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Its just this idea that i had. I was playing Renegade X then went to a Tiberian Sun mod of the Original Renegade.

I thought to myself "Hey, What if they made a TibSun mod of Renegade X?"

Does it sound like a good idea? I mean, who WOULDN'T wanna see the Titan, Mammoth Mk II, Nod's TibSun Infantry, etc. on the Unreal Engine?


I'm the world's biggest tiberian sun fan and have a wiki to prove it and even i say it's too late for that. nobody cares about tiberian sun enough anymore to start a all new project. cncreborn team porting it over to unreal is the only mostl ikely possibility but to be honest i dont think they have the talent to do what renegade x did. would i help with sucha project? yes. thats all i will say lol. but it wont happen.

I need to catch up on my 3d though. this is as far as i got lol:


I'm the world's biggest tiberian sun fan and have a wiki to prove it and even i say it's too late for that. nobody cares about tiberian sun enough anymore to start a all new project. cncreborn team porting it over to unreal is the only mostl ikely possibility but to be honest i dont think they have the talent to do what renegade x did. would i help with sucha project? yes. thats all i will say lol. but it wont happen.

I need to catch up on my 3d though. this is as far as i got lol:


I know Tiberian Sun is just a Cult Classic now, but, a Good Way for it to be back in the Spotlight is to make a Mod for it and Advertise it somehow. I have a YouTube channel, not with a lot of Subscribers. Close to 2,000 though (NOTADVERTISINGMYCHANNEL).

By the way...That MRLS model looks really awesome!! I've been looking for someone who knew how/possibly willing to make those kinds of models. If you know how to port them to Valve's Source Engine...Could you make some TibSun models for Gmod or SFM for people to use in Videos? THAT would be another increase in the game's popularity.


I absolutely love Tiberian Sun as well. A very unique post appocalypse-ish setting.

I know BHP have talked to Totem Arts about this idea and they are excited for it. However, whats holding them back is that all their coders are used to C++ and the UDK/Unreal Engine 3 is Unreal Script (Simillar to Java). Unreal Engine 4 is supposedly going to use C++, so BHP are waiting for that as far as I know.

What Im interested to see is Renegade X being expanded upon with free (obviously) expansionpacks or 'DLCs' if you want which expands the game into Tiberian Sun, or Red Alert.


If someone does make another tiberian sun i hope they don't copy tiberian sun precisely. im tired of the dated designs and graphics of tiberian sun. it needs to be modernized.


Let's be realistic. This would take just as long as Ren X took.

EA shit all over the C&C franchise and has no interest in continuing it aside from a browser game. People who've never heard of C&C before won't be bothered to try this. Diehard C&C fans are becoming older and many will get to a point where they no longer care about games.

In short, the demand for this by the time it's released would be too little to justify the time that would be needed to make it.

Even though it's hiding somewhere, Tiberian Genesis (as far as I know) is internal still alive. *runs away*


Oh. Oh wow.

That is some beautiful stuff they are doing with the Crysis engine there.

Let's be realistic. This would take just as long as Ren X took.

Yeah. On the other hand, I wonder if the guys working on Tiberian Sun: Genesis would be interested in lending some of their assets for a Ren X Tiberian Sun mod.

Let's be realistic. This would take just as long as Ren X took.

EA shit all over the C&C franchise and has no interest in continuing it aside from a browser game. People who've never heard of C&C before won't be bothered to try this. Diehard C&C fans are becoming older and many will get to a point where they no longer care about games.

In short, the demand for this by the time it's released would be too little to justify the time that would be needed to make it.

Ya know, That actually makes a lot of sense. Sure that C&C has been Whored Out by EA to pump in the monies and pretty much Abandoned. I know that a TibSun mod would take almost or as long as RenX did, but, that doesn't really mean that someone can't take the time to develop it for the Enjoyment of Others...even though that number would be small.


I was actually briefly writing out a Renegade-TS-combo mod proposal (meaning just idea - I have no ability to make the actual mod) a while ago. Maybe I'll finish up the presentation and post it here.


