Alkaline! Posted June 23, 2015 Posted June 23, 2015 wow, what happend, hardly anyone is online any more, just a few weeks ago we had at least 1 of the main servers (ekt / matrix) full or close to full but now I see 11/40. what happened Quote
Totem Arts Staff Handepsilon Posted June 23, 2015 Totem Arts Staff Posted June 23, 2015 EKT is always full in its' prime time (11 hours from now) while a few are either on TheMatrixRen or Testing Server (Ironically some of us TmX members decided to have fun on the latter) Quote
Goku Posted June 23, 2015 Posted June 23, 2015 Most of my guys are waiting for the new patch to fix various bugs. The major bugs have been mentioned to the devs. If your interested there is a full list of bugs (most dont matter): I am also looking forward to having a auto map downloader built into the game so we can bring some new maps into the mix with out hassle of installing them. No new maps was the downfall of the original renegade. Hopefully the player base will pick up after the new patch. Also do take into account that its summer time for most of europe so i have been doing the whole "life" thing so i assume lots of others have as well! I agree its sad that we are down to two servers being active but its been like this for a while now. If you want to chat with the staff at EKT/TmX pop on IRC! Always one of us around that you can talk to! -> Regards Goks Quote
iTweek. Posted June 23, 2015 Posted June 23, 2015 The problem is simply that this game is just too unknown. Dev make great work. it must be done just a lot more advertising. Only the question of how and what. What could also improve the forum / website. I think so many come not clear. Multi Language Department e.g. but that's just my opinion :-D I play it like ^^ Quote
SFJake Posted June 24, 2015 Posted June 24, 2015 At this point, I think the old Renegade is more active. I've made the decision in my mind that Renegade X is just not the Renegade I wanted and moved on. It only made things worse, NA abandonned it extremely early. I don't want to play any of the official maps anymore, its sad that they're ALL just much worse version of the originals and the totally new maps are the worse map to have ever hit Renegade. Maybe if custom-maps-only servers come out and the maps are smaller and more fun for 40 players. If we can ever get 40 players in NA times. How will that ever happen? Even a Steam release would probably go unnoticed at this point. Until that happens I'm not coming back. Quote
itjo4u934875 Posted June 24, 2015 Posted June 24, 2015 This game is just fking imba. 1) In many games its senseless to play with tanks. You can shoot vs buildings as much as you want if there are one or 2 hottys repairing. They rep too fast. 2) Tanks vs tanks. GDI tanks are too strong in later game. You may defend with artys but 95% of the players can not use them properly and other nod tanks suck hard. 3) Hotty/Eng remotes splash damage area too large. Its too easy to kill sbhs defending nukes or players inside buildings. Even if they are noobs and cant aim. 4) Repairgun range too far. You can stay in safe distance from tanks and cant miss them. (rep gdi tanks too easy) More maps wont fix that.... Quote
Henk Posted June 24, 2015 Posted June 24, 2015 Busy with the last weeks of school, and I'm kind of waiting for the next update too, because the game needs more improvements in my opinion. Quote
GatsuFox Posted June 24, 2015 Posted June 24, 2015 This game is just fking imba. 1) In many games its senseless to play with tanks. You can shoot vs buildings as much as you want if there are one or 2 hottys repairing. They rep too fast. 2) Tanks vs tanks. GDI tanks are too strong in later game. You may defend with artys but 95% of the players can not use them properly and other nod tanks suck hard. 3) Hotty/Eng remotes splash damage area too large. Its too easy to kill sbhs defending nukes or players inside buildings. Even if they are noobs and cant aim. 4) Repairgun range too far. You can stay in safe distance from tanks and cant miss them. (rep gdi tanks too easy) More maps wont fix that.... Nah bro. Just nah. Quote
Totem Arts Staff yosh56 Posted June 24, 2015 Totem Arts Staff Posted June 24, 2015 I think people just don't understand how small the community that plays is. It's just very obvious when people stop playing for awhile all at the same time. There may not have really been a reason, but I just logged in yesterday and both servers had ~20 people before I went to bed (so that was like mid-day for Europe), and EKT was 40/40 when I woke up. I mean... there was just a huge Steam sale, so people were probably just playing other things. Quote
Ap2000 Posted June 24, 2015 Posted June 24, 2015 I'm seeing a 40/40 EKT server right now. I personally haven't played much the past ~3 weeks because of rl and many other games. Quote
