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Should the Stamina Meter (running / jumping) be removed?  

19 members have voted

  1. 1. Should the Stamina Meter (running / jumping) be removed?

    • Yes, it is an unnecessary hindrance in such a game.
    • No, it is not something that bothers me.

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Alright, the time has come to plead my case. The stamina meter must be axed, cut, removed, eliminated.

I understand that this game is a "spiritual successor" to C&C Renegade and many changes have been made for better or worse... however, no addition to the game has pissed me off quite like this one. First of all, the game is in all respects an arcade shooter. The fact that crosshairs are now prevalent is certainly a move in the opposite direction, but the game remains an arcade shooter nonetheless. The stamina meter is just too much.

Consider the Battlefield series, particularly the most recent BF4 of which several features of Ren-X have clearly been drawn from (parachute handy at all times, spotting enemies on radar, etc). In BF4, although the maps are typically larger than in Rene-X, you will notice the LACK of a stamina meter. This is for good reason. It places an unnecessary burden on the player by excessively hindering movement. While I understand the assumed logic behind its implementation, to eliminate bunny hopping, I simply do not agree with it. Maps like Lakeside, Islands, Goldrush, while not terribly large, are more than enough to justify removing the stamina meter in addition to the fact that the game is an arcade shooter at its core.

Think of the many instances you have been left stranded in the middle of a map in a game of Rene-X due to the stamina meter. While it may be well-suited for perhaps a simulation FPS game like ARMA or Red Orchestra, the negative effect it has in Ren-X is too significant to go without recourse. Please take my words into consideration and notice that many others feel the same way. Thank you, Devs for both creating and maintaining an amazing game that I only plan on improving through this decision.

As promised, I have posted this here for the you (the public) to decide whether or not they agree with this decision. Being a private beta tester has allowed me to post this specifically in the exclusive section of the forums where the Devs regularly check, so hopefully this won't go unnoticed.


You do know that when you're sprinting, your move speed is far faster than the original Renegade, right?

Removing the stamina meter would imply removing sprint altogether. Which did cause some considerable balance changes but... of course, going around in the now bigger maps (nevermind the new maps which are way too large anyway), we can't take out sprinting.

So your suggestion is... to be sprinting all the time?

That would be... pretty insane.

And another look at it: You're essentially saying sprinting is not arcade-enough.

I think arcade is a style. You're basically saying substance is bad. Having the ability to sprint and get boosts of speed SOMETIMES but not always is what it is, and it has balance considerations.

Unless you actually want bunny hoping in this game, as a method of gaining speed... which I would say "helllll nooo".

My point is, the feature has purpose and also has balance considerations. Sprinting as the normal speed is just insane. Vehicles are now way too slow. Maps are incorrectly sized. Everything is a mess. Its terrible.

I'm not looking at it from the devs' point of view, this is mine. I don't even know what "eliminate bunny hoping" even means. If it means only eliminating people "jumping" instead of "running" because they're bored, no offense, that is one really dumb reason to utterly alter the balance of the game.

But its way too late. The problem is the map size, and now we're stuck with this problem. Making us faster and removing sprint, or just making us slower and removing sprint... either solutions are terrible for the current state of the game and would only make it worse.

You'd have to tell me why in this game, in its current state, short of redoing everything, how you can see removing stamina a good thing. I'm not seeing it.

  • Totem Arts Staff

I think he's going more for having sprint be infinite as opposed to limited. I'm fairly certain he's not suggested always-on sprint, but either way I voted no.

Sprinting was added, and it already has shown its extreme utility. You can rush down vehicles as infantry, run right up to the Obelisk on maps like field where it would have been impossible without it, and even the new larger maps have paths that don't take too terribly long to navigate as is.

Having sprint be limited just adds somewhat of a tactical side to using it, and it's the only thing that's currently offsetting all of its benefits.

Don't get me started on an SBH with infinite sprint =\


There's one thing i wish to do with sprint .... play city_Flying , run down that ass long road and be ike " FUCK YEAH" ... damn it i hated how long it took to traverse these :P

There's one thing i wish to do with sprint .... play city_Flying , run down that ass long road and be ike " FUCK YEAH" ... damn it i hated how long it took to traverse these :P

Yeah, especially as infantry running towards a sniper at the end of the road, no where to go and trapped! lol :P

Same for arties/MLRS driving towards that single sniper holding them back

I think he's going more for having sprint be infinite as opposed to limited. I'm fairly certain he's not suggested always-on sprint, but either way I voted no.

Sprinting was added, and it already has shown its extreme utility. You can rush down vehicles as infantry, run right up to the Obelisk on maps like field where it would have been impossible without it, and even the new larger maps have paths that don't take too terribly long to navigate as is.

Having sprint be limited just adds somewhat of a tactical side to using it, and it's the only thing that's currently offsetting all of its benefits.

Don't get me started on an SBH with infinite sprint =\

I was indeed referring to infinite sprint (perhaps needing decreased speed) available whenever in addition to having the normal running speed, as Yosh has said. Honestly, I have no intention of getting into such a debate, like the heated one over the Recon Bike I was involved in, especially if the majority of votes are no. Was hoping for a more intense argument over the subject but i suppose my call to action fell short.

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