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I mean there are so many Glitched pathways...

i know a shitload of them and its actually bad that you need to observe them all as mod of a server...

i mean this one map got more bugs and glitches as the entire game......

if someone want proof ( and i mean only the devs i dont want to spread them more ) i can make a vid with all of them


I think it is fine as long as you play on a moderated server ;)

havent had any issues with glichers lately ...

even if there a lot of gliches ... i enjoy the map

I mean there are so many Glitched pathways...

i know a shitload of them and its actually bad that you need to observe them all as mod of a server...

i mean this one map got more bugs and glitches as the entire game......

if someone want proof ( and i mean only the devs i dont want to spread them more ) i can make a vid with all of them


players can initiate the command "RecordDemo" when pressing F5 or "~" key, clients initiate a 2-minute recording on that server. It records changes in a game, so files aren't that big. Mods however can initiate the same thing, but for the entire duration of the round. Check out the topic viewtopic.php?f=13&t=73041

The devs can view it and take apropriate actions to perpetrators whilst also adressing the issue as it's being observed.

Since I love your server (TheMatrixRen) I highly suggest you do this so clients (I) dont have to and ask you to send it to the devs ;)


What exactly do you mean by "glitched pathways"?

I'm not asking to explain what they are.. I just don't what you mean when you say "glitched." Do you mean like places you shouldn't be able to get to or places you get stuck?

Being able to nuke the Bar from the bridge is not fine.

Agreed... but that's not a problem with the map. It's a problem with the destruction radius of the beacon.

What exactly do you mean by "glitched pathways"?

I'm not asking to explain what they are.. I just don't what you mean when you say "glitched." Do you mean like places you shouldn't be able to get to or places you get stuck?

Being able to nuke the Bar from the bridge is not fine.

Agreed... but that's not a problem with the map. It's a problem with the destruction radius of the beacon.

Glitched pathways = Ways outside of the "normal" map range so you can go anywhere.... ( I could destroy already both bases easily without even being shot 1 time....)

this map vs the other ones is just one big amount of glitches....


GDI has too much advantage on this map:

1, They can B2B right off the Hill from the refinery and hit nod ref

2, They can glitch all the way to the back of the NOD power and place beacons

3, Ofcourse they can also buy orcas!

4, Unlike NOD they don't have tunnels in there base where they can tunnel nuke/ion.

Overall GDI is too strong on this map already and the bugs make it even worse.

GDI has too much advantage on this map:

1, They can B2B right off the Hill from the refinery and hit nod ref

2, They can glitch all the way to the back of the NOD power and place beacons

3, Ofcourse they can also buy orcas!

4, Unlike NOD they don't have tunnels in there base where they can tunnel nuke/ion.

Overall GDI is too strong on this map already and the bugs make it even worse.

This is fixable by good Moderating like on thematrixren server

1 Isnt allowed on our server

2 the same

3Anti orca Mutator is out that destroys instantly Orcas on non flying maps ( enabled on the matrixren)

4 ye bit bad.

  • Totem Arts Staff

A lot of the issues mentioned have been fixed already and those that aren't will be in the next patch. Turns out a lot of the paths were blocked off with vehicle blockers instead of regular blocking volumes, silly me.

  • Totem Arts Staff

I'm not sure about Walls yet but I'll be going over Islands for both bugfixing and optimisation tonight.


Whilst your at it touching this map: Maybe add more clear graphical indicators(roadblocks etc.) as on why the vehicles cant get into the hilly area. Getting stopped by an invisible wall when the terrain suggests i could go there has been so last century. :P

I'm not sure about Walls yet but I'll be going over Islands for both bugfixing and optimisation tonight.

Awesome news! My tanks keep dying in that one spot where the water cuts into the road. Haha, years of hugging the wall in stanks on that map have trained me to keep driving there.

Thanks for all that you guys do!

GDI has too much advantage on this map:

1, They can B2B right off the Hill from the refinery and hit nod ref

2, They can glitch all the way to the back of the NOD power and place beacons

3, Ofcourse they can also buy orcas!

4, Unlike NOD they don't have tunnels in there base where they can tunnel nuke/ion.

Overall GDI is too strong on this map already and the bugs make it even worse.

This is fixable by good Moderating like on thematrixren server

1 Isnt allowed on our server

2 the same

3Anti orca Mutator is out that destroys instantly Orcas on non flying maps ( enabled on the matrixren)

4 ye bit bad.

This attitude of 'well it can be stopped if there is a moderator' is really something stuck with us from the early 2000's where updates to the game were non existant. But at this point in time you shouldn't be masking bad designs and bad gameplay with 'well it's illegal on our servers so it's fine'.

Renegade X is in beta. Maps are work in progress. Gameplay is work in progress. There is more than 1 map that needs a tweak or two and there are also more than a few gameplay issues that need to be fixed. The things he sums up on Goldrush are obvious oversights that need to be fixed.

Personally I like Goldrush as a map, haven't experienced many glitches either. Just that being able to camp both sides base defenses from the center of the map (Nod to AGT from the field and GDI to Ob from the rock tunnel) might need to be looked at again. Personally I don't think you should be able to attack the base defenses on any map without exposing yourself directly to them. But that's just me. I dunno if this was done by design or not.

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