Crnyo Posted June 24, 2015 Posted June 24, 2015 This game is just fking imba. 1) In many games its senseless to play with tanks. You can shoot vs buildings as much as you want if there are one or 2 hottys repairing. They rep too fast. 2) Tanks vs tanks. GDI tanks are too strong in later game. You may defend with artys but 95% of the players can not use them properly and other nod tanks suck hard. 3) Hotty/Eng remotes splash damage area too large. Its too easy to kill sbhs defending nukes or players inside buildings. Even if they are noobs and cant aim. 4) Repairgun range too far. You can stay in safe distance from tanks and cant miss them. (rep gdi tanks too easy) More maps wont fix that.... I share your sentiment to some degree. That is why I made a small mutator which disables repair guns and buffs building HP by factor of 2-10 depending on number of players on server. (It takes 2-10 nukes to destroy a building as well) Tanks are fine. Problem is that most players are bad at teamplay (which is strange considering our small playerbase). Spawning 10 tanks and rushing a base as a group works well most of the time, it just isn't done very often. That is why IMHO whenever you manage to pass through enemy defences and fire a few shots at their buildings that should count as a small achievement which brings your team closer to victory. Repair guns shouldn't invalidate efforts of solo players. RenX can be very frustrating because lot of the time teammates are playing it like it is CoD TDM. It is impossible for objective-oriented players to do anything on their own because they are often minority on larger server. If players enjoy 3 hour marathons then that fine by me. I guess what I don't understand however is why don't they play Blacklight Retribution or some other game which does TDM aspect better? Quote
Ryz Posted June 25, 2015 Posted June 25, 2015 Personally, and I've mentioned this before, I think the lack of players is because of the lack of communication by the developers. Also the message that the game source will be made public isn't a good thing, it makes the project (even more) look like it's abandoned. I've posted something on the TmX forum and one of my findings was that some major gamesites and the Command and Conquer Facebook Fanpage do NOT mention Renegade-X at all. I think we can boost the audience by: - New updates / bugfixes - Custom maps - Gold status / remove beta - And from this point a promotional campaign. I am way to busy to even game at this moment (should work now to finish my stuff, but still posting here), but I am willing to help out with promotion for the game as soon as I am less busy. If the game gets released I think we can easily boost the playerbase. Quote
Totem Arts Staff Handepsilon Posted June 25, 2015 Totem Arts Staff Posted June 25, 2015 ...if custom-maps-only servers come out and the maps are smaller and more fun for 40 players.... It's out already. Maybe go download the maps and check on Sunday. Where we (try to) hold the Test Night. Of course you're free to extend your wait until the autodownloader is up Quote
itjo4u934875 Posted June 25, 2015 Posted June 25, 2015 , but I am willing to help out with promotion for the game as soon as I am less busy. If the game gets released I think we can easily boost the playerbase. Promotion wont help. We get a few more players but they will quit playing after a few games. Ren x needs many changes to make it a good game. Quote
Ap2000 Posted June 25, 2015 Posted June 25, 2015 , but I am willing to help out with promotion for the game as soon as I am less busy. If the game gets released I think we can easily boost the playerbase. Promotion wont help. We get a few more players but they will quit playing after a few games. Ren x needs many changes to make it a good game. MANY changes? I beg to differ. Except for some convenience/interface stuff, the game itself is pretty much "done". Not counting in balancing, since that is something that no playerbase in any game will ever agree on 100%. Quote
Canucck Posted June 25, 2015 Posted June 25, 2015 Why would any new player stick around after joining the middle of a field/under/mesa/whatever marathon game? Quote
Ryz Posted June 25, 2015 Posted June 25, 2015 , but I am willing to help out with promotion for the game as soon as I am less busy. If the game gets released I think we can easily boost the playerbase. Promotion wont help. We get a few more players but they will quit playing after a few games. Ren x needs many changes to make it a good game. I think the game Is just fine, except some small bugs and balance changes. It feels like Renegade with some extra additions and that's just what people can expect. About promotion: - Imagine to over 200.000 fans of Command and Conquer on Facebook see a post about Renegade-X? Now this usergroup has never been targeted. Only reaching out here can have a big impact. Quote
iTweek. Posted June 25, 2015 Posted June 25, 2015 I once asked Pc Games ect if they want to write something to it. Time watching whether they make it ^^ Quote
Totem Arts Staff Handepsilon Posted June 25, 2015 Totem Arts Staff Posted June 25, 2015 Why would any new player stick around after joining the middle of a field/under/mesa/whatever marathon game? Sounds like you have something against Marathon. I'm not much of a fan of it and my first game was AoW... but Marathon server is currently the most popular now... I mean yeah, Field and Under might be quite tedious... but I think most people are getting used to EKT mine limit (one time someone dissed on TmX's low mine limit and call it unplayable) Quote
