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  • Totem Arts Staff

3 days till Black Dawn!

Blog 8: Man Kilts!

In order to guide the player through this custom level, we needed our voice actors to enact parts of Black Dawn. What became clear early on was that we needed to invent a special character to guide players on the ground. At first it was just a custom GDI Officer with a green uniform, but in time, we decided that perhaps it was time to introduce a new character to the Renegade universe.


Captain Angus McFarland

McFarland is a jolly heavy-weapons expert famous for his comedic sense of humour in tough times, rosy cheeks, red beard and belly. Of Scottish background, McFarland was best known for his proficiency in golf and his drinking habits. Before joining the military, he owned a fishing business, where he learned to navigate small and large boats in harsh conditions. After he went out of business, he joined the Special Boat Service where he met Nigel "Gunner" Grant, who taught McFarland all he needed to know about the use of shotguns, chainguns, grenade launchers and other weapons.

Although McFarland was infamous for his risky-but-unnecessary tactics, his service record was impressive. In Greece, he single-handedly rescued a captured GDI commander from a Nod-controlled village. Breathalyzer tests confirmed that he was intoxicated throughout the entire mission. Even when he was not in service, he was still on the job: when an underground meeting between two Nod commanders was occurring in Edinburgh, McFarland sneaked into the Nod safehouse dressed as a chef, and served his enemies haggis with explosives hidden in each plate.

After an irresponsible weapons mishandling on a British vessel left 8 soldiers wounded, he was discharged from the SBS. However, he was soon recruited by the GDI because of his proficiency in dealing with high-value targets. He eventually led his own combat team as a Warrant Officer and led many successful assaults against Nod installments in eastern Europe. McFarland coordinated with the Dead 6 on a few special missions, and built a close rapport with Nick "Havoc" Parker.

McFarland constantly disobeys military regulation, but the successes of him and his team have consistently overshadowed his faults. Because of his heavy weapons expertise and thorough experience in search-and-rescue operations, GDI has sent McFarland to the Black Sea alongside Havoc to lead their commando teams through the Nod stronghold.

McFarland will be revisiting Renegade X in the multiplayer release as well!


  • Totem Arts Staff

An exact time is not clear from now, but we will try to have it up on at least two mirrors by the morning of the 28th (EST) and more mirrors throughout the day, as they get approved by IndieDB and other sites.


Will this guy also gonna fit in one of the characters that renegade original had in multiplayer... would he replace some kind of unit like the officer as second skin or something like that?

  • Totem Arts Staff
Breathalyzer tests confirmed that he was intoxicated throughout the entire mission.

hehe that is too much lol

  • Totem Arts Staff
quote_icon.png Originally Posted by Nielsen viewpost-right.png

And remember: "there are no stupid ideas" well... not really, we're not going to make the game pink or put a scotsman in or anything.

i thought you said there wasn't going to be a Scotsman ? i hope there is not a pink thing in there too :(

  • Former Developers
  kenz3001 said:
i thought you said there wasn't going to be a Scotsman ? i hope there is not a pink thing in there too :(

The pink was a reference to the look of the Scotsman.

  • Totem Arts Staff
i thought you said there wasn't going to be a Scotsman ? i hope there is not a pink thing in there too

Guess what, I lied :rolleyes: I hope helping you get to play Black Dawn somewhat compensates for that though haha!

Yeah the pinkness was referring to his skin which is quite pink.. even beyond his cheeks.

He's stuffed to the brim with booze!

  Demigan said:
My guess is that he's going to be char holding the new tactical combat rifle

I hadn't seen the fifth page, holding the tib rifle, ok :)

You bring up a good point though. If McFarland is going to be the Tib Rifle guy, who is going to use the new rifle? Will it be shared by both teams?