Hardest part would be the "new tech".

Walkers, underground, etc... The things that made Reborn difficult coming from Renegade.

Dunno, those might even be easy, just never looked into it personally.

After that, worst case, modders can port assets over. Since RenX would be the starting base, just like Ren was.

Tib Sun was my favorite. Firestorm more so.

Used to make tons of fan maps for that game.

Modding that game helped my get to making this one in a way.


I had made the decision to avioid walkers entirely. I personally do not think they fit into the FPS genre well at all, especially when you mix together the other core C&C units with them. It works for an RTS game, but not a fps/tps.

The mod I had been making a brief presentation for was for a Kane's wrath mix with Renegade more than anything. I've always liked the subfaction concept, and I think it could be added to the renegade "world" with an interesting twist. The presentation is mainly just explaining the new structures, vehicles, and units (as well as about half of the returning renegade ones). I had also begun thinking about a new gamemode or 2 as well. Of course, if you're going to have a renegade styled TS combo mod, you couldn't leave out Scrin ;)

I had made the decision to avioid walkers entirely. I personally do not think they fit into the FPS genre well at all, especially when you mix together the other core C&C units with them. It works for an RTS game, but not a fps/tps.

ech echm titanfall

I had made the decision to avioid walkers entirely. I personally do not think they fit into the FPS genre well at all, especially when you mix together the other core C&C units with them. It works for an RTS game, but not a fps/tps.

Hawken FTW!

I had made the decision to avioid walkers entirely. I personally do not think they fit into the FPS genre well at all, especially when you mix together the other core C&C units with them. It works for an RTS game, but not a fps/tps.

ech echm titanfall

Titanfall has core C&C units? Hadn't realized. The reason I put that line in there was specifically to counter the "titanfall" argument.

I had made the decision to avioid walkers entirely. I personally do not think they fit into the FPS genre well at all, especially when you mix together the other core C&C units with them. It works for an RTS game, but not a fps/tps.

How do walkers not "fit" into the FPS genre?


I said I don't believe they fit well. Especially when you add the C&C factors into it.

Look at the size of walkers. Too big, motion is limited, and elevation changes would throw the entire unit off.

Just imagine having the option to purchase a walker in Renegade. It would be incredibly glitchy, maps would all have to be giant open spaces to accommodate for the massive height and width of a walker, and it would get in the way of every other unit (including the harvester path) far too easily. You also have the ability to instantly enter and exit vehicles in a game like Renegade. I don't think pressing "E" would instantly allow you to be in control of the unit, since you'd be entering at its foot...It just does not fit well.

Titanfall manages by using a completely different system, and not being anything like C&C.

I said I don't believe they fit well. Especially when you add the C&C factors into it.

Look at the size of walkers. Too big, motion is limited, and elevation changes would throw the entire unit off.

Just imagine having the option to purchase a walker in Renegade. It would be incredibly glitchy, maps would all have to be giant open spaces to accommodate for the massive height and width of a walker, and it would get in the way of every other unit (including the harvester path) far too easily. You also have the ability to instantly enter and exit vehicles in a game like Renegade. I don't think pressing "E" would instantly allow you to be in control of the unit, since you'd be entering at its foot...It just does not fit well.

Titanfall manages by using a completely different system, and not being anything like C&C.

I agree.

the game has to be either entirely centered around walking doom machines or not at all for a command and conquer renegade style map. what kind of obviously 1 sided nod map would make piloting a mammoth Mk 2 or titan actually feasible. there would have to be so much open space, making stanks just instant win machines.

they are slow as hell, even slower than mammoth tanks if thats even possible. absolutely huge.

yea they work in RTS, not FPS tbh.

Legs is bad.


Reborn somehow managed bringing in a Mammoth MKII, so Im sure its possible to make it work...just incredibly difficult.

As for underground units, they essentially use a system similar to stealth tanks.


