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I've been out of the loop for several months. I don't mean to be inflammatory, but how the hell is it possible that a free game only has four people playing it right now? I feel like I'm taking crazy pills. Is my lobby bugged out or something?


I guess it really depends on when you play and where you play. Usually both the TmX server and the EKT one are pretty crowded, but since a lot off people are beta testing there are less players. The main playerbase also dropped in the past few months, so time to start promoting Ren-X as soon as the next beta with (possible) auto updater hits release!

put it on steam = High pop count :)

Oh for the love of ...

would you people PLEASE STOP commenting STEAM suggestions?! THANKS! It's been in the works for a few years now.


Damn ... get it through your big heads already!

I've been out of the loop for several months. I don't mean to be inflammatory, but how the hell is it possible that a free game only has four people playing it right now? I feel like I'm taking crazy pills. Is my lobby bugged out or something?

Both loads of EKT and TmX members are BETA testing, hence the low pop, but on the other hand, depending on your timeframe, you wont see many online. Most players come from the EU, resulting in full servers starting at 6pm GMT+1.



There was a discussion a while ago on the Renegade X forums regarding bringing this game to the Steam platform[www.renegade-x.com]. And the answer is...


Originally posted by halo2pac:

We have looked into and are looking into different distribution systems - as was said at the last dev meeting.

Halo2pac is part of the Renegade X development team, and mentions that they're looking into different distribution systems, so that may also include Steam.

Originally posted by Nielsen:

Ideally we should release both on Steam and Origin to be honest. [..] Don't be surprised if you hear more on this in the future.

It seems the community is behind putting Renegade X on Steam, and some of the developers are positive aswell. But as Nielsen mentioned, don't be surprised if you hear more on this in the future.

Read the full thread here: http://www.renegade-x.com/forums/showth ... o-on-Steam

*Greenlight was then updated to live status*


If we would all donate a dollar we could easily reach this goal.

CIRE - the C&C Community Manager - says that there is no problem with putting Renegade X on Steam, as long as it remains free of charge.


I'm sure other members of the team would contribute if we were to put it on Steam but I'd gladly pay all of it if need be. We've worked so hard for so long $100 is a small fee to get it into the hands of more people. I think we all want to relive the old school Renegade days and we need busy servers to do that although I think we'll have that before we put it on Steam.

Conversations from 2012 all the way until mid 2013.

Again, still planning to write a petition that I hope all members here will sign that will hopefully get this to stop being ignored by EA.


They did get sort of a yes. I wish they would try their luck and either submit it to origin or steam and use that quote in their greenlight submission page just in case EA crosses path with it they can read the form of confirmation they have. They can still argue it sure, but at least they will be inclined to "allow it unless they have personal issue", rather than "deny it unless they actually want it".

And this could easily greenlight. If it even tried, I have faith in Polygon and other following online gaming press to article it and get us where we need to go.

We should at least release beta4 if we were ever to try that though. I hear beta4 in fact cures cancer, but we need to make sure of that. If it in fact plays so well that it cures cancer, then yeah, steam will keep it floating in excess population.

Both loads of EKT and TmX members are BETA testing, hence the low pop, but on the other hand, depending on your timeframe, you wont see many online. Most players come from the EU, resulting in full servers starting at 6pm GMT+1.

Mostly TmX ;)


My biggest gripe with the game

» by Stu Balls Thu Feb 27, 2014 10:25 pm

There is absolutely no organization, there is no way to check whats been said in the chat, once its off the screen its gone. Voice chat will help a team work like a team. Even if there are spammers just add a mute button.

Still unsolved because

by RypeL » Thu Oct 16, 2014 9:38 pm
If communication was more intuitive in-game, teammates could easily organize things without knowing each other. I believe a big addition everyone is waiting for is in game voice communication. Its teamspeak until then.

UDK kinda supports voice but only when integrated into a service like Steam. So the voice in the game is designed to work atleast partly through Steam. So this comes down to us beeing able to get on Steam. And still as long as we dont have a word on that from EA there will be no Steam and aslong as there is no Steam there will also be no voice chat unfortunatly.

NOOOOOOOOooooOOOooooo :eek:



not sure i want the whole call of duty style kiddies screaming at you over voice, its hard enough banning those nobheads with VPN's.

Both TmX and my server have teamspeak available so if you are ingame and want to join in on the banter / whatnot come on by and say hello. Neither EKT or TmX bite althou we do chew a little.

not sure i want the whole call of duty style kiddies screaming at you over voice, its hard enough banning those nobheads with VPN's.