  • Former Developers

Close but you're way off. ;) We didn't make it that simple for everyone to figure, it goes much deeper then that. But you shall see when we unveil the MP. :D

  Havoc89 said:
Close but you're way off. ;) We didn't make it that simple for everyone to figure, it goes much deeper then that. But you shall see when we unveil the MP. :D

I haven't seen anyone else who could hold that rifle in the trailers. My only guess now, is that it's a new weapon for Patch to make him more distinctive from the chaingun. Would be a shame about the tib flachette rifle

  Havoc89 said:
Close but you're way off. ;) We didn't make it that simple for everyone to figure, it goes much deeper then that. But you shall see when we unveil the MP. :D

"Goes much deeper than that" makes me think that the new rifle won't be the standard weapon for a character on either team. Since both teams are going to want to use the new weapon, my guess is that on certain maps, one of the capturable buildings will be something like an armory. Once you capture it, you'll have access to a variety of new weapons, including the new rifle...and perhaps a laser designator for the new airstrike? ;)

  • Totem Arts Staff

2 days till Black Dawn!

Blog 9: Work in Progress

We began internally beta testing Black Dawn in June. Beta testing is a necessary process that all games go through, because it gets the project outside of the development bubble and allows others to get an impression on it. You experience other people's first reactions to your game, and see if they're able to follow the game from beginning to end without running into confusion or serious bugs.

In the development process, one must "idiot-proof" his game as much as possible, which means the game must be straight-forward enough for people to figure out on their own without the use of a manual or instructions. This is important with the installation process, the settings page, and moving through the objectives ingame.

In June, Black Dawn was still at an incomplete state, so we were able to gather useful information while we were still in development. We found, tested, and resolved almost 200 glitches, and in the last two months of development, we really polished the experience to the level of what you'd expect in a professional game. The HUD took a lot time to get to the right place - you can read about the HUD in an earlier blog post.

We also had to make sure performance rates were relatively equal in all objectives. Lower-end machines of course may struggle to run Renegade X, which is why I have put the minimum and recommended system specs.


Windows XP SP2 or Windows Vista

2.0+ GHz processor

2 GB system RAM

SM3-compatible video card

4 GB free hard drive space

Recommended :

Windows Vista 64 SP2

2.0+ GHz multi-core processor

4 GB system RAM

NVIDIA 200 series or higher graphics card

Plenty of HDD space

We also added more cinematic elements to the experience as time went by. At first, we were just going to do an intro, middle, and end cinematic. Now, I can say that we have either a cutscene or an ingame "event" in almost every objective, so there's a lot of pretty things to watch in this short singleplayer game. There is almost 15 minutes worth of cinematic content in Black Dawn altogether.

We had to add little objective markers to each part of Black Dawn to keep the player focused on his mission, so every player knows where to go at what time. There are also boundaries that prevent players from going off map.

That's all there is today, sorry I wasn't able to take any pictures for this update, the team is on a very tight schedule. Hopefully we can make it up to you in tomorrow update.

Remember, Renegade X: Black Dawn - singleplayer only - will be released this Saturday! We're aiming to have it up by morning in most timezones.

Take care.


I'm probably wrong here, but If there happens to be a mac client that needs to be tested or something, there might be a few of us that are willing to give it a shot! but chances are it'll run better in boot camp regardless I guess, since most games do =/

I wonder if it can run in wine?

Thanks for being informative by the way!

  limewire3 said:
i hope the mulitplayer is right around the corner :P

You will need to keep hoping then, as that will be a while. :\


my graphic card was fried weeks ago (tasted rather nice though), and I do not have the money, nor the will to buy a new one for this old computer (more then 5 years old now). So I'm going to have to miss the entire experience... Hope you guys post enough walkthroughs on youtube :)


I ask this cause i really don 't know how big is the difference betwen nvidia gtx 260m and nvidia gtx 260 in terms of performance :( . The ram won't be a problem since i have 6gb .


looks like whatever timezone you guys are in is about 6 hours ahead of me. Maybe there is hope for me getting something like a midnight to 2o'clock release if it's posted early enough in the morning!


I'm not certain, but I think he was asking what websites will be offering RenX mirrors.

In any case, I have no doubt all that info will be revealed tomorrow morning.

