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  • Totem Arts Staff

Uh, Thommy, you need to make it so that anyone can view the zip file. Right now I need to request access first


https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B6yEH_ ... sp=sharing

Basically a Gunner/RS rush map. Everyone gets Rocket and Missile launchers. Good for practicing Gunner Rushes

Known bug, there will be kismet warnings when someone dies, because it keeps trying to give a dead pawn an inventory

The link in my last post must be working now.

Added and updated

Uh, Thommy, you need to make it so that anyone can view the zip file. Right now I need to request access first. Anyway, a new map. NOT INTENDED TO BE AS COMPETITIVE AS OTHERS

https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B6yEH_ ... sp=sharing

Basically a Gunner/RS rush map. Everyone gets Rocket and Missile launchers. Good for practicing Gunner Rushes. Known bug, there will be kismet warnings when someone dies, because it keeps trying to give a dead pawn an inventory

Added and updated. Also added to post #2 for download

Btw, what's the new IRC for the server? The old one doesn't seem to work. And I don't mean the one on irc.thematrixren.net

I also have a lot of issues with the bot. I've tried to reset it but now I've lost my rights somehow. It does connect again though.

I've added a new version of my map! with precompublabla volume in it! for performance sake! Please test the performance!

  • Totem Arts Staff

Nice one Thommy! Haven't watched it due to limited apps. I see that the thumbnail if the video is my RocketHill lol

Edit : We need that video spread on all RenX-related forums... naow

  • Totem Arts Staff

Sorry Dotts. After the incident with Tokiyo and sxmchn (he was still never heard from again btw....), we cannot risk breaking anyone else's game just for our own fun :(

I'm gonna hard-lock the sandbox mod to only summon things from renx_game and UTGameContent and UTGame just to be on the safe side. This means no more summoning Titans unless it's implemented officially

  • Totem Arts Staff

Version 2.2 of CNC-TrainingYard

https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B2ze9D ... sp=sharing


This will be probably the final version of it. Because I made last week on paper a new Renegade X map.


This is it how it looks like on paper.

The map will play in a forest in the Autumn time. Through the forest there is a Railway.

In the forest there will be 2 silo's and 6 bunkers. Each team owns 3 bunkers.

The base is covered by walls. It's a full base.

One problem : There is no thread about Training Yard

That would be up to ThommyK0104 to make himself. We're not using this topic for his map specific related stuff.

Edit: Kenz his map added to post #2

  • Totem Arts Staff

Updating All maps

Coastal : https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B6yEH_ ... sp=sharing

Coastal Small : https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B6yEH_ ... sp=sharing

Rocket Hill : https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B6yEH_ ... sp=sharing

Also fixes any problem for those who installs Coastal first then Coastal Small or Rocket Hill. They share same packages, but Coastal once had the most up to date ones. Now all of them are up to date

  • Totem Arts Staff

I'm working on a DM Series for Renegade X. First I wanted to make a CO-OP map of it. But I'm no pro in Kismet :P. But Anyway, I removed all the kismet and now I'm making a DM map of it. This map is almost finished. But It won't be released so soon. I want to make more DM maps first and release them later in one file.

Here's a preview for the first map:


It looks a bit like Black Dawn's Beachhead but it isn't a remake of it.

[attachment=0]CNC-M01_Beach (2).png[/attachment]

I used the Black Dawn WatchTower, because I like this WatchTower

  • 2 weeks later...
  • Totem Arts Staff

I've been working on a deathmatch map (not that beach head deatmatch map. About that btw. I removed the old sdk. But I forgot that my map was still in the files. So I don't have that map anymore :( )

But I have made of the Renegade X menu map a deathmatch map.

I removed the camera and kismet of the camera and now you can walk around. I made some changes in the map. There was a door that was opened. I've made in kismet a open/close system for the door. And I added pickups (Ammo, health and armor) and added pathnotes + Player Starts.

And now its a small deatmatch map.

Link for download: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B2ze9 ... XBvMUI1eU0

  • Totem Arts Staff

Good to hear. HTTPDownload method?

