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Well 3/5 you answered I had already previously found the answer to, but thank you for the answers to the other questions.

I wasn't aware that jumping also depleted energy, so that is new news to me.

Any answers on the other questions please?

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Free-aim update please - will all infantry be able to use this, and can you still assign it to any button?


Sniping - will sniping be just as easy as it is in Renegade? Meaning no hip-fire spread and 4 shots per reload for both the SR and Ramjet?

no. there will be spread, and the weapons will behave diffrently. think of bullet travel and stuff, can't say too much, though. sorry :)

Airstike update please - Will this definitely be in the game, and will it have the effects stated in the pre-alpha podcast video?

I would recommend you to stick to the info you've received by recent posts and video's. but you can count on it, yes.

Will glitches like 2 man wall hopping that have become a core component of Renegade's gameplay be removed?

yes. those glitches/bugs were never supposed to be part of C&C Renegade, and will not be here.

What will the anti-cheat system in Renegade X be like? Is it highly secure, or will moderators/administrators be highly relied on to catch and rid cheaters?

Right now we're mostly relying on the anti-cheat measures the UDK already has. a few additions are being made for it though.

Will the reticle change colors when targeting an enemy or friendly structure like they do in Renegade?

I am pleased to say, yes :)

Will SBH's kick up snow/dirt/water, and will they move bushes and shrubbery when passing through them?

you will have to find out by playing the upcoming release, sorry :)

Will there be screen shake by default, or will explosions simply move enemies?

I actually have no idea about that one. maybe you can find a hint about it in the new trailer.

Any new vehicles at all?
Fobby[GEN]":1jja95kz]Players will be able to manage their own economies, choose from over 30 weapons, 15 vehicles, and call in nuclear strikes, Ion Cannons, and airstrikes, and much more.

we'll, let's count with me for that!

Buggy, Nod APC, Mobile Artillery, Light Tank, Flame Tank, Stealth Tank, Nod Transport Helicopter, Apache, Hum-Vee, GDI APC, MRLS, Medium Tank, Mammoth Tank, GDI Transport Helicopter, Orca.

that makes for... 15 vehicles! nope, no new vehicles you can drive.

Why is the health status of units displayed so far above their heads? Why not slightly above or even below?

Does it even matter? if you can clearly see your enemy's health, that's enough right? :P

I have a few more, but i assume this is overwhelming enough for one post. Any official answers would be greatly appreciated, thank you!

oh come on, you can ask us anything you want! give it the best you've got! :D


What about the tech buildings and the vehicle queue mechanics? Any word on that?

As for the health status; it's more a visual nuisance because of the unappealing quality it has at its current position. If I'm shooting at a target, I don't want to have to take my eyes several inches above that target just to see the health. Those several inches could mean you miss the next quick move or miss something else happening in front of you. I suppose it's not a huge bother, but theoretically could get rather annoying.

And I was aware of the 15 current vehicles in Renegade. I was just wondering if the "over" in Fobby's message applied to the vehicle count as well or not. Thanks for clearing that up for me.

I'm also very happy to hear about free-aiming making a full return. Is it very similar to Renegade's free-aim? I'm also admittedly rather concerned that this will bring back "wall hugging;" is there anything being done to counter that?

Just as happy with the spread of weapons update as well, but I do hope that different weapons will have different spreads; in order to keep a natural balance while keeping functionality and price in mind.

As for the airstrike - I know it will be undisarmable and have a decent spread of damage to vehicles and infantry in it's area when deployed, but that's really it. Is it something that needs to be planted, thrown, or placed? How long will it take for the airstrike to take effect from deployment? Visually, how will this look? I'm picturing some sort of device you plant into the ground that emits some sort of colored smoke for the aircraft to spot, and for the enemy team to know to clear out.

Good news on the glitches being removed. Just hope not too many new ones come up, and when they do they are fixed relatively quickly :).

I remember reading somewhere that infantry may be "thrown around" a bit by tank splash. I think that may be a bit of a gameplay fault though, and it could really ruin infantry's effect; especially if a vehicle is splashing inside a tunnel (which inevitably happens every Renegade match). I find that servers in Renegade that have removed the screenshake in Renegade have also found their player count increase, and the vast majority of people were happy with the change. I hope that is taken into consideration for Renegade X.

