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Ok so I've been enjoying the game for the most part, though the game has slowly turned from good...into a horrible mess and this is where my feedback comes in.

So the GDI have the mammoth tank and the mobile rocket truck at their disposal, they are most easily the strongest tanks in the game with the amount of pros they have in comparison to their cons, the mammoth tank is just a straight up damage sponge, heavy hitter and anti air just like in the original command and conquer which is fine, then the mobile rocket truck is just straight up insane damage with its multiple heavy hitting rockets and has an insane range in which you can barely escape unless you turn a corner, I personally think that the GDI should be the ones using the artillery and the NOD using the mobile rocket truck for the sake of balance, this is very noticeable on that one map where the ore is basically in the center, there's one tech point to capture and it just ends up being a big cluster **** of tanks fighting in the center until inevitably the GDI always push forward due to having mammoths and rocket trucks.

Now there's my main gripe that I'm having with this game which I'm just seeing as an insanely horribly broken issue, I'll give an example that I experienced today (and unfortunately several times before), a guy using the stealth class somehow managed to get onto the roof of one of our buildings, the map has no base defenses so he was free to just jog on up there if no one saw him, I have no idea if he used an air vehicle but I didn't see any though there's the possibility that he got blown up purposely and just landed on top with his nuke ready when I had my back turned, what alerted me was the announcement and the nuke sound going off, I quickly looked inside the building and around the corners to find out it was obviously on top, I had no way of getting up at all until the last 10 or so seconds when a vehicle died and I was then able to purchase an air unit to get on top, with that said it was already too late and the game was already over because he blew up our tank depo and as we know, buildings don't come back so that one invisible guy coupled with the broken fact that you can even put nukes on top of buildings won the game.

I disagree fully with the fact that games can be won like this, there should be something players can do as opposed to playing hide and seek with a nuke device, perhaps have an arrow show up on screen when you're close to it to further assist, disable nukes from being able to be put down on top of buildings and only have them around the sides or inside the building and also create a global cooldown from the teams nukes being able to be re-used again for around 1-5 mins, as I also experienced 3 people that managed to ninja their way into our base and put down all of their nukes and win the game all within about 30 seconds of the first nuke going off which is just another idea gone wrong with the hole design of nukes having no global cool down, no proper way of finding them outside of "listening" to the bleep and only costing a low low price of 1k as opposed to something like 2 or 3k, if 1 player can single handedly win a game then it better be a darn expensive deal.

As my last thought of how I really think the game could possibly go, is that either have it so when a building blows up then it either repairs it self very slowly so if a team manages to hold out if lets say their ore refinery blows up, then they deserve that second wind chance, or let engineers repair it at a very slow rate, just some way of making a come back so once again...one ninja with a nuke can't just "lolyolo" mode into a base and hide their nuke somewhere.


GDI should have the stronger tanks in the game, because Nod is focused on stealth and speed. This is what C&C lore tells us anyway. It's very hard to balance this, but in the original Renegade, the artillery was extremely powerful that it made mammoth tanks and the MRLS useless. Only an organized medium tank push could break through an artillery barrage. If you never played the original Renegade you wouldn't understand how overpowered the artillery was. GDI could not move anywhere without taking splash damage, even inside their buildings. And your screen would be shaking all the time because of the artillery shells. It sort of made the game ridiculous because Nod had the best tank in the game and also had the stealth advantage. The devs changed this in Renegade X by making the artillery much weaker than before. In my opinion a bit too weak as new players have been complaining about how overpowered GDI tanks are.

As for the stealth black hand soldiers, we can only wait for the devs to fix all the glitched beacon placement spots and possibly make sbh more visible (the bloom and visual effects in this game make sbh much harder to see than before). Plus they can sprint now so it's easier for them to juke you. I agree it's overpowered at the moment, and many people have abused the glitched beacon spots to singlehandly win games.

Note that this game is a work in progress and the original Renegade was not perfectly balanced either. My general impression is that Nod can easily win maps where there is no defense because of sbh, and GDI will win maps where there are defenses because they have better tanks and they don't have to defend against sbh.

My suggestion to the devs would be to fix the bugs, make sbh more visible and beacons louder and more visible too, and buff the artillery. I feel this will make the game much more balanced.


