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  • Totem Arts Staff

Happy Birthday!

On February 26th 2002, Westwood Studios and EA Games released the original Command & Conquer: Renegade. Renegade wasn't an ordinary C&C game - it brought the popular RTS series to ground level as an FPS game with strategy elements. It had a unique multiplayer game mode, and we are seeking to harness that in our game. Due to a lack of support for the game, a weak netcode, several launch delays, glitches and cheats, we believe that C&C Renegade did not get the attention it deserved. Despite all of this, the game is still being played 11 years after its release. The community produced many high qualtiy mods, server-side software, and leagues. And of course, its unique gameplay gave us the enthusiasm and the support to develop Renegade X.

Renegade X began as an Unreal Tournament 3 mod, and we made several beta releases for Unreal Tournament 3 in 2009 and 2010. We then began developing the standalone version of Renegade X. In 2012, we released a 2 hour singleplayer campaign, and we plan on launching the full game sometime in 2013.

Beta Testing Applications

Due to some technical difficulties, we'll be postponing the application process till sometime next week. We are having issues with our forums and we'd like the beta testing forms to be as easy for the applicants as possible. That's why we'll be setting up new forums in the near future.

In the meantime, I'll leave you all with a few things to think about. The purpose of internal beta testing will be to track as many glitches and problems as possible, and get some general feedback. It's not an early means to play the game, it's a serious and sometimes grueling task. Preference will be given to those who have done video game beta testing before, professionally or for indies and mods. We're also looking for community leaders (website owners, clan leaders, community heads, server owners, etc.), mature gamers, long-time Renegade X community members, and people who can dedicate at least a few hours per week. And of course, this is all done for free.

Keep your eyes peeled next week for the application. We will only be accepting applicants for a limited time. Again, we apologize for any inconveniences. Don't eat us alive!

Laser Chaingun

The Nod Laser Chaingun is back, and looking more badass than ever. Check it out:





We've ported and improved one of our personal favourites from the UT3 version. This non-defense beauty looks even better in the UDK:






See you all next time!


Great update once again Fobby, cant wait for the releasee. Also great work on the LCG

Awaiting with patience,



Whew, 11 years! I remember when my friend and I would constantly play the original C&C Renegade and Medal of Honor: Allied Assault every weekend. A lot of fun it was...

As for this, Islands looks amazing! I remember it being one of my favorite maps in Renegade. I can't wait to see it back in action! :cool:

My friends and I are eagerly awaiting the beta although silly midterms are coming up along with a boatload of projects that are more or less our finals. Oh, school life... =S


Ready to test how it looks on 3 screen eyefinity. ;)

My only question and consern is that does UDK and Ren X have some kind of anti cheat system. For a free game like this i could be a problem.

  • Totem Arts Staff

udk and ut3 are pretty much the same, all files (maps / game assets) are cross checked with the server ... no texture pack cheats and added scripts can be used in mp (there are built in cheats like god, fly and such but these will be disabled server side)

any way love the look of islands looks better then tho origanal and the ut3 verson


I would love to be in the beta but I don't want to take away a spot from someone who will put in serious time. A stable game on release day will make the long wait completely worth it. Good luck with the second beta!


So did I miss the beta application window or has it not opened yet? I came here on the day that it was supposed to open but didn't check back until ~10 days later but I don't see anything saying that it had opened or closed.

So did I miss the beta application window or has it not opened yet? I came here on the day that it was supposed to open but didn't check back until ~10 days later but I don't see anything saying that it had opened or closed.

I was wondering the same thing.

I'm not sure if I would have applied, since I hardly have time to play the games I regularly play atm, not to speak of a BETA + giving feedback. Still, i'm so hyped for this game that I would just love to know if there has been some progress in this matter.

Keep up the good work guys! What you have shown so far looks absolutely incredible and you can be sure I will mobilize as mucuh playerbase (and media) as I can once this comes out. Thanks for trying to bring one of my favorite MP games back to live!


Grr i missed it... Been checking the site on a weekly basis waiting for the main post to show applications opened.. Should of really gone through the forums topics lol. Ahh well grts to everybody who gets in hope they help improve the game massively !!


You may still have a chance. In my experience of testing, there are always:

1. Jerks who slip through applications just to have a showcase video on YouTube, and never play it ever again.

2. A few people who have real life incidents that need to leave for a time (or forever)

3. A need to change the line-up of testers.


Don't see how tbh. Totem will just allow people who applied but failed to get in. I haven't even got a application in which is a tad unfair when main page was never updated. But its also my fault for quick glimpsing forums and not noticing the application thread. Just hope the people who are in do a god job finding the problems.


I just really wonder what's gonna happen when I accidentally press the power button on the rifle in the right pic. Will it shut down? But not before it has 3/3 updates installed? Is there going to be a safe mode?

And what are the other buttons? Plus, minus and play? Where's the rewind button?

So many questions...

I just really wonder what's gonna happen when I accidentally press the power button on the rifle in the right pic. Will it shut down? But not before it has 3/3 updates installed? Is there going to be a safe mode?

And what are the other buttons? Plus, minus and play? Where's the rewind button?

So many questions...

That's probably for operating the bullet counter as well as the red dot sight that no one ever uses. lol

  • 8 months later...

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