Walkers perfectly work in FPSs. You got older titles such as Battlefield 2142 and newer ones such as Titanfall.

You guys who like me hunger for some real C&C in TS should check out Tiberian Genesis and give them some love, too!

I had made the decision to avioid walkers entirely. I personally do not think they fit into the FPS genre well at all, especially when you mix together the other core C&C units with them. It works for an RTS game, but not a fps/tps.

The mod I had been making a brief presentation for was for a Kane's wrath mix with Renegade more than anything. I've always liked the subfaction concept, and I think it could be added to the renegade "world" with an interesting twist. The presentation is mainly just explaining the new structures, vehicles, and units (as well as about half of the returning renegade ones). I had also begun thinking about a new gamemode or 2 as well. Of course, if you're going to have a renegade styled TS combo mod, you couldn't leave out Scrin ;)

Please no, just, no. Kanes wrath cannot be seriously considered canon. Maybe to EAC&C but not true C&C.


Yet TS was? Why do you think Kane's Wrath's storyline was so much less "C&C" than TS? Just because it was from a nod point of view doesn't mean that the storyline wasn't good and fit well with the C&C universe...

I personally liked KW. I loved the addition of subfactions and the possibilities that it could have for a FPS game (like the one in I've been slowly creating a presentation for). It really makes little sense to me how you could like where C&C went in TS, yet not in KW at all.

Explain to me how you will instantly be able to exit and enter a walker in a Renegade styled game. I'm not a huge fan of teleporting to the driver's seat in the first place, but I understand the gameplay aspect of it and it works perfect in Renegade. However, teleporting to a tank's driver's seat is one thing - teleporting to a walker's driver's seat is a whole different story...you'd be entering the foot yet getting it at the body.

It doesn't fit when you add in buildings and the other C&C vehicles for an FPS game. That's my point. Not saying that it doesn't work in Titanfall or that they don't fit the C&C universe - they just don't fit a Renegade styled FPS game.


I still need to play Kane's Wrath, personally.

I kind of wish EA called CnC3 "Tiberian Twilight" instead of that hot mess that CnC4 turned out to be. CnC4 just ... I don't know, it seemed completely disconnected from everything. Of course, I feel the same about the Red Alert universe and all the attempts to combine it with the Tiberian one.

I could go on a rant about that for pages.


I worked on Tiberian Genesis for a few months or so. I gave up and just wandered off after a bit. It started feeling like work. I already create models for a living, so I'm pretty tired of it when I get home in the evening. The biggest issue with TG was a lack of stable leadership - their team lead wasn't easily accessible and didn't seem to have concrete direction on where he wanted to take TG. Their models were also kind of bleh - I had an observation post to texture, and I spent two thirds of my time fixing the model because it had tons of unoptimized geometry, unwelded verts, etc. Stuff most people wouldn't know about, but things that I could never let pass from a QC perspective.

It looks like they're dead now. Maybe they can port over their work to UDK. It's certainly a lot friendlier to what they were trying to do.


Most people moved on, with good reason. I'm just back because I got tired of trolling RenX on the ORF in the face of it actually being pretty damn decent.

/That and I've worked on UDK across several projects, so it's a good move


I would jump at the chance to play a Tib Sun mod conversion of RenX. I loved the early stuff I played of the Original. It would be probably very popular once it got past the basic swap over as the differences would give some nice changes from playing strait RenX for days. Could play the Tib Sun version for a bit then swap over and still feel like its a different experience.

  • 5 months later...
Its just this idea that i had. I was playing Renegade X then went to a Tiberian Sun mod of the Original Renegade.

I thought to myself "Hey, What if they made a TibSun mod of Renegade X?"

Does it sound like a good idea? I mean, who WOULDN'T wanna see the Titan, Mammoth Mk II, Nod's TibSun Infantry, etc. on the Unreal Engine?

Or a ghost soldier or a Cyborg. I can't wait for half robots crawling through the ground :D

How about a disruptor? hovering tank missile shooter? wolverine, Banshee.. how about just all of them :D

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