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Posted (edited)

So, i was poking around and remembered that this is UDK, if you have permissions (singleplayer) you can do just about anything . . .

I did a little digging around and got a few commands that would be some fun to mess around with here, here, and here. Perhaps i'll whip up a cheat code page on IGN or something...

I was wondering if i could get my hands on some more stuff?

Here's what i got so far...

  • Renegade X Cheats:
    command -- effect
    god - Invincible
    fly - Flight
    ghost - Noclip
    walk - Disable Fly/Noclip
    givecredits - Money (10,000)
    allammo -- Infinite Ammo (refills to full when empty)
    allweapons -- Gives Weapons (adds non-renegade weapons: working Link Gun with repairing/damaging arc that takes ownership of vehicles, a dud, rocket launcher, and a Shock Rifle)
    setbind teleport -- Teleport to Reticle
    setspeed # -- Change Movement Speed
    changesize # -- Change Your Size (1.0 default, can't exit vehicle when used)
    setgravity # -- Change World Gravity (0 default)
    summon -- Spawn Object
    set MaxSpeed # -- Set Object's Maximum Speed (doesn't always work)

  • List:
    RenX_Game.Rx_Vehicle_A10 (recommended lowering maxspeed on flying maps, more room on non-flying maps)
    RenX_Game.Rx_Vehicle_C130 (flies but doesn't shoot, too big for current flying maps)
    RenX_Game.Rx_Defence_Turret (always nod)
    RenX_Game.Rx_Sentinel_Obelisk_Laser_Base (magical laser from the sky, always nod)
    RenX_Game.Rx_Sentinel_AGT_Rockets_Base (spawns hating everybody, spawns under you)
    RenX_Game.Rx_Sentinel_AGT_MG_Base (floating machine gun that shoots backwards, always gdi, spawns under you)

Does anyone have any more interesting commands to mess with (like more vehicle stats)? Also i'd love the ID's for weapons and stuff if possible. (disabling crosshair when on foot might be nice too)

Edited by Guest
  • 2 weeks later...

Does anyone know the ID's for the weapons, or at least the formula for the prefix so i can figure out the rest myself?

Arrghh I don't understand this trend at all
Not everyone is obsessed with fair play, some people just wanna mess around sometimes. Shake it up a bit, have a moment of epic (like the super gravity gun in half life 2, suddenly you pwn everything). I've wanted to try using the repair gun with other weapons again and loading up arsenal arena-style, i used to do that in old Renegade, it was fun. (obviously you don't do it in multiplayer because matches would be chaos because everyone would be sniper-mobius-gunner-hotwires). Was nice when weapons dropped and you could pick up a sniper or repair gun from someone who died.

Also, you have no idea what you're talking about until you try flying that A-10 on a non-flying map (so you got the whole sky to fly in)... That thing is so much fun to fly around and bomb AI's.

  • 9 months later...
Does anyone know the ID's for the weapons, or at least the formula for the prefix so i can figure out the rest myself?

Go to RenXSDK\Development\Src\RenX_Game\Classes

Most of them are "RenX_Game.Rx_Weapon_*". Such as Rx_Weapon_Chaingun, Rx_Weapon_FlakCannon, Rx_Weapon_HeavyPistol, Rx_Weapon_LaserChainGun...

Does anyone know the ID's for the weapons, or at least the formula for the prefix so i can figure out the rest myself?

Go to RenXSDK\Development\Src\RenX_Game\Classes

Most of them are "RenX_Game.Rx_Weapon_*". Such as Rx_Weapon_Chaingun, Rx_Weapon_FlakCannon, Rx_Weapon_HeavyPistol, Rx_Weapon_LaserChainGun...

I've tried using these codes in various ways, but still get quite literally nothing, it acts as if it accepted the commands, but nothing changes.

I've tried using these codes in various ways, but still get quite literally nothing, it acts as if it accepted the commands, but nothing changes.

What exactly are you trying to accomplish, with weapon ID's and such?


I'm trying to use the commands to give my player another good weapon in single player mode, trying to mix things up since I usually have poor internet connection, I play single player most of the time.

  • 7 years later...
Posted (edited)

Rather than start a new topic, I thought I'd use this one. Dispite it being an old topic. I hope That's ok


Just discovered the console, looks handy for doing some freestyling.
However I find most commands don't work, returning command not recognized

Edited by x0backslash0x
  • Totem Arts Staff
On 2/4/2023 at 4:35 PM, x0backslash0x said:

Rather than start a new topic, I thought I'd use this one. Dispite it being an old topic. I hope That's ok


Just discovered the console, looks handy for doing some freestyling.
However I find most commands don't work, returning command not recognized



This list should be mostly updated

  • Totem Arts Staff
1 hour ago, x0backslash0x said:

Thanks for getting back. I tried the console again. Works fine in a skirmish game, for some reason it doesn't work in a hosted game.
Perhaps the server needs additional plugins for the console commands to be recognized?

Most commands are not available in a server. If you are trying to do admin commands, they usually need to be prefixed with / and you must be logged in as admin.

