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5 Months now since the latest Trailer. No updates, no news on the game during that time.

Will there ever be a standalone Renegade X or is the game going to die?

  • Totem Arts Staff

well as a tester i would say its coming "soon"

5 months is not a long time to tell you the truth and you honestly think that the devs have not been working on it ... 5 months of no updates should tell you that its getting worked on ... this mod is not like other mods *cough*Reborn*cough* that say thay are doing stuff and then puts it on the backburner or how ever long

Black Dawn will be here "soon" i would think, but as the Dev's have said its a steping stone to the full UDK (standalone) multiplayer build that lots of people are eagerly awaiting and some people seem to think will be presant in Black Dawn ... i dout that !

please dont "Bitch" about lack of updates coz "whining" gets you no were it ... tell you the truth the less thay talk about means the more you will enjoy it :)

its more alive than you think :D


As Kenz mentioned above, Renegade X is nowhere near dying. In fact, we're currently testing Black Dawn.


Just saying...


O be quiet jam.

From a non-tester perspective this looks weird with no news and a slow forum post count it seems like the project is dead.

Either way we still love what progress we have seen for ourselves.!!!


while I can understand the anxiousness as it's safe to say we all want to see this finished and play it, there was a screenshot posted in the WIP thread a month ago. I wouldn't call that no updates in 5 months, just sit tight.

but yeah basically "amg amg soon enough isn't soon enough gimmie nao"

  • Former Developers

Well the reason why there are no updates is because there is no real information that we want to disclose about BD. Think about it, we've already said that black dawn is a short single player demo with one really long mission which takes place on an island where gdi is going in to rescue mobius. If we say anymore, we'd end up ruining the entire experiance, and thats the last thing we want to do because that "experiance" of playing the short campaign is what we've worked so hard on.

We COULD talk about the multiplayer but we dont want to have people then expect to see a MP element in BD because we made a news post about multiplayer. So we're taking it one step at a time. We're not rushing UDK versions like we did with the Unreal Tournament 3 versions. We're taking our time to get everything working nicely and polished, even if that means it takes a few extra months of elbow greese.


To be honest, I prefer no updates and be 'suprised' of what comes on a random day. Why would you want to see stuff and get yourself excited for another year without being able to play, I don't want that.

Also, I prefer a 'full compleet game' than a 'rushing to release game'. There have been games that got released way too early which comes with bugs, unrealistic stuff and ugly models.

Keep it going Dev team, behind the scenes it is ;)


its more alive than you think :D

Fair enough, it's good to hear the mod is still alive. Now take a look at the forums over the past 5 months, would you say the same about the community?

I hate to be a buzzkill. But an insufficient amount of players will spoil even the best of online games. I'd recommend posting at least something progress related in the news feed every once in awhile. Communication is a big thing.

I'm not really complaining, so much as I am pointing out a problem right now that is being differed : The huge drop in activity, as evident by typical players online and forum activity, is very significant to the "success" of this game. And I'm sure all of you can figure out the reason for the sharp decline in community activity, despite no one really saying it bluntly.

That said, I appreciate the time that the Totem Arts team has put into making this mod. Whether there are people to play it with or not. We all have a cult appreciation for Renegade. That is why we are all here, afterall.

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