Thanks for the answers, and as always, keep 'em coming ;).

Edit: Rather important game changing question here:

I feel as if sprinting and dodging change a lot about the gameplay in Renegade. Some of the maps are remakes of the original maps though. I'm worried that you will be able to bypass base defenses much more easily with these in place. For example, on Field, I feel as if sprinting to a light post to avoid the obelisk hitting you would be rather easy to do, and therefore is potentially a game changer because you can much more easily get inside a building to destroy it. Is this a legitimate concern, or has the Renegade X team already taken this into consideration and done countermeasures (if so, could you explain those)?


You will have an energy "bar", each second you run or each jump will cost some energy. Energy will be slowly be refilled over time.

Would be nice if there were server flags to determine how things like this work. Renegade was an arcade game, removing too much of what made it an arcade game won't work out for the better. Any "improvements" beyond what scripts.dll added should at the most be optional in the initial release.


You will have an energy "bar", each second you run or each jump will cost some energy. Energy will be slowly be refilled over time.

Would be nice if there were server flags to determine how things like this work. Renegade was an arcade game, removing too much of what made it an arcade game won't work out for the better. Any "improvements" beyond what scripts.dll added should at the most be optional in the initial release.

Trust me, IF THERE ARE changes, then they're fitting in perfectly fine.

  • Totem Arts Staff
What about the tech buildings and the vehicle queue mechanics? Any word on that?

Vehicle queue is quite straight forward - the vehicles are constructed in the order they were purchased. No more wasting time in front of the PT.

As for tech buildings, it looks like we will be starting off with capturable Tiberium silos, then pushing the other tech buildings for future versions.

I'm also very happy to hear about free-aiming making a full return. Is it very similar to Renegade's free-aim? I'm also admittedly rather concerned that this will bring back "wall hugging;" is there anything being done to counter that?

Free aim ("V" button) is not yet in.

As for the airstrike - I know it will be undisarmable and have a decent spread of damage to vehicles and infantry in it's area when deployed, but that's really it. Is it something that needs to be planted, thrown, or placed? How long will it take for the airstrike to take effect from deployment? Visually, how will this look? I'm picturing some sort of device you plant into the ground that emits some sort of colored smoke for the aircraft to spot, and for the enemy team to know to clear out.

Airstrikes are initiated with binoculars. You have to zoom in, paint the target area, and a laser pointer will aim towards the centre for 5 seconds. Mid ranged. Players cannot move in those 5 seconds without re-initiating the process. The laser is visible to all players, but it's not easy to notice and it does not usually "give it away".

We did consider other methods (beacons, flares) but the binoculars and lasers worked best.

It takes a few seconds for the plane(s) to come in, they then strike the targeted radius. We're liking how the airstrikes work with the gameplay. They are not always successful - timing and luck is everything - but they can be successful in keeping the gameplay dynamic.

I remember reading somewhere that infantry may be "thrown around" a bit by tank splash. I think that may be a bit of a gameplay fault though, and it could really ruin infantry's effect; especially if a vehicle is splashing inside a tunnel (which inevitably happens every Renegade match). I find that servers in Renegade that have removed the screenshake in Renegade have also found their player count increase, and the vast majority of people were happy with the change. I hope that is taken into consideration for Renegade X.

There isn't too much screenshake or "throwing around" in Renegade X currently. There was a little more in the UT3 version, if you played that. Most of the throwing around is when you die.

Posted (edited)

In addition to and anonymous. The latest video also shows the airstrikes a bit. Its hard to see, but on the islands part you see a gdi tank fly (00:45). Right afterwards you see an a-10 appear, use an heavy machine gun destroying a stealth tank and disappear. Later you see a rocket officer look at an c-130 flying over, shooting with an on-board howitzer cannon (01:01). It damages several tanks, but it is hard to see how much.

The A-10 seems to do a lot of specific damage, probably on a small line. The C-130 seems to linger longer, fire less accurate and has a slower fire, but has a larger area of effect and explosions where he hits.

