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Renegade X will come with an (optional) external Serverbrowser tool. The tool has the ability to display a webpage inside of it based on the currently selected server. So this way serverowners can provide up to date info on their communitys and servers directly within the external Serverbrowser. You could do a special page for this or just link to your homepage.

In order to qualify for this pls post the URL of the website you want to show and the IP your server will have in this topic. If the URL doesent contain Porn or other shit we will then register it together with the IP on the masterserver so that it will get distributed to the clients.


- Javascript will not be supported for the serverpages but it will support HTML 5 features

- The Page can contain hyperlinks. When clicked those links will be opened up in the default system browser


Uhm not to start a discussion, but might to consider: As user of the server-list, I guess it might be better to have a banner showed instead of a webpage, but I might played to much Battlefield.

This is not an attack on your serverlist, since the current one does rock. Please consider it as an advise from a noob.


This is to try something new and to give serverowners more possibilities to keep people informed. A Banner is very limited in that regards. The site will be displayed below the serverlist and you can make it as visible/invisible as you want by sliding it in or out of view.


Website : http://shrpgaming.com

IPs: (current)

Not sure if you need all the possible IP's as well so... - (reserved for SHRP) (reserved for SHRP) - (reserved for SHRP)


*If using a hostname will not work then ignore this as using my IP will not be suitable.

Any particular reason why?

Well I have a dynamic IP but for my domain I'm using a Dyn Standard DNS so everything works out for that excluding a direct IP connection without looking up my IP at the time. Business Internet here is horrible pricing for the bandwidth... :/

*EDIT: I am finding some info that points to the Lease on Rogers Dynamic IP's to be vary long and rarely change... so If that's the case:


*If using a hostname will not work then ignore this as using my IP will not be suitable.

Any particular reason why?

Well I have a dynamic IP but for my domain I'm using a Dyn Standard DNS so everything works out for that excluding a direct IP connection without looking up my IP at the time. Business Internet here is horrible pricing for the bandwidth... :/

*EDIT: I am finding some info that points to the Lease on Rogers Dynamic IP's to be vary long and rarely change... so If that's the case:

I highly suggest renting a dedicated server from a datacenter I doubt a home connection will work well for Renegade X Or at least a VPS.(Needs to be a windows server though.)


I may have to go that route but my connection here is pretty strong, it should be able to handle running 1 server with regulation my upload, if there were to be an issue, I can go to the next package and It would work good.

the most I would have to do is to from hosting a 48 player to a 32 player server.

EDIT: I will be going to a package that doubles my upload speed. I will be alright, expecting to host at least a 48 player server.


renx.area-community =

{GER}#1|64P|Area of Gaming|aog-com.net| IP: renx.area-community.net:7710

{GER}#2|64P|Area of Gaming|aog-com.net | IP: renx.area-community.net:7720

{GER}#3|40P|Area of Gaming|aog-com.net | IP: renx.area-community.net:7730

{GER}#4|40P|Area of Gaming|aog-com.net | IP: renx.area-community.net:7740

{GER}#5|32P|Area of Gaming|aog-com.net | IP: renx.area-community.net:7750

{GER}#6|32P|Area of Gaming|aog-com.net | IP: renx.area-community.net:7760

{GER}#7|28P|Area of Gaming|aog-com.net | IP: renx.area-community.net:7770

{GER}#8|28P|Area of Gaming|aog-com.net | IP: renx.area-community.net:7780

{GER}#9|16P|Area of Gaming|aog-com.net | IP: renx.area-community.net:7790

{GER}#10|16P|Area of Gaming|aog-com.net | IP: renx.area-community.net:7100

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