Artillery should be given an alt fire. The alt fire would be bombardment shell that does half damage but does it to a greater area (not through walls though). This would give the arty its true support role status. It would make it great at hanging back and dealing damage to a wider area to support the tanks up front and yet at the same time it wouldn't be able to shred tanks like Renegade arties could.


Now there's my main gripe that I'm having with this game which I'm just seeing as an insanely horribly broken issue, I'll give an example that I experienced today (and unfortunately several times before), a guy using the stealth class somehow managed to get onto the roof of one of our buildings, the map has no base defenses so he was free to just jog on up there if no one saw him,

If one of the team members had placed a few mines at the foot of the stairs and other points further up, that SBH would have been out of luck unless there was a whole bunch of them. Either way, your team members would have been alerted at any of the mines exploding. If the guy got on to the roof by using an aircraft then then that's also a matter of defense whether rocket soldiers, snipers or anti air vehicles etc.

I don't think they should do away with nukes on roofs but they should fix the impossible to get to nuke placements. I think Nukes on roofs create excitement in game as all of the engineers make a scramble and a battle ensues between any nuke guards and infantry etc. With regards to my comment about mines, I was hanging out in a GDI base as an SBH and I saw another team member come in. He checked every single entrance to see if any where not mined but each door way including the stairs had mines. He had no choice but to try to find another way. Those mines are really effective. Where were your mines?


My only concern about the nukes is the 10 seconds "you're f*cked" thing. Had that a couple of times, nearly got the darn thing gone but then suddenly i couldnt do anything anymore. (was a sbh guarding the thing, so it took abit longer but the last few seconds could be crucial)

When the bugged placement spots have been fixed it will be epic once again.

My only concern about the nukes is the 10 seconds "you're f*cked" thing. Had that a couple of times, nearly got the darn thing gone but then suddenly i couldnt do anything anymore. (was a sbh guarding the thing, so it took abit longer but the last few seconds could be crucial)

When the bugged placement spots have been fixed it will be epic once again.

When on the receiving end, I hate that too but I wouldn't change it for the world. I think there has to be a point of no return otherwise what's the point? Also, that creates a lot of panic and action because people know they have to disarm it before that point of no return.

My only concern about the nukes is the 10 seconds "you're f*cked" thing. Had that a couple of times, nearly got the darn thing gone but then suddenly i couldnt do anything anymore. (was a sbh guarding the thing, so it took abit longer but the last few seconds could be crucial)

When the bugged placement spots have been fixed it will be epic once again.

When on the receiving end, I hate that too but I wouldn't change it for the world. I think there has to be a point of no return otherwise what's the point? Also, that creates a lot of panic and action because people know they have to disarm it before that point of no return.

That is true, it does add to the excitement.. Meh might be something we still need to get used to! We'll see once most of the bugs are out :D


There's no excitment out of this compared to having the ability to disarm it until the last millisecond, which can happen. Now THATS intense, and it NEEDS to come back.

There's no excitment out of this compared to having the ability to disarm it until the last millisecond, which can happen. Now THATS intense, and it NEEDS to come back.

Well sometimes i do like it since it gives you time to run away :P I actually don't know if the time limit to disarm them is the same as without the "you're screwed in 10 seconds" thing.. or that its actually 10 seconds shorter??


It's not shorter than in the original, you now have 10 seconds to run away.

The devs changed this because they thought it was weird having a nuke disappear feet away from the building.

It's not shorter than in the original, you now have 10 seconds to run away.

The devs changed this because they thought it was weird having a nuke disappear feet away from the building.

It could just fall to the ground and not go nuclear, killing any nearby players but sparing the building. But what's always struck me as weird about beacons is that IRL if a soldier encountered of these beacons next to a building, why not just pick it up and MOVE it? lol

It's not shorter than in the original, you now have 10 seconds to run away.

The devs changed this because they thought it was weird having a nuke disappear feet away from the building.

It could just fall to the ground and not go nuclear, killing any nearby players but sparing the building. But what's always struck me as weird about beacons is that IRL if a soldier encountered of these beacons next to a building, why not just pick it up and MOVE it? lol

The beacons are very high tech. Once you place one on a surface, it sprouts 'roots' made out of a type of titanium tiberium infused material. These roots embed deep beneath the core of the surface making it impossible to remove in time.

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