In addition to Cirex. The energy bar depletes a bit with every "special" action. Running, jumping and dodging.

Also, sbh's would be virtually undetectable when stealthed, unless shot or at closed range. No sound or water splashing I understand.

The rest is sufficiently answered by people with much more knowledge then me. Hope this answers most! Ill get the times for the video when the airstrikes hit later.

Edited by Guest

The A-10 seems to do a lot of specific damage, probably on a small line.

The A-10 also drops bombs but you cant see that in the vid (or only if you look very close) as the vid cuts away before the bombs hit the ground (cause we didnt want too long scenes in the trailer).


The A-10 seems to do a lot of specific damage, probably on a small line.

The A-10 also drops bombs but you cant see that in the vid (or only if you look very close) as the vid cuts away before the bombs hit the ground (cause we didnt want too long scenes in the trailer).

That is so cool. I did the video frame by frame at the airstrikes part, but I missed that. Aaaaaaand another time watching the video.

btw the timing of the music and the video is very excellent! I'm glad you didn't add the bombs, as it would have destroyed the timing. The only thing I thought could be better was the end. Maybe an ion strike in the middle of a battle field instead of just an empty part with only the airstrip. The rest was just a perfect 10.

Edit: I can't see the bombs falling. Maybe I'm just not seeing it or the screen shake and the explosion prevent me from seeing it.

Vehicle queue is quite straight forward - the vehicles are constructed in the order they were purchased. No more wasting time in front of the PT.

That much I understood. My question is what does that mean for when 1 player gets bored and starts spamming off humvees? Will the game let him continue to do that?

As for tech buildings, it looks like we will be starting off with capturable Tiberium silos, then pushing the other tech buildings for future versions.

Interesting. How do you capture it?

Free aim ("V" button) is not yet in.

Will it be for the first release?

That's an interesting and really neat idea with the airstrikes. It sounds like it would work effectively with the gameplay of Renegade too.

Good news with the screenshake too. As far as I'm concerned, the less there is, the better.

Really hoping for free-aim to be available though. I hate how easy hugging is in Renegade, but even when not hugging, I'm a player who always uses free-aim in every infantry situation.

Vehicle queue is quite straight forward - the vehicles are constructed in the order they were purchased. No more wasting time in front of the PT.

That much I understood. My question is what does that mean for when 1 player gets bored and starts spamming off humvees? Will the game let him continue to do that?

Theres no limitation for that atm but we could easily add one so that you are only allowed to queue up 3 vehicles every 3 minutes or something. But if someone really wants to be a douchbag you also have the option to place a kickvote against him. If more than 50% vote for kicking him he will be kicked and cant rejoin the server till next map.


Sounds good, thank you. Personally, I think it'd be handy if some sort of priority system were in place. So a player can buy as many tanks as he wants (thinking about marathon mode and a player buying mass tanks for his team), but if he has bought a vehicle in the past 60 seconds and another player chooses to buy a vehicle then as well, the 2nd player would take priority. Just a thought.

So for example:

Player 1 buys 4 vehicles in a row.

Player 2 buys 1 vehicle while the 2nd vehicle is being built for Player 1.

Player 2's vehicle then takes priority over Player 1's vehicle queue, and his vehicle is the next built.

Player 1's remaining 2 vehicles are then the next in queue, assuming no one else decides to buy a vehicle.

With 60 seconds upon last vehicle built being the set time for the priority system.

(I do understand that server bots will likely be editable, but by default this would be a good feature).

Will "X" (180 spin) be making a return?

Vehicle queue is quite straight forward - the vehicles are constructed in the order they were purchased. No more wasting time in front of the PT.

That much I understood. My question is what does that mean for when 1 player gets bored and starts spamming off humvees? Will the game let him continue to do that?

Theres no limitation for that atm but we could easily add one so that you are only allowed to queue up 3 vehicles every 3 minutes or something. But if someone really wants to be a douchbag you also have the option to place a kickvote against him. If more than 50% vote for kicking him he will be kicked and cant rejoin the server till next map.

