all the creds and points. This could be accompanied with a message in the killbox that "xxSakuraxx is a traitor". This way swithing teams wouldn't worth it or at least it would be discouraged: you would still be able to change your team, but at a cost.

The good guys who change team for balancing reasons could still keep their money/creds by rejoining.

Or just be radical and disable team changing after 2 minutes someone newly joined the server.


Hmm I see different sentiments here, but with the Renegade playerbase slowly growing I think this is one of the subjects which needs attention. Yesterday we played 20 vs 16, the round after 18 vs 15 and so on. You could see the amount of people getting annoyed by this growing every match, untill Field poped up and half the server emptied..


I agree that Teamchanging should not be allowed once a game has started or is a few minutes in, there is really no need to allow team changes, if the teams become stacked one side or another the only way to do it would have a mod/admin change someone, or have a setting or kind of command/check that would allow the server to auto balance.


Maybe you don't care for which faction you play, but I do. I am Nod player. I like Nod's strategies. So I change team from GDI to Nod whenever I can and YOU CAN'T FORCE ME TO PLAY FOR FACTION THAT I DON'T WANT TO.

The game rule is that you are not able to join faction that has same or +1 member amount and this should be enought for you, and it's also enought for me and I respect it -in the name of fair play.

This suggestions above me brings only more problems.


I meant the suggestion above for players that team change during a match should be changed back to there original team, I guess that main problem happens when people rage quit due to a building being destroyed and then the teams are uneven say 19 on NoD and 14 on GDI how do we even the teams and make things fair if people don't want to be switched to make things even. To me it seems odd people are willing to make the teams uneven and unfair just so they can play there preferred faction, and this is the reason things should be changed in my view.

Maybe you don't care for which faction you play, but I do. I am Nod player. I like Nod's strategies. So I change team from GDI to Nod whenever I can and YOU CAN'T FORCE ME TO PLAY FOR FACTION THAT I DON'T WANT TO.

The game rule is that you are not able to join faction that has same or +1 member amount and this should be enought for you, and it's also enought for me and I respect it -in the name of fair play.

This suggestions above me brings only more problems.

You can still do this when a game just stared. but you shouldn't do this when the game is already at full speed. You see, the matchmaker automatically puts people that just joined in the team with the least players. So, if you would switch to the other team, the offset in players does not get filled. Yes, you cannot teamswitch when there are too many people on the other team, but see it as an opportunity to learn some new tactics :)


I remember a server on old ren called MPF (multiplayerforums) that had that had such an irc command

basically they had the same Idea as your's Ryz,if someone leaves after 1sec-1 minute from a building being destroyed then they +1 rages (kinda like recs and noobs when someone !rec or !noob you) also the same for team switching (I'm not sure if that's the case on team switching) maybe make an option for doing "!rage Ryz" for example because.....lets be honest here you'll be getting alot of it if it becomes a thing xD

for example :


player2 : !rage player1


whole server : !rage player1

and you get the point :P


This is absolutely ridiculous. You want to add code that supports provocation/trolling in the game. I admit that this may be added for fun from server side but not as an official thing from devs.

As I said.. you can't switch to overpopulated faction. Ppl are ragequitting and raging for many reasons and it's only their matter, not yours.

If I join server and it's 19 vs 19 and somebody joins my team so I can switch to other team.. and it's does not matter if its 19 vs 20 or 20 vs 19 or if they are playing map for 5 or 15 minutes. You got it? lol

If there was some kind of player profile which you can level up in with your score from game-yes, punish would matter here (like.. if they leave before end of round, their score won't count). *veteran system* (?)

It would open so much possibilities if we could create our profile and there could be ranked or regular server also which depends on count of players on server.. (just idea while typing)

People get a loss on the leaderboard if they leave before a match is over.

Isn't this only the case if the team you were in lost that game?

Because the leaderboards were reset on saturday, I left 2 games before they ended (no ragequit, just had to go), and I only see 1 game lost, and I was there, in-game, when we lost that game, that wasn't 1 of the games I left.

But I think it's better to just focus on the positive things someone's achieved in-game, not the bad things.


I would automate !rage and !traitor. When your building goes down, server starts 3 min timer, and if you quit or switch teams in this time, you get bad reputation in your serverčtracked stats.

Could be used for some funny serverjoin messages:

"Player joined, so you can expect lot of complaining soon"

"Player joined, better hope you don't get betrayed this time"

If I join server and it's 19 vs 19 and somebody joins my team so I can switch to other team..

At least we know what is in the head of the aimlessly wandering players in our base who change team after 5-10 minutes without contributing anything to their team.


Renegade X: The game where you get punished for ragequiting.

Aside from that, the !rage player seems pointless, who honestly cares when someone gets a +1 ragepoint. Unnecessary and a waste of time to implement that.


Ok so people either like the plan, or dislike it completely.

Main reason is NOT to mark people as a noob, nor that I like punishing them, but primary from a balance perspective. After 5 rounds with 20 ragequitters in total (and new people joining also) the server had half of the players left (20) yesterday and I see this happen sometimes. Imagine you are a new player and you play 4 of 5 of these rounds, would you come back?

Maybe there should be an option for players like Axessor to mark on which team they would prefer to be. Personally I think the bigger picture is more important than satisfying the individual, but to be honest I didn't like it to be on the winning team (and part of making them win) and than crash and be on the other team on which I just killed a building...

Still competitive, sportive gameplay is more important if you ask me than my own fun. Cause if it's competitive it will be fun eventually...


Is there a kind of team balancing thing once a new round begins?

The game should really try to make the teams somewhat equal by going by the last round's points.

there is really no need to allow team changes,

That is extremely short-sighted and I don't understand how anybody can say that.

I've frequently changed to the weaker team when I saw they're just struggling and one more guy could help them.


Like half of the playerbase isn't even on the leaderboards, and most games are on marathon servers. You don't punish people for leaving marathon games.

If you want a meaningful leaderboard you need to stop playing marathon to begin with, it's a joke game mode.

You don't punish people for leaving marathon games.

Wow. than you didn't get it. If people leave during any round it's ok, but not when they leave cause the team just lost a building and people exit in less than a minute (or sometimes ten seconds).

I share your 'hate' against marathon btw!


A building dying is just a good excuse for someone who already wasn't having fun and was thinking about leaving the game. Leaderboard punishments will do literally nothing to prevent these people from leaving, and if you try too hard to punish these people with such a small playerbase you'll just end up discouraging people from playing the game altogether.


Maybe you are right Cannuck, but I rather go down fighting. The moment when I give up is when I ask / warn / tell my team about stuff and the don't react for 5 minutes. If I leave after a building goes down it will be after I said goodbye and donated credits. People say I am a person who is always complaining, but afaik I never ragequit any game, that's just not my style1

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