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A long time ago for a different game I made a similar comment. Everyone who played hated the map. Turns out it got some changes and became one of the better maps in the game.

Some people love Field. It's also a great clan wars map. It definitely shouldn't be removed from the game. Getting some tweaks to it might be nice, but it's still a good map. I think how enjoyable it is also depends on the mine limit. Field with a million mines is hell.

The map has a few problems that could be solved to help the game play. First the silo just adds to the snowball effect. I've seen a few games where the top 3 people on the winning team had a combined 20k from silo, harvy, ref, and hitting buildings. Second the harvester isn't able to be blocked. It just keeps screwing up the defenders and giving away free points.

  • Totem Arts Staff

Field, Whiteout, Mesa, Goldrush and Walls all had their layouts tweaked for the next release so "we're working on it."

Combined with the revised map voting system, it'll be better for sure.


Well it better be some pretty damn big changes because as I see it the map is just beyond repair bad. I hated it even in the original game, its so boring I'd rather play marathon under.

Well it better be some pretty damn big changes because as I see it the map is just beyond repair bad. I hated it even in the original game, its so boring I'd rather play marathon under.

You just hate it because it is a bit more stalemate sensitive than the non-base defense maps.

I suggest you to play on a timed server instead of a marathon server, because even though you might not win or lose within the alotted time as you desired it how to win or lose. It ends in 30-40-60 minutes, depending on the server settings.

For me, the best games are the stalemates. Both having just the Bar/HoN and nothig else.

Or on maps with base defenses, having them online makes things complicated, but forces people to work together.

I love working together, feeling being part of a team, OR being the designated defender, defending the base so others can go team-work assault.


Field is a very good map when there are a few players,or for clan wars,and its the most balanced map ,there isn't much room for heroics or solo plays,teamwork is needed.Its a good map for snipers who like to collect kills (you can get 200-300 or more kills playing on no time limit servers) ,but its still an ok map and certainly should remain.

  • Totem Arts Staff

Field is... in my dictionary : 'A map where you take things less seriously than any other maps'

Sure Gold Rush and Mesa had map defenses, but you still have a much much more intense fight in Mesa than field, and Gold Rush has defenses blind spot on the infantry building (and let's not forget tunnel ion). Field is like a siesta to me, although sometimes we end up losing and all, but in my experience, Field is where the fight is not too intense. I mean sure, HoN/WF whoring is always at its' finest there, but when delayed long enough, some people do crazy things like stacking up vehicles and lifting them up to... say WF, or capturing and storing GDI vehicles behind Airstrip, or drive an APC to the cliff near the waterfall tunnel. It's such a marvel, what people does in RenX when they're bored

I'm not a competitive player, no. I like Field even with all its' stalemates. It's a fun map when your mind is not 100% focused on winning. When it is, though... well you're gonna find it boring


Field is a good map, but people moan about it lasting ages, we added a base defences power down mod after 1hour but people went mental, 40 players reduced to 14-16 over that. (We aren't running that anymore)

I plan to make it so moderators can kill the base defences via command for say GDI is down to just the ref and all nod want to do is snipe for 45mins.


I happen to like it. The fact that they even included Field makes me feel like it's 2002 and I just started playing Ren again. If you play the original occasionally on say, the Jelly server, that map gets really busy. Obviously few are on the fence, they love it or hate it.

  • Totem Arts Staff

Field really is just a Really balanced map. Both sides have easy camp/siege opportunities, and both sides have access to buildings from the tunnel, even though GDI has access to ALL of nod's buildings with minimal numbers.

Unfortunately, complete balance means stalemates are even harder to break. EMP nades didn't exactly help either...


The problem isn't balance, and the problem aren't stalemates. The problem are options. The map should basically force itself out of rotation if there are more than 16 players in the game. Otherwise it needs more paths, more options somehow.


Creeps, shop placement, yes, that has a huge effect on the game. Ward locations don't provide the same vision. You can do the triple pull trick on the radiant side and not the dire, access to certain parts of the map have different timings, it has an extreme effect on the gameplay. There was a time when picking Lycan was instant GG, loss if picked on radiant and win if picked on dire. They are incredibly different, and playing on each side is a completely different experience.

I'd love to have a dota kind of gamemode.

No point. Most players are just like the lane creeps anyways.

True, and the games wouldnt be balanced due to the pros knowing eachother and joining the same side.

It's like a 5-man team with creeps fighting only creeps

  • Totem Arts Staff

You're all aware Renegade was always closer to a FPMOBA than a standard FPS, right?