I foresee a problem. How do you know when your vehicle is being build? Do you get an announcement when they start building? If there are a lot of enemy snipers, its good to know when to run. Also nice to know to which vehicle, so maybe a special colour if you target it (eg. blue?). Less confusion, more real gameplay.

Just a thought


About the airstrikes. Im wondering about the damage to buildings. There are plenty of maps where you can get to middle range from a building. What if you make a rush from it? 5 seconds to put it down, 0 to disarm vs 10 to put it down and 30 (?) To disarm. It seems not fair if you just rush with 5-8 persons and blast a building by standing stil for 5 seconds.

Example. Field and NOD goes in full defence. They dispatch 5-8 sbh's with airstrikes before the camp outside is fully developed. They then strike the wf with great ease, as barely anyone around can spot them and stop them. In Field, the game is practically over.

5-8 people might be a lot for the field example, but NOD should be able to defend. Especially with the extra people that servers can now accommodate.

In other maps they might even be a strike team, serving a purpose in the fight directly in addition to the strike. Some pathways are easy at times or easy to go to with an apc for example. In complex you could take out the airstrip and the hon from the right side viewed from gdi. Its less/equally expensive than the apc ion rush, but with MUCH less danger and much more inevitable.

Ps. 5-8 airstrikes is just an example. It might work perfectly in practice as both parties can do it and the spread etc is different. It is just a concern that defense might become too hard and some attacks unreasonably easy.


Will the health be at a more realistic health or just like renegade you have shit loads like 5 head shots with a auto-rifle would not kill you. What is it like 200 health and 100 armor or reversed I can't remember.(obviously unless you scaled them to renegade the health and armor amounts don't mean anything.)

In my opinion the health should be higher then other games but not as high as it is in renegade I think it's just a bit much.

keep up the good work with the fantastic game you guys are creating!

Same health I would assume. It's classified as an arcade game because it's really not all that realistic. It just makes for good gameplay.

Well I just feel the health is a bit obnoxious and in the original renegade sniper rifles were unbelievably unbalanced when it came to all other weapons.(besides the volt and laser chain gun of course.)


Sniper rifles apparently now have a weapon spray, meaning it will be harder to aim with them without scoping. Lowering the health of units would just make the other guns kill units faster, not the sniper rifles kill any slower. If you're looking to adjust the balance of sniper rifles, you'd be looking to nerf the sniper in some way; not decrease the health of units.

Sniper rifles apparently now have a weapon spray, meaning it will be harder to aim with them without scoping. Lowering the health of units would just make the other guns kill units faster, not the sniper rifles kill any slower. If you're looking to adjust the balance of sniper rifles, you'd be looking to nerf the sniper in some way; not decrease the health of units.

I totally agree. The health should not be lower, as it would change the core of the game too much. Long fights in comparison of other games is one of the distinct characteristics of Renagade. I think the length of fights is perfect the way it is. If you want the fights to be much quicker like BF of COD, you can create the mods yourself when it is released.

If the snipers are less accurate that is enough for me. The machine guns are actually pretty good at killing even at range if you shoot at head hight. Although the effectiveness of machine guns is lessened like the sniper rifles with a higher spread than before, it will probably be less of a problem than with snipers. The snipers will be much more a long range weapon as intended, while the machine guns will be the kings of close to medium ranged fights.

Fobby[GEN]":3gftn3xy]Massive update to the first post.

If I can do 2 extra suggestions;

- add a link to the video explaining the basics on top.

- the question about AI is still unclear. It has a half finished sentence: "Those who have played C&C Renegade know that its bots were as dumb as a rock, in fact a server admin will be able to set up a system where bots fill empty spots on both teams until real people join, then they'll take one of the bots' places."

  • 2 weeks later...


Was just wondering if GDi and Nod APCs' will have any variance in performance? I.E. will one turn/handle better and/or have acceleration top speed than the other? This being as GDi-s' APC runs on tracks, while Nods' uses wheels? Or will they be the same across the board except for style [may have been just me but always felt Nods APC was a little nippier, while GDis' turned better...but could just be me].

