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There is absolutely no organization, there is no way to check whats been said in the chat, once its off the screen its gone. Voice chat will help a team work like a team. Even if there are spammers just add a mute button.


I'd prefer just better chat. I was always the kind of player that muted voice chat in every game. Renegade never needed voice chat to get people to work together and I hate having strangers spout their non-sense over mic (which is NEVER limited to game strategies, they always go on about stuff and try to be chatty and annoying and everything).


Not sure about voice chat, but the main chat could use some improvement. It's hard to get people onboard with a strategy when the chat disappears so quickly, often unnoticed.


The problem with ingame voice chat is that people have absoluteley no clue on how to not broadcast their wierd sounds and rage attacks.

I prefer just private teamspeak servers or skype anyday over having to listen to 5-10 players masturbating ingame, or thinking they are the super commanders of the renegade world.

I'd prefer just better chat. I was always the kind of player that muted voice chat in every game. Renegade never needed voice chat to get people to work together and I hate having strangers spout their non-sense over mic (which is NEVER limited to game strategies, they always go on about stuff and try to be chatty and annoying and everything).

Listen to the man, cause he tells the truth.

It was enough to send a chat message "STANK RUSH, meet at hand" and sudden organization appeared. Although in airstrike era it will require some distraction or good attack synchro to make it work.

I'd prefer just better chat. I was always the kind of player that muted voice chat in every game. Renegade never needed voice chat to get people to work together and I hate having strangers spout their non-sense over mic (which is NEVER limited to game strategies, they always go on about stuff and try to be chatty and annoying and everything).

Listen to the man, cause he tells the truth.

It was enough to send a chat message "STANK RUSH, meet at hand" and sudden organization appeared. Although in airstrike era it will require some distraction or good attack synchro to make it work.

unless they look away from the screen for 4 seconds and missed the message

I'd prefer just better chat. I was always the kind of player that muted voice chat in every game. Renegade never needed voice chat to get people to work together and I hate having strangers spout their non-sense over mic (which is NEVER limited to game strategies, they always go on about stuff and try to be chatty and annoying and everything).

Listen to the man, cause he tells the truth.

It was enough to send a chat message "STANK RUSH, meet at hand" and sudden organization appeared. Although in airstrike era it will require some distraction or good attack synchro to make it work.

unless they look away from the screen for 4 seconds and missed the message

A temporary but not very ideal solution right now would be to press the ` button and look at the messages through the console.

There is absolutely no organization, there is no way to check whats been said in the chat, once its off the screen its gone. Voice chat will help a team work like a team. Even if there are spammers just add a mute button.

Real Problems:

1) New players don't communicate at all. They would not voice chat were it available. They are too lazy to press Q when they see an enemy. This will inevitably happen, its a player quality issue not a feature issue.

2) New players need to get used to the CTRL button quickchat keys. They might should consider expanding on quickchat available commands, could use more for certain cases.

3) Voice chat is expensive, in terms of time, to implement. Even with Unreal engine. Which isn't a problem, but they can't charge you for this game, you can't even donate if you wanted, and with that cap of funds there is only so many people and time they can dedicate into this game. That is the limit that prevents voice chat development.


1) Get involved with communication in-game. F3 and F4 are chat and teamchat respectively. Involve in playful banter, type "chat is f3" to remind people how to type, comment on things in-game, communicate game situations to teammates, encourage communication.

2) Players that will communicate, build a gaming partnership with them. Gather the communicaters together and form plans and rushes and objectives with them, so things can get done with cooperative manpower doing it.

3) An extension of the last one, build/join a teamspeak and a clan/community/team, so you can communicate playtimes to join together for games, and to use teamspeak to voice chat during the game. You can really find servers with already set up teamspeak channels.


While there are obvious issues with the chat scroll at the moment, I don't think that's the primary reason why there isn't much organization.

New players are simply overwhelmed with what's going on and they just don't even see that there is a chat box. Period. Doesn't matter if the messages stay on the screen for 5 seconds or 5 minutes, if they don't realize that someone is trying to communicate with them, they won't pay any heed to it.

I see people oblivously walk into empty vehicles while someone is repairing it. They don't mean it because they are trying to steal the vehicle, they just don't know that it's someone else's property. Then when the owner starts spamming "Get out of the vehicle" and saying their name in chat, they just continue without realizing someone is talking to them.

So what they need to do, on top of making chat more user friendly, is make it more obvious and attention grabbing.


I must say, I feel crippled without the possibility of Voice Chat in this game. When you see a couple of flamers approaching your main base for a rush and you're in a mammy, it is nigh impossible to block them, shoot them and at the same time inform your mates that there is a rush inbound.

Also, I really miss the interaction with other players on a more direct and personal level. Coming from 2 years of playing Natural Selection 2 (FPS/RTS hybrid) I am so used to my team communicating and exchanging vital intel of what's going on on the battlefield that RenX feels a little dull without that layer of team interaction. If it works in a pub game there, why shouldn't it work here? Ofc, you'd need the possibility to mute individual players to avoid the odd bad apple.

Saying "go play with TS" isn't the solution unfortunately. Whenever I can get a friend to try RenX out we do get on Mumble. I just don't have many friends that are into gaming and my steam friends are reluctant. I'd also like to convey imprtant information to my whole team.