Totem Arts Staff yosh56 Posted June 25, 2015 Totem Arts Staff Posted June 25, 2015 Why would any new player stick around after joining the middle of a field/under/mesa/whatever marathon game? Sounds like you have something against Marathon. I'm not much of a fan of it and my first game was AoW... but Marathon server is currently the most popular now... I mean yeah, Field and Under might be quite tedious... but I think most people are getting used to EKT mine limit (one time someone dissed on TmX's low mine limit and call it unplayable) I was there when they dissed that mine limit. They were also possibly the player with the lowest IQ ever known to online gaming. Marathon might not be as annoying if it wasn't "Until one team just has more bored people." If you have like 2-4 dedicated defenders(And I mean those of you who LOVE camping an entrance for 3 hours) , you're basically golden. I'm pretty sure I've said it before, but the repair gun really is probably the most broken thing in Renegade for CnC mode. Maybe not as unfreakin'believably crazy OP as that guy was yapping about, but definitely should've been looked at ages ago. Quote
Crnyo Posted June 26, 2015 Posted June 26, 2015 Marathon server is currently the most popular now... I can't understand why this is the case. Either marathon is objectively a better gamemode or most players have left for other games which do TDM better than RenX marathon can - in which case those who remain form very specific and unrepresentative sample of players. Quote
SFJake Posted June 26, 2015 Posted June 26, 2015 The same thing happens in AoW. Except people have a smaller chance of pushing if they can just point whore. At least, Marathon needs to end in a base kill. Thats the idea. Its true that Renegade has a lot of core design flaws. Maybe vehicles shouldn't be able to stay in the field, forever, while also getting healed crazy amounts forever. Maybe its too easy to shell buildings and too easy to repair them forever. I think an aspect Renegade could have embraced was depreciating maximum health. In other words, the more you heal something, the lower its maximum health is. So vehicles can only stay so long and needs to be careful in their siege, otherwise they have to go to base. It could also affect buildings at a certain rate, so that a siege at least does -something-. There are tons of ideas but Renegade has been built too long on the same ideas and you have fans who would hate change, and then most other people are elsewhere already. So whats the point? I think Renegade X would have been better off being a completely new game on its own in the first place. You'd think a game as great and unique as Renegade would have inspired clones. Quote
[TmX]Super-Kh Posted June 26, 2015 Posted June 26, 2015 I like that Idea very much,what if the infentry as well,the more they use their weapons they less afective they become (snipers,hoties,rav/sydney............etc) Quote
[TmX]Super-Kh Posted June 26, 2015 Posted June 26, 2015 I like that Idea very much,what if the infentry as well,the more they use their weapons they less afective they become (snipers,hoties,rav/sydney............etc) Quote
Lt.Hargrove Posted June 27, 2015 Posted June 27, 2015 I've stopped playing becouse game is too stale for me. 1. I am an active defender and have to camp my base the whole game on my own or with 1-2 more people from SBHs/stank techs/ninja hotties which results in watching mines dry in the sun for an hour with some breaks for skillful remote c4 kills on infiltrators with some Carbine rounds when needed. Defending from infantry is too easy when Tech/Hotwire can have necesarry firepower, area denial and heal/repair abilities at the same time. One man army. 2. I am an active solo player who tries to take out key targets and get rekt by people who are doing 1. 3. TAAAAAAANKSPAAAAAAAAAAAM!!! Seriosuly, some sieges are just unbreakable for either side. The last patch which allowed to buy vehicles after WF/Airstrip kill made games go on even longer, which crossed the line for me. I was supportive of more room for comebacks, but this one made losing buildings completely insignificant. Ref started giving too much money, too, so the very increased prices after building loss weren't so restrictive after all. I also had personal problems with maths at school which made me unload rage on other players (if you are reading this, sorry lads.) when I couldn't achieve anything. Some servers have mine limits set too damm high, they allow mines to be spammed with too much leeway, which is very frustrating for the opposing team. Some maps can have entire parts locked out of use by a 24/7 APC camper like Goldrush, Under and Field, some are imba like Canyon. This game has a lot of potential. It is certainly unique and has it's great moments. Soundtrack is more than solid, too. I think I'll come back to it after I'm done with my KF2 map (and stop looking at the materials screen like a dazed teengirl at Bieber's poster so I can get down to work on Installation). BTW, I made some signatures using my mad MS Paint and Power Point editing skills and use them everywhere. Lack of publicity is also a huge problem, so if you can, do it as well. Maybe a bloke or two will at least check it out. Quote