Also will the Orca and Apache handle differently due to one being helicopter aqnd the other a jet VToL? I.E. Apache more stable in air while Orca is faster?

As for the Chinook, I'm guessing as its the same aircraft for both sides it will handle the same, which makes seeing as it is the same craft used by both [as before .

Thanks for making an awesome game and hope to hear answers soon.

  • Totem Arts Staff

APCs handle identically. Apaches and Orcas also fly the same way, both of them are VTOL and the Orca is designed to behave like a helicopter (and was even referred to as a helicopter in C&C 95). However, the Apache and Orca have different missiles and guns. The Apache is more machine-gun focused, while the the Orca is more rocket-focused.

The Chinook has a passenger chaingun on each side.


Wow, that fast a reply? Heh.

Also will the attack buggy's, Humvee, and transport copters chainguns be the same, or will they differ in power or range etc.

I presume Renegade-x will have option to set up listen server games on a lan network? And will all the talk about bots, will there be option to play player vs bots games?

Thanks and bring on 26/2/14!

  • 4 weeks later...

Hey guys, c&c renegade veteran here. And by that I mean I played it quite often a few years ago.

Anyway, been following this for a while and I'm really excited about the release. But at the same time I am a bit concerned about a bunch of things that may make this really underwhelming like Black Dawn was (no offence, but it was bad).

Mainly I noticed that you took the more realistic approach to color schemes, camo and general unit visibility. It's understandable that back in the days of Renegade there wasn't much detail in the environment because of hardware limitations and you could easily distinguish units and vehicles.

Renegade X instead has lots of different environmental props such as trees, rocks etc. Also the colors seem to be much less saturated on units.

So my question is - is it harder to spot enemies on the field than in the original?

Another concern I have is animations. By god, I really hope you got decent character animations because the default unreal ones were unbearable.

Same goes for weapon animations, the black dawn pistol fire animation was awful.

Also from the latest trailer it seems that weapons bobble around when you move (as they should) but don't display any sort of recoil animation while moving which looks a bit off. (


I guess the question is - will those be addressed or changed in any way?

Those are just minor concerns regarding an amazing looking game that I'm eagerly waiting forward to.


I dont think many of the basic game mechanics are changing much (especially the animations) from Black Dawn.

The only issue I can think of as far as visibility is concerned is the excessive smoke effects (something I definitely had issue with in Black Dawn). But to address the color question, I fail to see what the problem is. Even if the yellow GDI tanks blend in with the background a bit on one or two maps (red tanks probably arent an issue), Id say just deal with it since you also have the HUD displayed around units youre looking at.

I really think youre focusing a bit too much on mundane details. If you truly want perfect realism, I think youve got the wrong game; go play some CoD or BF.

Will there be recommendations?

These will have to be implemented by server hosts.

Will there be a possibility to protect the own ingame nick ? Something like a Xwis account for the old renegade. Or is that already done with the registration on this forum ?

We are looking into this, but don't expect player accounts with the initial open beta release.

If I am able to run Unreal Tournament 3 flawlessly, is this a good indication Ren-X will perform well? I assume they run on the same engine?

More or less, yes.


Will the map editor be avaible for the public at some point?


Not sure if any of these has been answered but I've got a few questions.

-Will maps have basic weapon spawns (auto rifles, shotguns, etc.)?

I remember under had weapon spawns on either side by the bunkers, not sure if it was a server feature or global feature.

-Will you be able to harv-walk?

Pretty self explanatory.

-What kind of crates will the open beta have, and what crates are you planning to add in the future?

It's been mentioned before that there are character crates, vehicle crates, death crates, money crates and spy crates but I'm wondering if you have any more planned as the server I used to play on had a few extra ones like stealth (that would add the sbh effect to your character), butter fingers (that would lock your weapons and only let you use your pistol) and a nuke crate (that would kill you but also create an explosion around you).

-What is the possibility of someone remaking a classic map to look just like in renegade and it making into the final game?

For example have an extra map in the game called c&c_under2k that would be just as blocky and use the same old textures from the original game alongside the remade, modern version. Would be a great blast from the past to play the same old map with new buildings, characters and vehicles.