Voice comm's crucial for a game such as this, we need it ASAP. Please!


Nope, voice chat doesn't work. There's so much stuff going on at once, it's much more efficient to learn to coordinate. 24, 32 or 64 people talking at once will just result in a clusterfuck of useless nonsense, which will only lead to everybody turning off voice chat.


How about a hybrid method? Get some voice recognition software included (Im not sure what Google's policy in on their voice recognition, but its worth a look). Then you can use the mic to bark a command and have it translated into one of the predefined chat options.

It would act as a go-between for the annoying players and those that hate their fellow man while providing both with a way to initiate team chat hand free.


Please add VOIP with an option to turn it off (and mute individual players of course). If you don't like voice chat, just disable it, but don't force all of us to play without it.

Sure it would be chaos if 32 people speak at the same time on your team, but in 12v12 it would work. In CSGO I often played on 10v10 servers and it was never chaotic, I rarely had to mute players.


if you really want to teamplay with voice chat, bring 1 or 2 friends (ingame or IRL) and start skyping them. once they see a group working together really well, they will automatically join the fun. it's like a snowball-effect, voice-chat isn't going to change this. only time will.


Teamspeak can't replace in-game voice chat. To have random people join you on TS, you need to rent a TS server, then they need to have it installed (not everyone has it), then send them the IP address and they have to alt-tab out of the game and join the server... And of course they have to be nice and only join your server if you're on their team. And they have to have the same nickname as in-game. And when someone speak on TS there's no icon shown anywhere in the game... so if someone asks for a heal, you won't know who asked for it.

With in-game voice chat, everyone can talk instantly with everyone in their team and if someone is annoying you can mute him and you know exactly who's talking (simply display an icon over his head).

Posted (edited)

Better color coded chat/messages. Better chat UI with chat history. The console history doesn't count, it's messy and unreadable.

I'm all for voice chat though, as long as it gets put way in the back of things that need to be done first. Bug squashing, ui improvements first.

Edited by Guest
Teamspeak 3. Use it.

With all the other random pubbers we don't know or have connection details to?

As soon as server join messages are added that can display the server's Teamspeak details, this may be mitigated. I do, however, agree that an in-game VoIP should at least be an option.


For anyone annoyed at how short chat messaged are, I recommend using the survey command. Make a survey "Need engineers for APC rush" and people can press F1 to show that they are joining in. Sadly it still only lasts about 15s, but it's worked well for me.


Honestly I'm looking forward to when they add back in the 64 vs 64 matches. I know it might not happen but if it did. No one would use the voice chat or even have it turn on. If you feel you need voice chat that badly download teamspeak 3 open the ren-x launcher and look though the server list. Some of the servers have website linked into the launcher with their teamspeak info. Yes you may have to look a bit to find it.


Good luck telling all the random people to get and join a teamspeak server.

Servers can have less than the max player count you know. 64 players is a total joke.

I'm sure if the devs look into this they'll figure out a way of it working fine for everyone. Multiple voice channels? Squads? You name it.

Honestly I'm looking forward to when they add back in the 64 vs 64 matches. I know it might not happen but if it did. No one would use the voice chat or even have it turn on. If you feel you need voice chat that badly download teamspeak 3 open the ren-x launcher and look though the server list. Some of the servers have website linked into the launcher with their teamspeak info. Yes you may have to look a bit to find it.

...except even the ones that do dont have faction based channels, so good luck spewing anything team related to the enemy so they can stick a nice big mammy in between your flames and the AGT...that kinda sounded weird, didnt it?

Point is, yes Id probably mute the peeps on a 64 server if they were being idiots and talking about tripping on acid during the game, but that would be my optional choice to do so. Giving the low populated servers the option of having chat and the large servers the option to opt out is better than just not having it for everyone.


You guys chill out. The noobs will die down after a while and it'll be only us die-hards again. At that point, voice chat will be essential.

Here's an idea to make it more efficient: Make a private voice chat feature (where you choose who you want to talk to) and being able to block people if you are sick of hearing them.

UDK does offer an option for voice-chat. I recommend making it an option for servers (DISABLED BY DEFAULT).

Might as well disable global chat by default, right?

If anything it should be a client side option enabled by default. Disabling something by default guarantees most people won't know about it and you yelling "NUKE ON THE TOP OF THE WF" when nobody's disarming will go unnoticed.

UDK does offer an option for voice-chat. I recommend making it an option for servers (DISABLED BY DEFAULT).

Might as well disable global chat by default, right?

If anything it should be a client side option enabled by default. Disabling something by default guarantees most people won't know about it and you yelling "NUKE ON THE TOP OF THE WF" when nobody's disarming will go unnoticed.

Agreed. Make the voice chat option on by default on the server and just give the client the option to turn it on/off globally.


If text chat is too slow then consider that a strategic point. If someone can get the drop on you so hard you can't type or hit a voice command then they deserve to keep some momentum and not just get stonewalled because you can hold down mouse4 and tell everyone on your team where they are.

Plus the other problem with voice chat in strategic games is when it is implemented the chat box gets neglected by everyone and people are almost required to use voice.

I'd say just make text chat have some sort of indication instead of just being stuck in a corner for no one to see.

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