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Yet again, these guys are back to being the worst 1K choice.

The alt fire is a neat addition, but it's fairly easy to dodge as infantry and even as a tank by the fact that it isn't hit-scan. The delay after firing the charged shot also is a severe drawback to using it (charged shot isn't a good trade-off for a weaker primary fire).

These two should be absolute monsters in close quarters. I wouldn't mind if the spread was increased in exchange for the RoF as it was in Beta 3. The point is that these two are simply too weak compared to the other 1Ks in fulfilling their specific roles. I'd even approve of giving them an extra timed C4.

  • Totem Arts Staff

I'm still trying to figure out why the bloody hell they got nerfed. There was literally ONE complaint (that I saw) EVER posted about their primary needing to be nerfed. Seriously, nobody thought they were OP >_>


They are balanced. I mean, they have top damage to structure besides grenadier which is wierd. They are also automatic fire, ease of use, they got a range buff, and their alt fire actually can nearly 1 hit kill an infantry and can poke at tanks (so it's situational basically).

I always thought the charge attack should be hitscan lightning bolt, but that makes PIC redundant.


I think they will be balanced when the chaingunner and other units that are OP and nerfed. I think the only reason they aren't very strong right now is because of these units that cost less are so effective right now.


I think they shoud get bigger projectile to compensate DPS nerf from Beta3. It would also make bigger sence to me, becouse it shoots electric discharge, which should jump to and hit near targets close to its direction of flight.

Now it hits only dot in middle of screen just like flame soldier does, and this is one of that WTF things here.

They are balanced. I mean, they have top damage to structure besides grenadier which is wierd. They are also automatic fire, ease of use, they got a range buff, and their alt fire actually can nearly 1 hit kill an infantry and can poke at tanks (so it's situational basically).

Their structure damage should be the largest of any infantry in the game by a reasonable gap (because of their price and short range). Rocket soldiers I think kill buildings the quickest atm, and being tied with grenadiers in this area is just not right.

Their vehicle killing capabilities are not strong enough. Ravs and Sydneys can do more at a much safer distance, and are arguably better against infantry in more circumstances than Mobius and Mendoza.


Not sure what to say about this. I think they are very strong, but overshadowed by cheap characters and side arms which are much less risky cost wise.

The alt fire can be useful, but I don't really think it fits the character. It's still useful depending on the situation though.

Would rather wait until cheap characters and sidearms are looked at before buffing the 1k characters.


Volt Auto Rifle

- Reduced primary fire rate of fire

- Reduced alt fire projectile speed, range, and explosion radius

- Fixed alt fire electric damage being insanely high

Make them cheaper.

I honestly think 800 is enough of a price gouge for a 1k unit as well. It is a GOOD thing that cheaper units are so functional. Really, Volt should be a single head above the 450 classes, as far as slightly more damage and/or rate of fire, that situational secondary, and the additional health, and decent damage to structures.

It should be as strong to a laser chaingun, as a ramjet is to a 500. Well, not as strong, but 20% stronger, or whatever makes it equal damage to structures as a grenadier or what I would HOPE a gunner might do to a structure next patch...

  • Totem Arts Staff
Then I would support some RoF increase

Eh... I dunno. My biggest complaint about Volts is because they run out of ammo so fast and at the most problematic moment...

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