-Also, will "V" or the free-aim return? (locks your camera in place but lets you aim around in third person)


-Also, will "V" or the free-aim return? (locks your camera in place but lets you aim around in third person)

This one is the question I'm interested in most atm. Back in the alpha 0.35 or something, I spoke to Fobby and he promised that free aim is gonna be in the game at some point. I haven't seen it so far in the vids...sooo, yea?

Not sure if any of these has been answered but I've got a few questions.

-Will maps have basic weapon spawns (auto rifles, shotguns, etc.)?

I remember under had weapon spawns on either side by the bunkers, not sure if it was a server feature or global feature.

-Will you be able to harv-walk?

Pretty self explanatory.

-What kind of crates will the open beta have, and what crates are you planning to add in the future?

It's been mentioned before that there are character crates, vehicle crates, death crates, money crates and spy crates but I'm wondering if you have any more planned as the server I used to play on had a few extra ones like stealth (that would add the sbh effect to your character), butter fingers (that would lock your weapons and only let you use your pistol) and a nuke crate (that would kill you but also create an explosion around you).

-What is the possibility of someone remaking a classic map to look just like in renegade and it making into the final game?

For example have an extra map in the game called c&c_under2k that would be just as blocky and use the same old textures from the original game alongside the remade, modern version. Would be a great blast from the past to play the same old map with new buildings, characters and vehicles.

-Also, will "V" or the free-aim return? (locks your camera in place but lets you aim around in third person)

Weapon spawns will likely be editable server side upon release I assume.

Yes you can harvester walk on certain maps, just as in renegade.

Right now the crates you mentioned are the only ones available. I have no doubt that more will eventually be added, though. As far as upon release though, do not get your hopes up for more available options than that. The developers are more worried about fixing the bugs and evening out the balance aspect than adding in many new features/crates at this point, as I am sure you can understand.

I don't think the idea of making an old graphics map on a newer graphics engine is something that the developers would do. Not only that, but making an identical or close to identical map could potentially cause EA to get irritated; which is the last thing needed at this point.

Free-aim has been a constant debate on it's importance. I for one can't even play Renegade without it. The Dev team is intending to add it, but it may or may not be in by the time of the release. Perhaps hearing more regular Renegade players' input will persuade them of the importance though. So by all means, please post your opinion on it :) . "X" or 180 spin is another debate too on whether or not it should be added into the game.


The developers are more worried about fixing the bugs and evening out the balance aspect than adding in many new features/crates at this point, as I am sure you can understand.

Of course. Priorities.

I don't think the idea of making an old graphics map on a newer graphics engine is something that the developers would do. Not only that, but making an identical or close to identical map could potentially cause EA to get irritated; which is the last thing needed at this point.

I though since they already used some things from the original game (such a sounds) it wouldn't be a problem it would be a cool easter egg type map for the veterans.

The reason I asked/suggested this is because I've seen some games do that and it's a great blast of nostalgia. Only one that comes to might now is a bit from the Stanley Parable game that came out not so long ago where *SPOILER* you get thrown into a section of the half life 2 mod with the same name and it's just great, but hey, it was just an idea that came to mind when I was writing this.

Free-aim has been a constant debate on it's importance. I for one can't even play Renegade without it
I agree, there isn't much point in playing third person without it.

Well certain maps are remade and reimagined, and others are inspired off of certain Renegade maps. They have changes and the graphics are much much better though. I just don't think that reverting back to the bad renegade graphics is something that would be done for this game is all.


I have watched a decent bunch of the recent videos people are uploading. I am noticing a lot of players switching between first and third person view frequently, is there a reason for this? Does the game have issues in third person?


I have a question about vehicle cueing. When you cue a vehicle, can you cancel it? For example, you want to do an apc rush. You want to quickly buy an apc as soon as the harvester arrives. That very moment you buy the apc, 2 other apc's are bought and you are third in cue. Seeing as the apc is obsolete for the intended strategy, are you able to cancel it? If so, do you get your money back? This example applies to teams where teamspeak isn't comon mostly, but many other examples can be made to cancel your cued vehicle.