For example, /team2 Player256

  • 1 month later...
  • 3 months later...
Posted (edited)

You can execute multiple console commands by putting a pipe | between each command. For example:

giveweapon RenX_Game.Rx_Weapon_RepairGunAdvanced|giveweapon RenX_Game.Rx_Weapon_TacticalRifle|giveweapon RenX_Game.Rx_Weapon_Ramjet|giveweapon RenX_Game.Rx_Weapon_Binoculars_NOD|giveweapon RenX_Game.Rx_Weapon_Airstrike_Nod|giveweapon RenX_Game.Rx_Weapon_HeavyPistol|giveweapon RenX_Game.Rx_Weapon_LaserChainGun|giveweapon RenX_Game.Rx_Weapon_ATMine|giveweapon RenX_Game.Rx_Weapon_ProxyC4|giveweapon RenX_Game.Rx_Weapon_RemoteC4|giveweapon RenX_Game.Rx_Weapon_TimedC4

You can also change the reload time on weapons using the Property `ReloadTime`. Here's an example:

set RenX_Game.Rx_Weapon_LaserChainGun ReloadTime 0.000001

You can summon yourself an A10 and modify its max speed with the following:

summon RenX_Game.Rx_Vehicle_A10|set RenX_Game.Rx_Vehicle_A10 MaxSpeed 1000

If you screw around with the MaxSpeed enough, your vehicle will be invincible and but the only weapon you'll be able to fire are remote C4s (might have something to do with the first command that gives a slew of weapons, too).

This command makes you a goliath:

changesize 10

If you want to see from the perspective of a bot, execute this (re-execute to cycle through):


You can execute this to return to self:


If you want to walk around spawning an instantly-exploding harvestor, try this binding (adjust key as desired):

setbind l summon RenX_Game.Rx_Vehicle_Harvester_GDI

No damage is incurred to self, buildings, or others, so it's largely just an "effect" (shake screen, explosion, smoke).

If you want to enter spectator mode:

admin spectatemode YourPlayerNameHere


(execute `admin clientlist` to get your player name, or look at the scoreboard with Tab)

If you want to summon an A10 or AC130 strike on your position (hint: use `setbind` to bind these to a key) - you can call in multiple simultaneous airstrikes:

summon RenX_Game.Rx_Airstrike_A10
summon RenX_Game.Rx_Airstrike_AC130

This will refill your ammo without requiring a reload:


If you want to spawn some nukes/ion strikes:

summon RenX_Game.Rx_Weapon_DeployedNukeBeacon
summon RenX_Game.Rx_Weapon_DeployedIonCannonBeacon

If you want to pimp out the personal ion cannon:

set RenX_Game.Rx_Weapon_PersonalIonCannon ClipSize 999
set RenX_Game.Rx_Weapon_PersonalIonCannon MaxClipSize 999
set RenX_Game.Rx_Weapon_PersonalIonCannon bAutoFire true
set RenX_Game.Rx_Weapon_PersonalIonCannon ReloadTime 0.000001
set RenX_Game.Rx_Weapon_PersonalIonCannon FireDelayTime 0.000001
set RenX_Game.Rx_Weapon_PersonalIonCannon FireInterval (0.000001,0.000001)
set RenX_Game.Rx_Weapon_PersonalIonCannon TimeBetweenBursts 0.000001
set RenX_Game.Rx_Weapon_PersonalIonCannon WeaponRange 12000
set RenX_Game.Rx_Weapon_PersonalIonCannon MinRecoil 0
set RenX_Game.Rx_Weapon_PersonalIonCannon MaxRecoil 0
set RenX_Game.Rx_Weapon_PersonalIonCannon TotalRecoil 0

Here's a one-liner for copy-and-paste:

set RenX_Game.Rx_Weapon_PersonalIonCannon ClipSize 999|set RenX_Game.Rx_Weapon_PersonalIonCannon MaxClipSize 999|set RenX_Game.Rx_Weapon_PersonalIonCannon bAutoFire true|set RenX_Game.Rx_Weapon_PersonalIonCannon ReloadTime 0.000001|set RenX_Game.Rx_Weapon_PersonalIonCannon FireDelayTime 0.000001|set RenX_Game.Rx_Weapon_PersonalIonCannon FireInterval (0.000001,0.000001)|set RenX_Game.Rx_Weapon_PersonalIonCannon TimeBetweenBursts 0.000001|set RenX_Game.Rx_Weapon_PersonalIonCannon WeaponRange 12000|set RenX_Game.Rx_Weapon_PersonalIonCannon MinRecoil 0|set RenX_Game.Rx_Weapon_PersonalIonCannon MaxRecoil 0|set RenX_Game.Rx_Weapon_PersonalIonCannon TotalRecoil 0

You can also do

RenX_Game.Rx_Weapon_PersonalIonCannon bHasInfiniteAmmo true

instead of having a MaxClipSize of 999.

Edited by Epicalyx
On 3/15/2015 at 4:04 PM, GenesisAria said:

Was nice when weapons dropped and you could pick up a sniper or repair gun from someone who died.

THIS.  Literally the first thing I did when I found Ren-x was try to get a sbh sniper.  There should be a server where every player is always a sbh sniper.

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