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At the end of a match, the camera cuts to the viewpoint of a player. Just out of curiosity, what's the criteria for determining which player's viewpoint we're seeing? Does everyone see the same viewpoint?

  • Former Developers

We've recently grown suspicious of it as well, however that camera itself is most likely not the problem. It is probably something else related to it. We are looking through the whole end-game portion to see if we can find something fishy.


I too suspect the camera is related

1. Buy a beacon

2. Plant the beacon and trigger a change map vote

3. Vote yes

4. Buy an airstrike

5. Start to deploy the airstrike when the vote is around the 19-16 second mark.

6. Wait for the map vote timer to end.

If the scoreboard camera attaches itself to you then your game crashes at least for me.


i not think it is the end camera

but i noticed it happenes most of the time when everything has loaded already

and your camaera is prepairing to get to your viewpoint

you/everybody seeing the one with the most points

Interesting. I had the most points, but ended up seeing a different camera in my last match. Perhaps it's the most points on the winning team? (My team lost, but I still had the most points in the game.)


Today's crash for me:

Noticing the obvious loss/win made me stop moving and/or lkooking and/or pressing any buttons. Game does not crash for me.

2nd map, noticing the obvious loss/win too late, I moved/looked and camera switched to a player who was violently moving around and game crashed


My second day playing the game, it crashed at the end of each match with the "Made with UDK stopped working" message. I did some troubleshooting and have never had the issue again. I'm not sure what fixed it, though. I think it was updating my display adapter driver software.

Anyway, it seems the issue may be the user's computer's reaction to the end-game sequence. It'd be nice if the devs are able to repair it, but in the meantime, the user may be able to fix it with 30 minutes of tweaking.


I tested whether turning motion blur off has anything to do with the crashes. So far so good after 5 consecutive games. It's not a definitive "yes" at the moment, but I'll keep tabs on it and go through more games with it off.

On a side note, textures were also set to high, but it still crashed until I turned motion blur off as well.


I will make the suggestion that we go back to the oldschool Renegade match-end whereby the whole screen is taken up by the match details. I find the overlay so hard to see with the match in the background. Give people are proper chance to see who had an awesome KD, who had the most points etc etc the match is over we don't need to pan to a random. Also we should totally have a vote for random in the End Match window. 1) Random 2) Mesa 3..6) Walls


yes, removing the camera would do no harm ...

maybe just a screenshot of the map with the table and the chat as overlay ...

a vote overlay would be sweet also, more visible and with the fixed vote issues

yes, removing the camera would do no harm ...

maybe just a screenshot of the map with the table and the chat as overlay ...

a vote overlay would be sweet also, more visible and with the fixed vote issues

This ^

This would probably be a lot easier than the current setup :)

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