Last I read on forums.EpicGames.com, it needs the map and the packages to be stored on a site for redirection. Not really sure though. Since I believe you got more experience here, perhaps you can share us what you do.


I meant to make a sticky thread about that after the patch, but never got around to it. This is partly because there is still a 30-second timeout issue when using HTTP redirects.

In short, you just need to upload your files to a web server, all in the same directory (no folders). In the following example, the address "http://example.com/renx/downloads/" is used (aka: CHANGE THIS).

After uploading your files to a webserver, in UDKEngine.ini:

1) Check if a section named [ipDrv.HTTPDownload] exists.

2a) If this does not exist: Add the following block to the ini file

2b) Modify the settings to reflect the following




3) You *might* need to set "MaxDownloadSize" to "0" (i.e: "MaxDownloadSize = 0") in the same file, in the [ipDrv.TcpNetDriver] section.

UDK is peculiar about file case-sensitivity, so you may have to set some file names to all lower-case (though some must not be all lower-case).

If you want to get adventurous, check out the link below for full details about redirection, as well as compression. I haven't covered compression at all, so if you're wanting the absolute smallest downloads, check it out.


Edit: Also, it occurred to me that since this thread is genuinely useful for modders (causing it to grow to 10 pages and nearly 7000 views) and timeless, so I stickied it.


I'm updating my map as we speak! I've done lots of things in the meantime!

- Fixed map so it's compatible with Béta 5

- Removed the 'extra' titan package, since béta 5 has support by default

- Added B5 Titan to purchase terminal in destroyed wf

- Added B5 Wolverine to purchase terminal in destroyed wf

- Added Orca to PT in destroyed wf

- Reworked the PT system so the HUD shows it's an enemy PT when the enemy has captured the building (check out the kismet on this if you are making your own capturable building, could be very useful)

- Added capturable MCT with working kismet

* one thing I'd like to ask the developers is; What does touch the MCT when shooting it with the repair beam? I'd like to use the Event>touch>...sequence here.. to fire when ever the MCT is shot at. Why? Because then I don't have to use a checker clock as Kenz uses in his video's. This means that, when ever the terminal is shot at, it checks which team it is at (via my kismet). At the moment I'm using trigger zones in certain area's to trigger these checks (rather than using a clock).

I just don't like to use the clock, it eats performance.

- Updated meteor sequence

- Added 2 more decoration meteors, which fly over just before the main one hits, so you sort of get 'warned' when to move out of the center! Looks really cool in my opinion.

- Updated meteor looks

- Updated bases, reworked a bit of the paint jobs

- Updated tiberium fields (moved decals, added lights)

- Reworked Nod base entrance a bit, still work in progress as I don't really know how exactly I am going to design this just yet. GDI can't have to much advantage, that's the thing I care about.

- Reworked the foliage collision volumes, they're more performance optimised now (no more huge volumes)

- Small other stuffs.. I don't remember whilst writing! Go check it out.


Good stuff.

The repairgun fires very often. Using touch in kismet whenever the rep gun fires at the MCT should be heavier on performance then just using a timer with reasonable intervalls.

Good stuff.

The repairgun fires very often. Using touch in kismet whenever the rep gun fires at the MCT should be heavier on performance then just using a timer with reasonable intervalls.

True, but if we set the interval on the trigger touch event to 1 or 2 seconds instead of 0.1 it should behave better since we don't check/tick when it's not neccesairy

New map is online for download!

  • Totem Arts Staff

just use a trigger volume (player) so it runs if some one is in the volume

but you have already done that reading closer lol

i just used a clock to show whats going on in the kismet


Cause i never made such events for a kismet node before and have very little experience with Kismet stuff. So it was easier for me to just get the barebone functionality out for you guys to figure out the rest in kismet yourselves. Take it as Kismet practice for mappers :) They need Kismet knowledge much more then the coders do :)

If you wanna take a look at integrating an event into it Handeps then that would be great and you could send the code to Yosh for integration in the next patch.

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