Both TmX and my server have teamspeak available so if you are ingame and want to join in on the banter / whatnot come on by and say hello. Neither EKT or TmX bite althou we do chew a little.

As long as you suck, it's all fine and dandy with me ;)

not sure i want the whole call of duty style kiddies screaming at you over voice, its hard enough banning those nobheads with VPN's.

Both TmX and my server have teamspeak available so if you are ingame and want to join in on the banter / whatnot come on by and say hello. Neither EKT or TmX bite althou we do chew a little.

The anti voice chat crowd seriously needs to play better games than Call of Duty. :P

The problem still persists: little to no teamwork in pub games. But pug games ARE Renegade X at the moment unless you join a clan and play proper voice coordinated games with mates.. once a week. :(

The escape menu chat they implemented is swell if you want to gossip about thet cute girl next door or want to congratulate Frank on his 30th beer, but it has no practical use as a means to promptly relay tactical information. The little chat box on the hud is still useless and remains practically unchanged since the launch of beta. Spotting still wont cut it on its own, though it could be a helpful supplement to voice chat.

And yes there is EKT - EliteKamikazeTeam.com TeamSpeak 3 server on port: 9987 but are people really using it to communicate on the battlefield?

EKT Marathon 1 server has 28 players, but only 3 guys are on the TS server, 2 are AFK, 1 is in Justopia room, none of them are in the RenX rooms. The Great Enemy isnt faring much better, 40 people on TheMatrixRen.NET AOW and their TheMatrixRen.NET TeamSpeak 3 server on port: 9987 has 11 people online, 2 general RenegadeX, 2 on NOD, none are on GDI, others are in random other rooms. Were speaking prime weekday hours btw, so those will sure help to get them nubz fall in line. :o

And also i think this ties in with this guys problems

by teamwinkle » Fri Jan 02, 2015 9:54 pm

@ angrydave...

I joined TS because one of your mods asked me to (both times) in attempt to recruit me in to EKT. and the first time they manually switched me away from the GDI/NOD team channels (which I joined) and in to the players of destruction or whatever it was called. i commented on the mixed team channel and the mod responded "we used to get assigned channels based on team, but for some reason they stopped". so the 2nd time I was asked to log on TS by you mods I joined the channel everyone was in and that I was manually switched to anyways the first time I joined.

@ goku

if you and your crew are playing competitive games which you take more seriously than the public games, I get that. However, the public players that do not play on a team or whatver would like to play games in your servers that still competitve, glitch free, balanced, and so on. your team may blow these off as "public fun games" that dont matter much, but us for us public players, this is all we have and we'd like it to be competitve.


those parts that you accuse as untruthful did not take place in the game you were in, but in a previous game which was the first time I logged on to TS and encountered the similar problems. I assure you everything I said actually happened within those 2 games.

bottom line guys- dicusssing gameplay back and forth between GDI & NOD takes away from game. you mods/admins might not care because you have competitve tournaments and stuff, we only have public servers. help make it more fun for us. thnx

If there are people on they use it for relaxed general buddy chat because they cant use it in a srs way even if they wanted. The guy may be a whiner alt reg, you could argue hes a prime example why you dont even want use voice comms altogether :D , but the point stands, clan TS is not a substitute at all.

by angrydave1987 » Fri Jan 02, 2015 10:00 pm

There is no way for us to auto-assign members to channels from whatever team you're in on RENX. use need to move manually.

Solving that could make TS servers at least somewhat capable. But people still would need to use them. :(


I sent a PM of a draft for a Steam Greenlight approval petition directed at EA, from the community, to Jam and Fobby several days ago. There has been no response. I am tempted to just post it publicly and have you guys just go ahead and sign it, since they don't seem to want to respond to me.

Posted (edited)

Yes it is a free game, but I think some people might be put off by the word "beta". When the final version is released, I would expect 500+ players. If they do get it on steam, I'd expect 5000 plays and more.

The word "free" has also changed a lot. A couple of years ago, a free game was free. Now free often means you get a bit of it, but pay for upgrades. People unfimilliar with renegade x will proberly think its just enough pay to win game. Which it isn't, and won't be.

When you say there is 4 people online, it really depends what time zone and what servers you are looking at. I have noticed not all the servers at the top of the list are the most busiest. For the time zone Im in the UK (UTC+0) and there is often around 80 people online. If you are in AU/NZ then your daytime is most of the players night time. I'd suggest if you are maybe play in the middle of the night.

Edited by Guest
  • Totem Arts Staff

I do hope you guys don't resort to kicking people wthat doesn't use TS. Can't buy new headphone and with darn new computers forcing people to use single-cable headphone, it just makes life even harder

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