Other than Field(and even Field to an extent) the maps are broken into lanes. We have turrets that get camped under on a regular basis, even if they aren't mid-field like DOTA. Both sides are protecting something while also attempting to destroy what the other team has. Both teams have to gain money in-game to get better equipment. DOTA and Ren both have a bit of a snowball effect with better players usually getting better equipment faster, allowing them to win easier. Just like Ren, it's VERY obvious when one team has more experienced/skilled players, as the map very quickly portrays just how freakishly bad or good a team is doing (E.G Turrets and Lanes lost in DOTA/Tech-buildings and the field being lost in Ren.)

I've actually said it before, but Ren should be marketed more towards the average MOBA player than the average FPS player. Hell, what other FPSs can you FEED the other team in? Maybe Planetside if we look at the BIG picture with giving the enemy certs. Throwing money/points at your enemy in Ren is actually detrimental in a very obvious manner.

True, and the games wouldnt be balanced due to the pros knowing eachother and joining the same side.

It's like a 5-man team with creeps fighting only creeps

...I don't think the mode matters when it comes to people stacking teams. CnC mode is already almost a form of DOTA, and we team stack there with no problem.

  • Totem Arts Staff

Well, you have a point, Yosh. The main lanes of DotA are like the field for Renegade, while the jungle is similar to the tunnel...

we only need 10 players and fill the rest of the slot with Bot to get DotA, and if you really want to simulate it more, make 12 towers (modified radius) for each team.


Why would we want all the bad things MOBA do to the game? Dedicated games where players have to stay in for the entire game and things like leveling and any sort of AI-controlled stuff to kill are all things that are -awful-.

Do we really need to inspire ourselves from the worst overdone genre of multiplayer games of the modern era?


Please do not implement a rune and mastery like system. Let everyone have an even playing field at all times. ESPOTS 2015 baby.

If we are going the moba route, we will need more major nerfing and buffing. We need to constantly have a changing flavor of the month character/vehicle. I vote to give grenadier his time to shine while nerfing the buggy.


If we would introduce more MOBA, it would be a new game mode. Not a change of C&C mode. So far i have no support for a MOBA type game mode from either players or devs, but i believe that it could be awesome if done right. If i might find the time i will just do it and release it as addon, and then you can either play it or not. If i start to pursue this seriously i will make a thread about it though where ideas about it can be tossed arround.


I would love that considering my past of Dota play. Might get some hate from the SMITE community though, considering they have a TPMOBA. We'd have to do something to distinguish it heavily from their game. Really we'd just have to implement a slightly different credits system and add AI controlled neutrals/lane "creeps" Maybe tweak the defense damage so that they could be potentially destroyed by the creeps and we could do something like what Heroes of the Storm did with the Dragon Knight as a system for adding vehicles. We definitely don't want something that is basically an already existing game that is made in the Command and Conquer universe.


Should just make it where you can purchase AI creeps that charge the enemy base. Could be a one time purchase or a wave system like some starcraft/warcraft custom maps had. You buy a unit and it gets added to every following assault wave.

I will give you my support if you promise to have a banana gun.

Should just make it where you can purchase AI creeps that charge the enemy base. Could be a one time purchase or a wave system like some starcraft/warcraft custom maps had. You buy a unit and it gets added to every following assault wave.

I will give you my support if you promise to have a banana gun.

Tides of Blood style. What a great map. I always prefered that to DOTA, and at one point of time it was even MORE popular than DOTA (first year of TFT release).

Aeon of Strife gameplay in this would be pretty neat. Might even make the game more popular too since it'd be easier.

  • Totem Arts Staff

Definitely not power up or level up.

Yeah, if someone's going to make this later, make this a RenX spin-off gamemode

But how come we went totally off topic into talking about this anyway...?


Cause i like to stealz your topics ;P And cause Field already got changed quite a bit so you will have a new impression of Field anyway once Beta 4 comes out.

Under no circumstance is it a fun map to be on, I am forced to quit and play something else when idiots vote for it.

You're hardly forced to quit and play something else, you choose to quit yourself..

Field is a good map and why shouldn't an orignal map not be in the game?

Well it better be some pretty damn big changes because as I see it the map is just beyond repair bad. I hated it even in the original game, its so boring I'd rather play marathon under.

^^^^ LOl listen to yourself, it's almost like a threat/demand "well it better be some pretty damn big changes" away and shove your head up your own ass. Just because you dislike a certain, all of a sudden we've to take notice and remove it from the game for you, i personally dislike whining little bitches who moan at the tardest things ever such as yourself, so should i remove you from a game because i like don't seeing you in server or maybe i just don't like your name. "forced to remove you" due to my personal dislike of your username.