  • Totem Arts Staff


Blog 10: Black Done

We'd like to thank our dedicated community for following Renegade X all these years. The Black Dawn campaign was completed yesterday, and we expect to be releasing Renegade X: Black Dawn within 24 hours. Right now, we're trying to get the campaign on a few mirrors, so hopefully we can run into minimal issues this release. More mirrors will be posted every few hours and days.

For most of us, Black Dawn was the first custom singleplayer to develop. Creating any singleplayer game takes a lot of work from all departments, especially since we wanted to refine what has already been developed for the UT3 version of Renegade X. We wanted to begin coding with a fresh foundation and throw out most of our old code, because only with an organized coding structure can a game avoid serious replication issues and other bugs that make a game a dealbreaker. Black Dawn also gave us the opportunity to redo the weapons and vehicles, and tinker with the artwork, camera angles, weapon projectiles, audio, and secondary fires. We've also added things like morph targets for vehicles, which allow you to see physical damage on a vehicle as it is induced.

I can confidently say that everything in Black Dawn, from art to audio to function, is different and better than how it was in the UT3 Renegade X. Even though Black Dawn is just a singleplayer, even a short one, it has still given us the proper launching pad to get back into multiplayer and deliver a kickass game.

In this time, the team itself has also matured - we've learned to pull together on tight schedules and get a lot of work done. Black Dawn has given us all the experience of working on a singleplayer campaign, and now with both multiplayer and singleplayer experience, Totem Arts is more ready than ever to bring the best, most high-quality free multiplayer game you can find. The past year and a half has also given us time to think about the future, and how we'd like the new Renegade X to look and feel. While the UT3 version was almost a carbon-copy of the original C&C Renegade, we'd like to explore more this time around, and do things differently. We want Renegade X to be the spiritual successor to the original game - so it will be like it, but different in some ways, and modernized overall. That's the inspiration behind a few things you'll see in Black Dawn - the stress metre, sprinting, dodging, recoil, gun emplacements, night vision, aircraft, and much more.

We'll be updating you guys on multiplayer very soon. We're excited to show you what we've been marginally working on, as none of it has seen the light of day.

See you all at the release thread! Hope you enjoyed these 10 days of development blogs.





oh lord when will they release it?

it's already the 28th january in germany :P

will it take approximately 6 or 12 hours until release? :o

i think it's in evening where the renegade x guys life

if you give me a download link i can also make some mirrors wherever you want, got fast internet :D



btw. the OST is just awesome i prefer track 12 "Blinded"

greetings fromy germany,


  • Totem Arts Staff

It's not the 28th in our timezone :P And we never said midnight release. Be patient, we're working hard to get it up as soon as possible. Complaining about it won't make it come faster.


sorry if i annoyed you, it wasn't a "real" complaining :rolleyes:

my offer was serious. if you want i help you making mirrors for example on rapidshare, it has unlimited speed for free users :cool:

that could relieve you a bit

it seems that your site is buggy somehow

posting and editing doesn't work for me with opera after the first time and with firefox i'm only able to post. just saying :)

  Sturmflut said:
oh lord when will they release it?

it's already the 28th january in germany :P

will it take approximately 6 or 12 hours until release? :o

i think it's in evening where the renegade x guys life

if you give me a download link i can also make some mirrors wherever you want, got fast internet :D



btw. the OST is just awesome i prefer track 12 "Blinded"

greetings fromy germany,


Really sync 100Mbit connection!? I hate Köln for that :)

All I can get here (and I can afford) is a 100Mbit Down / 2.5Mbit up....


well i'm studying since a few months in Mainz, and i life in a residental home for students on the campus

so in the night, if there's nobody in the internet i can download with 12 mb/s :)

idk the exact upload, inside the university network i can upload up to 6 mb/s

if the speedtest is right (and i think it is) i have an upload speed of 6 mb/s generally, but i think most servers doesn't support that upload speed :P

in my hometown i have DSL 384 kbit... so if i downloaded at fullspeed (45 kb/s) it took 35 minutes for 100 mb :P... so the last 5 years where terrible^^

in mainz it's about 10 seconds for 100 mb. that rocks :cool:

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