Totem Arts Staff yosh56 Posted June 27, 2015 Totem Arts Staff Posted June 27, 2015 3. TAAAAAAANKSPAAAAAAAAAAAM!!! Seriosuly, some sieges are just unbreakable for either side. The last patch which allowed to buy vehicles after WF/Airstrip kill made games go on even longer, which crossed the line for me. I was supportive of more room for comebacks, but this one made losing buildings completely insignificant. Ref started giving too much money, too, so the very increased prices after building loss weren't so restrictive after all. There was already an unofficial patch put on main servers to edit the Ref giving so many credits even after its death, and times between airdrop are decided by servers. One man army. You're definitely not the first to point that out. Wish we had stats for how often people play a certain class. I guarantee most would be Tech+Carbine, or sniper the most. Quote
RvE Posted July 8, 2015 Posted July 8, 2015 I think we just need a better advertisement, and a good youtube channel. Some introduction. Tutorials and then after that it's pretty much cleared up. And yeps, pretty much this game is so much a grain in a beach. We basically need to shine so this game which is good unlike other games currently famous. 1/100 people I ask in my community refers to the old game, and 2/10 of those people I ask knows Renegade X exist. So basically we need to be more well known. The players can pretty much help by posting on fb or creating groups. Anything to help it have more player base. While Pro gamers in the community make a video tutorial to help new players and maybe the Dev, can integrate those video or make a map for beginners. Quote
RypeL Posted July 9, 2015 Posted July 9, 2015 (Reminder that i will delete any posts from people who use swearing and insults (like the previous, now deleted post in this thread). Then i will PM you one warning and if you do it again your account will be deleted and you will get a global IP ban on all RenX servers so you can have fun using VPN. I know devs could do more and im currently pretty much inactive aswell but this is no payed job at all so nobody has the right to demand anything from us or to insult us.) Quote
Ryz Posted July 9, 2015 Posted July 9, 2015 Good post RypeL. Ppl can complain, but they also need to use their common sense before they place something. Something like: "Ask not wat Ren-X can do for you, but what you can do for Ren-X?" Quote
RoundShades Posted July 10, 2015 Posted July 10, 2015 I think we just need a better advertisement, and a good youtube channel. Some introduction. Tutorials and then after that it's pretty much cleared up. And yeps, pretty much this game is so much a grain in a beach. We basically need to shine so this game which is good unlike other games currently famous.1/100 people I ask in my community refers to the old game, and 2/10 of those people I ask knows Renegade X exist. So basically we need to be more well known. The players can pretty much help by posting on fb or creating groups. Anything to help it have more player base. While Pro gamers in the community make a video tutorial to help new players and maybe the Dev, can integrate those video or make a map for beginners. Kenz3001 has a pretty decent youtube channel. Could use ones with more publicity is all. Facebook publicity too. Ask for the devs, people simply need to understand, developments like these with the number of people and the aspect that it is free, usually never develop longer than 3 years or update more often than 9 months at a time. This one boasts triple that at times. You can't ask for much more without paying them tbh, and you can't pay them unfortunately It is rather nice they futureproofed the game by making it open source. With that, Hande can keep making maps, Yosh can keep making patches to small gameplay systems, and we can keep the game fresh like that. That alone is to be grateful for. Quote
Totem Arts Staff Handepsilon Posted July 10, 2015 Totem Arts Staff Posted July 10, 2015 Good post RypeL. Ppl can complain, but they also need to use their common sense before they place something. Something like: "Ask not wat Ren-X can do for you, but what you can do for Ren-X?" Good word, JFK the second (lol). Yosh said he want to look on the code about one of the commonly annoying issue : Tank not firing but still unloading its' ammo. I might continue to update my map after some more testing and fixing more glitch spots (Lighting build duration demoralize me at times D: and I also need to borrow someone's system *looks at Ruud* to get the maps decently made using Lightmass with Production quality) though I'm still in the process of downloading from B0NG's mirror. Indonesian internet is so unreliable. 200 KBps for 6 GBs is really.... ugh. If anyone knows some shortcut I'd appreciate it. In the mean time, I cannot use the updated features but the maps in B0NG's server and possibly EKT 2, if SilentKnight is really going to insert approved custom maps into the rotation, will still be playable Quote
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