Also, if your weapons factory or airstrip is destroyed with a vehicles in que, are they refunded?

I have watched a decent bunch of the recent videos people are uploading. I am noticing a lot of players switching between first and third person view frequently, is there a reason for this? Does the game have issues in third person?

The third person is, like Sebqt says, for corners and spatial awareness. Edit: some weapons feel nicer in one mode or another too. Its just a matter of choice, making some people like myself swap a lot in battles to see more and to shoot better.

I do get the idea that if you run (a new feat in comparison to mint Renegade), you automatically go to third person view. Also, watching other people is often confusing, as you pay attention in a different way and might miss the intention of swapping between the views, so it seems erratic.

@ the free aim debate. I think it should be left out. My opinion is that third person head shooting is already an abuse. Due to perspective you increase the space where you can hit a head. To use this deliberately is a bad sign. Its like a smaller big head mode. The free aim makes this perspective difference even bigger the further you get to the edges of the screen, making it an unfair advantage for anyone who learns to play with free aim. Not to mention all the glitches in mint Renegade that might occur in X too, in one way or another.


There is no cancelling a vehicle that has already been cued. You must plan accordingly.

I do not believe vehicles get refunded if that building is destroyed. Much like in renegade, if you purchase a vehicle just before the building dies, no refund is given and no vehicle comes. The only difference is the cue system which can potentially make several vehicles have that same effect if no precaution is taken place. I am not 100% certain on this, but as far as I can remember, there is no refund system.

As far as free-aim is concerned, that was never a glitch in renegade. It was intended. It is called angle shooting, and it has the same effect as not using free-aim. If you aim ever so slightly over someone's head in renegade, the dot of the reticle will "snap" down to the head either way. It's the same effect with free-aim, but just more noticeable because of the still camera. Free-aim has its disadvantages as well as advantages, but it does not allow you to glitch shoot. The only time glitching is possible is to target a non-moving stealth enemy, but you can do that without free-aiming too if you know how. The addition of sprint in renegade x also makes the even possibility of that extremely low anyway.

You can see around corners in third person, but you cannot aim down sights. It's personal preference, and a lot of people change it up per character/weapon, or per situation.


@HaTe that's a bummer. No canceling or refund could destroy a team their economy.

I dont think the angle shooting was intended by the creators. Now I'm not saying that is the glitch. Using free aim to shoot through the glass on islands for example, that is a glitch. Using angle shooting to get more headshots is just an abuse. Free aim does enlarge the area where the reticule will snap to the head in respect to normal third person shooting. You do need to aim left or right for that though.


I have suggested a current visible vehicle queue inside the PT to at least let the team know how long their approximate wait is. That way you are aware of the potential risk that your vehicle building may die in that time, and you know how long you will be waiting for your tank.

Glass shooting was fixed by 4.0 and you could do it in first person even. It wasn't a free-aim specific glitch neither.

Free-aim just changes the angle. You still have just as much potential for the reticle to snap as you do without using it.The only difference is that you can control which angle (to a degree) you are shooting from. That doesn't mean you can control the reticle snap, however. It does change whether or not it will snap, but not the probability of it snapping when compared to not using free-aim. Trust me on this one, i've been a scripts beta tester and an elite sniper for a long time - I know how it works to a very high degree. Regardless, renegade x's reticles work differently and don't appear to snap nearly as much. It is also a reticle-per-weapon system, which helps control that too (for sniper classes the reticle is literally just the dot).


Hi guys,

I've got a question about Tiberium fields. I know in the first page of the FAQ it says that there'll be a mixture between c&c 3, tiberium dawn and Renegade tiberium fields, but I've noticed through the several videos I've seen show casing the mod, that the tiberium fields all appear to be c&c 3 style, and there are no tiberium dawn style ones.

I also remember seeing a screenshot or video from earlier in development where the map Field did have TD style tiberium, but the current version of field does not.

Will we be seeing TD style tiberium and blossom trees?

If not what's the reason for not implementing them?


We choose the current tiberium because it looked better to us. Simple as that. We do not care if it is TD tuberium or not, we are not slaves to TD.

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