Only thing needs done is remove the silo (however will be looking forward to seeing the updates for this map on b4)

  • Former Developers

Well the fact that there is a discussion about the map field does indicate that there is indeed flaws in the map that can be improved upon. It is a fantastic map for clan games as it requires an enormous amount of team play, however for public games this map can become a massive stalemate.

We have made several changes to the map to give infantry a more important role in both base infiltration, as well as allowing them to sneak behind camping vehicles. Essentially the biggest problem with Field is that infantry can feel rather useless at time, and so the focus in the changes to the map all revolve around giving them an equal if not more usefulness compared to vehicles in the map.

Well the fact that there is a discussion about the map field does indicate that there is indeed flaws in the map that can be improved upon. It is a fantastic map for clan games as it requires an enormous amount of team play, however for public games this map can become a massive stalemate.

We have made several changes to the map to give infantry a more important role in both base infiltration, as well as allowing them to sneak behind camping vehicles. Essentially the biggest problem with Field is that infantry can feel rather useless at time, and so the focus in the changes to the map all revolve around giving them an equal if not more usefulness compared to vehicles in the map.

The funny thing is that it's not the map design that changed the gameplay as much, it are some of the core mechanics. I joined an empty server to practice my techniques a little bit, but on maps like field it's simply impossible to sneak into any building because of how the obelisk fires, and how the AGT has basically no blind spot. i hate to repeat myself but something as stupid as a thinner lantern pole or the obelisk not firing from the 'tip of the red tip' but anywhere from the 'red tip' makes a HUUUUGE diffrence when it comes to sneaking. hell, i might make a video to prove my point here.

  • Totem Arts Staff

^ Harder to sneak, but the Obelisk also took a nerf with no AOE and infantry being able to sprint. A single 1k infantry can just run to the Obelisk from the barrier behind the AS tower.

^ Harder to sneak, but the Obelisk also took a nerf with no AOE and infantry being able to sprint. A single 1k infantry can just run to the Obelisk from the barrier behind the AS tower.

sorry, but what in the world are you talking about? The accuracy of the AGT and Obelisk is already spot on, AOE makes no diffrence when trying to sneak. Unless you're trying to sneak in with 2 people, but even then, common sense would tingle and make you not go at the same time at dangerous spots. this is just simple practice.

And have you even tried running to the Obelisk in field? The edge of the Refinery no longer gives cover against the obelisk, and running from the wall still doesn't work because the blind spot on the obelisk has been reduced.

I see what you're trying to say, but it makes absolutely no sense here.

^ Harder to sneak, but the Obelisk also took a nerf with no AOE and infantry being able to sprint. A single 1k infantry can just run to the Obelisk from the barrier behind the AS tower.

sorry, but what in the world are you talking about? The accuracy of the AGT and Obelisk is already spot on, AOE makes no diffrence when trying to sneak. Unless you're trying to sneak in with 2 people, but even then, common sense would tingle and make you not go at the same time at dangerous spots. this is just simple practice.

And have you even tried running to the Obelisk in field? The edge of the Refinery no longer gives cover against the obelisk, and running from the wall still doesn't work because the blind spot on the obelisk has been reduced.

I see what you're trying to say, but it makes absolutely no sense here.

He is right. If you sprint towards the obesik, it will only be able to hit you once, therefore you can reach it with a 1k infantery as he said. Still not a good plan since any mine or turret or other player will easily kill you with 50 hp left.

  • 2 weeks later...

I hardly played Renegade X so far, but from the original I remember Field as a map that you just shouldn't play with more than 24 players (and that's pushing it). Same with Under (though Under was quite a bit more flawed than Field). I also always disliked MRLS and arty spam on field and honestly think the map needs something that limits their firing lines, but that's just me.

  • Totem Arts Staff
sorry, but what in the world are you talking about? The accuracy of the AGT and Obelisk is already spot on, AOE makes no diffrence when trying to sneak. Unless you're trying to sneak in with 2 people, but even then, common sense would tingle and make you not go at the same time at dangerous spots. this is just simple practice.

And have you even tried running to the Obelisk in field? The edge of the Refinery no longer gives cover against the obelisk, and running from the wall still doesn't work because the blind spot on the obelisk has been reduced.

I see what you're trying to say, but it makes absolutely no sense here.

...Done is multiple times, yes. It's less 'sneaky' because the Obelisk does get a shot in, but you can still just run right up to it from the barrier at the Airstrip. Not from the tunnel, mind you, but from the barrier. Still a sneaky way to plant a beacon at the Ob if nobody on Nod is paying attention.

EDIT: AND you can get all the way around the Airstrip tower in this same manner.

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